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  • I had a tough day. / It was a tough day.

  • I had a rough day. / It was a rough day.

  • I had a long day. / It was a long day.

These are some common ways to say that you had a difficult or busy day. If you want to mention feeling sick, you could say: "I felt bad/sick all day." "I have a cold, so it was a long day..."
これらは、辛かったり忙しい1日だったというときによく使うフレーズです。 もし体調が悪かったことを言いたければ、このように言えます。 I felt bad/sick all day. I have a cold, so it was a long day... 例文 "I had a hard time today because of my illness." 私は病気のせいで、今日は困難な時間を過ごしました。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • It was a tough day.

  • I had a rough day.

  • I felt terrible all day.

「つらい」と言いたいときには、この二つがいいでしょう。 英訳1 It was a tough day. 英訳2 I had a rough day. 病気でつらいという時には、こんな言い方も可能です。 英訳3 I felt terrible all day. 「terrible」で「とても不快な、嫌な」という意味です。 いかがでしょうか。 ご参考になりましたら幸いです。
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • It's been a long day.

  • I've had a long day.

★ 訳 どちらも「大変な(長い)一日だった」 ★ 解説  ある日の終わりに、その日一日を振り返って言うときには現在完了を使っていうことがよくあります。  また a long day というのは日本語の「長い一日」と同じで、一日の時間が30時間になったというような意味ではなく、「長く感じる(ほどに大変な)一日だった」という意味です。  ご参考になりましたでしょうか。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • I've been put through the wringer today.

The wringer refers to an old fashioned washing machine and if you been through it you've had a hard day.
「The wringer」とは古いスタイルの洗濯機のことを言います。 そして、それを使っていた頃は、1日が大変な日でした。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • I had a really rough day today.

  • It was a tough day.

  • I've got over it.

I had a really rough day today. 今日は本当に大変だった。 really などの強調語でより大変だったを強められます。 today を week/month にすると 辛い1週間/1か月だったと言えますよ。 It was a tough day. 文字通り、辛い日だった という意味。 I've got over it. 乗り越えたよ。 get over は ~を乗り越える、克服する という意味です。 風邪や病気を克服したので、大変だった、今はよくなったということになります。
  • It has been a rough day because I was not feeling well

  • I am not feeling well so it was a difficult day

  • The day felt very long because I am not feeling well

"It has been a rough day because I was not feeling well." Rough is a way of describing a difficult day , and I was not feeling well explains the reason it was difficult or tough was because you are unwell. "I am not feeling well so it was a difficult day" this firstly says you are not feeling well and then says that that is what made your day difficult. "The day felt very long because I am not feeling well." explains that the day felt like it went slowly because you were not feeling well.
"It has been a rough day because I was not feeling well. Roughはその日が大変だったことを説明しています。, I was not feeling well explains the reason it was difficult or tough was because you are unwell. その日が大変だったのは、体調が悪かったからだということを説明しています。 I am not feeling well so it was a difficult day この表現はまず体調が悪かったことを説明し、そのためにその日が大変だったということを 伝えています。 The day felt very long because I am not feeling well.はその日の体調が悪かったので、 1日が長く感じたことを説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. I was under the weather today.

  • 2. It was a crap day.

  • 3. I wasn't feeling myself today.

1. You were not feeling very well today. 2. It was just a bad day, (reason unspecified), SLANG. 3. To feel oneself = To feel comfortable or normal; to be in one's usual mood or state of health. "I hope you don't mind if I cancel our date this afternoon – I just don't feel myself today."
1. 今日とても気分が悪かったです、という表現です。 2. ついてない日だった(理由は不明)というスラングの表現です。 3.To feel oneself = 快適、または普通であると感じる。いつもの気分や健康状態になっている。 "I hope you don't mind if I cancel our date this afternoon – I just don't feel myself today." 「今日の午後にデートをキャンセルするの気にしていなければ良いなぁ。調子が悪いんです今日。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today was a rough day.

