世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/16 15:35
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  • Can I mail you everyday? Will that annoy/bother you?

  • Can we text everyday? Is that annoying?

  • Can I message you on LINE?

気になっている男 = a boy I have a crush on; my crush; a boy I like In this situation, you can use words like "annoy," "bother" and "disturb." If you are using LINE, you can also say: "Can I LINE you?"
気になっている男 = a boy I have a crush on; my crush; a boy I like このようなシチュエーションでは、 annoy 、 bother、 disturb のような言葉を使うことができます。 LINEを使っているなら、 Can I LINE you? と言うことができます。
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • Will you get upset if I message you everyday?

This is an indirect way of asking if he is happy to get a message from you everyday.
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get in touch everyday?

In touch covers all forms of communication.
「in touch」とはすべてのコミュニケーションに当てはまります。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Would it annoy you if I emailed everyday/ if we spoke everyday?

  • Is it okay if I text you?

Would it annoy you if I emailed everyday/ if we spoke everyday? this asks him if it would be okay to email or talk everyday. "annoy" is another word for nuisance. Emailed or spoke can also be changed to text depending on what method of communication you want to use. "Is it okay if I text you? " Asks politely if it is alright for you to text him.
"Would it annoy you if I emailed everyday/ if we spoke everyday? 相手に毎日メールしたり、話しても良いかを尋ねています。 annoyはnuisance(やっかいなこと)と同じ意味です。. Emailedとspokeはコミュニケーションを取りたい方法によってtextにすることもできます。 Is it okay if I text you? 相手にメールをしても良いかを丁寧に尋ねています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A) Would it be ok if we stayed in contact on a daily basis? I really enjoy your company.

  • B) Would it be fine if i texted you regularly ?

Hello :-) I hope this helps! A) Would it be ok if we stayed in contact on a daily basis? I really enjoy your company. *in contact- stay in touch *Daily basis - Everyday *i really enjoy your company -I enjoy talking to you B) Would it be fine if i texted you regularly ? *Fine- ok *Text - Message *Regularly - often/ a lot
こんにちは :-) 回答がお役に立てば幸いです! A) Would it be ok if we stayed in contact on a daily basis? I really enjoy your company.(毎日連絡を取ってもいい?あなたと話すのが楽しいから) *in contact- 連絡を取る *Daily basis - 毎日 *i really enjoy your company -あなたと話すのが楽しい B) Would it be fine if i texted you regularly ?(頻繁にメッセージを送っても大丈夫かな?) *Fine- 大丈夫 *Text - メッセージ *Regularly - 頻繁に/たくさん
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Would it be okay to chat to you everyday? or will it be annoying?

  • I really like your conversation and would like to chat to you everyday.

>Would it be okay to chat to you everyday? or will it be annoying? -> chat - sending text messages to each other. This is asking if it will be fine to be in contact everyday and if it will bother him. >I really like your conversation and would like to chat to you everyday.-> Firstly giving a reason why you want to chat everyday is good and will make him understand more why you want to chat everyday.
>Would it be okay to chat to you everyday? or will it be annoying? -> chat - お互いにメッセージを送り合うこと。これは毎日連絡を取ること、そしてそれが彼を邪魔するかどうかを確認しています。 >I really like your conversation and would like to chat to you everyday.-> まずはじめになぜ毎日連絡を取りたいのかの理由を伝えることは良いし、どうして話したいのかを伝えることができます。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to e-mail and text you every day. Is that fine with you?

  • Would it be fine with you if I texted or e-mailed you everyday?

To some people, being interrupted by text messages or e-mails frequently can be extremely annoying while others might find it to be great fun. However, it depends on what is being said in those text messages and e-mails. So, it is definitely important that you first of all find out if your crush would find it to be great fun or annoying. So, you may ask: I would like to e-mail and text you every day. Is that fine with you? or Would it be fine with you if I texted or e-mailed you everyday?
携帯のメッセージやメールなどに何かを邪魔されることがすごく煩わしいと考える人もいれば、 大いに楽しんでいる人もいます。 ですが、これはメールの内容によりますよね。 ですので、一番最初に必要な事は、あなたの好きな気持ちが相手にとって嬉しい事なのか、 迷惑な事なのか知ることがとても重要になります。 ですので、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例文】 I would like to e-mail and text you every day. Is that fine with you? (毎日あなたにメールしたいです。大丈夫ですか?) Would it be fine with you if I texted or e-mailed you everyday? (毎日メールしたら迷惑ですか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can I email you daily or would this be annoying?

  • Do you mind if I send you daily e-mails?

  • I don't want to annoy you, but I would like to send you daily messages. Is this okay?

It is always a good precaution to check with others when one wants to be in constant contact. The way you pose the question is important as well. You can simply inform them that you don’t want to be an annoyance, but you would really like to be in contact with them on a regular basis. This will allow them to know your wishes and intent which will then allow them to make an informed decision.
常に連絡を取りたいと、相手に確認することはとても素晴らしい事前確認です。 この質問を持ち掛けることもとても重要です。 単に相手にあなたが迷惑をかけたくないけど、 定期的に連絡を取りたいことを伝えることが出来ます。 これによって、あなたの気持ちをあいてにつあえることができ、 相手は詳細な情報を得たうえで決断することが出来ます。
Dezzi DMM英会話講師
  • Can I text you everyday? I do not want to be a bother.

  • Can I text/email?I do not want to bug you.

This is a way you can ask them if they are okay wit you texting them. To bug someone means to annoy someone.So it means you do not want to annoy them.
この表現はメッセージを送ることが大丈夫かどうかを尋ねる方法です。 To bug someoneはその人をいらだたせることです。 つまり、他の人に迷惑をかけたくない事を意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Will I be bothering you if I email you every day?

  • Would it get on your nerves if I send you emails every day?

Well, if you have to ask this question I think you probably already realise that you would be bothering this person by this incessant contact. You may judge his enthusiasm by the speed with which he responds to your messages rather than by asking him directly - however, every relationship is different so who knows what is appropriate in this case? To get on one's nerves - to irritate someone. "The TV was very loud and was getting on my nerves."
この質問をしなければならないのであれば絶え間ない連絡で相手に迷惑をかけることをお気づきなのではないかと思います。彼に直接尋ねるよりも彼の熱意をあなたのメッセージに対する返信の速度で判断する方が良いかもしれません。しかしすべての人間関係は異なるためこの場合に適切な方法は誰もわかりません。 To get on one's nerves - 誰かをいらいらさせること "The TV was very loud and was getting on my nerves." (そのテレビの音量が大きすぎて私をイライラさせていました)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I text you all the time?

  • Can I bug you with texts?

  • Can I text-blast your phone?

to bug someone - this means to bother them; for example, to keep sending someone texts to text-blast someone's phone up - this means to text them nonstop. to blast someone's phone up - this means to constantly call or "spam" someone's phone
"to bug someone" (~を困らせる) - これは誰かを困らせる、という様な意味です。 例えばメールし続けて困らせるなど。 "to text-blast someone's phone up" (~の携帯に大量メールを送る) -これは大量に誰かの携帯に絶え間なくメールするという様な意味になります。 "to blast someone's phone up" (~の携帯に電話をかけつづける) - これはしきりに誰かに電話をかけ続けるや "spam" (スパム)迷惑電話をかける、という様な意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Does it bother you if I message you every day?

  • Does it bother you if I message you daily?

  • Do you mind if I message you daily?

We can talk about sending a message, "every day," or, "daily," to describe the same amount of routine of messaging someone that frequently. We can also ask if it bothers someone to messaged or we can ask if they mind if we message them daily.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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