The world in which not only people's occupations and life or death, but also human emotions are controlled.
The world in which what people do for living, fate, and even human sentiments are totally out of their control.
The world in which not only people's occupations and life or death, but also emotions are controlled.
The world in which what people do for living, fate, and even human sentiments are totally out of their control.
occupation = 職業
life or death = 生死
fate = 運命/生死
sentiment = 感情
suppress = 抑圧する
out of control = 制御される
以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
- "A world where not only people's occupations and life or death, but also their emotions are controlled."
- "A world where everything from peoples' jobs and fate to their emotions are controlled."
- "A world where not only people's occupations and life or death, but also their emotions are controlled."
直訳すると、「人々の職業や生死だけでなく、感情までもが制御されている世界」となります。この場合、「not only ... but also」は、「...だけでなく...も」という意味で使われます。
- "A world where everything from peoples' jobs and fate to their emotions are controlled."
このフレーズでは、「everything from ... to」は「...から...まで全て」という意味を持ちます。