  • Today was a tough day.

  • I had a bad day today.

辛い can be translated as rough or tough.
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • It was a nightmare today

  • It was a hard day

  • it was a difficult day today

All phrases are informal and can be used to communicate way to say you had a hard time getting through the day.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Today has been hard.

  • Today was not a good day.

  • I have been feeling rough today.

Today has been hard. - Today has been difficult to get through. Today was not a good day. - Today things have not gone well, things have not gone as planned or bad things have happened. I have been feeling rough today. - This phrase implies sickness. Maybe you have a cold or the flu, or maybe you are feeling hungover from a heavy night of drinking.
Today has been hard. 今日を乗り切ることは大変だったという意味の表現です。 Today was not a good day. 今日は計画にないことや悪いことが起きて良い日ではなかったという意味の表現です。 I have been feeling rough today. 病気であることを意味する表現です。風邪やインフルエンザにかかっているか、ひどい二日酔いだったかもしれません。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I have been unwell the whole day today.

  • It has been a tough day because of the persistent cold.

  • It has been a long day because of continual sneezing.

In the first sentence, the adjective 'unwell' has been used. Being 'unwell' means being ill. If you are ill and you are at work, the day will definitely be rough. So, you may to a friend or your boss: I have been unwell the whole day today. The adjective 'persistent' has been used in the second sentence meaning 'continuing to exist or occur over a prolonged period'. In this case, your day has been tough because the cold has continued to exist for the whole day. So, you may say: It has been a tough day because of the persistent cold. When you have a cold, it will without doubt be accompanied by continual sneezing. The adjective 'continual' means 'forming a sequence in which the same action or event is repeated frequently'. In this case it is the sneezing that has made your day long. So, you may say: It has been a long day because of continual sneezing. .
最初の文で形容詞の 'unwell' が使われています。'unwell' はill(体調が悪い)と同じ意味です。 もし職場で体調が悪い場合大変です。 そのため友人やボスにこのようなことをいうことができます: (英文)I have been unwell the whole day today. (訳)私は一日中体調が悪いのです。 形容詞の 'persistent' は粘り強さ、しつこさという意味です。 この場合は一日中寒かったため大変だったということです。 このように使えます: It has been a tough day because of the persistent cold. 風邪をひいている場合くしゃみが止まりません。 'continual' は継続的という意味です。この場合、止まらないくしゃみのため大変だったということです。 このように使えます: (英文)It has been a long day because of continual sneezing. (訳)くしゃみがとまらないため1日が長く感じた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I feel like shit! / I'm having a shit day!

  • I'm having a bad day. / I'm not feeling well.

  • I'm feeling under the weather.

I'm feeling under the weather. - when the weather is bad outside, we sometimes get sick. People say "I'm feeling under the weather," that means that they aren't feeling very good/could be sick or coming down with something. I feel like shit! - This doesn't mean that you literally feel like poop/defecation; it just means that you feel really bad.
I'm feeling under the weather ー私たちは天候が悪いと、気分が悪くなったりします。 誰かがこのフレーズを行った場合、「気分がよくない」「気分が悪いまたは具合が悪い」ということです。 I feel like shit! - これは、文字通りのことを意味するものではありません。それは単に「気分が悪い」ということを意味しています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • "Today was a very tough day, I felt not very well. I think I may have a cold"

  • "I have had a very tough day today"

  • "I feel terrible today"

If you wanted to express that today was not a very good day and you found it very tough, you could say any of the following: "Today was a very tough day, I felt not very well. I think I may have a cold", "I have had a very tough day today" or "I feel terrible today".
「今日はしんどい一日だった」は次のように言えます。 "Today was a very tough day, I felt not very well. I think I may have a cold"(今日はしんどい一日だった、体調がよくなかった。風邪かもしれない) "I have had a very tough day today"(今日はしんどい一日だった) "I feel terrible today"(今日は体調が最悪)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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