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でんぐり返しのやり方を子供に教えたいです! 「しっかり床に両手を〜」は“place both hands properly on the floor”、「頭を丸めて」は“curl up your head”、「前にゴロン」は“roll forward”… としか言えませんでした(^^;
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2017/05/16 23:45
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2017/07/04 19:38
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  • Place both hands on the floor, look at your belly button, and roll over.

頭を丸めることが一番大事&それをするだけで勝手にまわるので、 あごを引いて(tuck your chin) 頭と背中を丸めて(tuck your head in and round your back) などが伝わればいいと思いますが、 小さい子供には、おへそを見て(look at your belly button)もわかりやすいと思います。
  • Place your hands on the ground, then put your head between your hands and look at your toes. Push forward with your feet, and roll over.

Safety is important and a phrase like 'Curl up your head' would be good. Another possibility is to say: Please be careful not to damage your head or neck when your roll over."
安全性が重要ですおよね、そのため、Curl up your head:のようなフレーズが良いでしょう。もう一つの言えるとすれば:Please be careful not to damage your head or neck when your roll over."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Place both hands on the ground in front of you resting on your elbows, Place your forehead onto the ground curling your head toward your chest and roll forward.

  • sit on the floor with your knees legs tucked under you. Place both hands on the floor leaning on your elbows, place your forhead on the floor and roll your head toward your chest. Roll forward making sure your legs lift at the back over you.

It is a good idea to explain the entire position of each body part in a step by step manner.
Cheri B DMM英会話講師
  • Squat down and place both of your hands in front of you on the floor, drop your head moving your hips above your upper body, make sure to tuck your chin so your head does not hit the floor and put strain on your neck, roll forward.

  • place both hands firmly in front of you with your legs fully bent, move your head through your arm with your chin tucked and move your hips over your torso, allow the momentum to carry you forward.

It is also a good idea to keep the dorsiflexion (背屈) in your feet as you don't want to hurt your toes when you complete the roll.
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • This is how you do a forward roll.

▪ This is how you do a forward roll. 1. Stand up straight, arms up by your ears, feet together. 2. Crouch down, reaching your arms forward and placing your hands on the floor. 3. Tuck the head in and round the back. The head shouldn’t touch the floor. Tucking the head in and rounding the back gives a smooth forward roll. 4. Push on your feet, sending your hips over your head and let yourself roll along the floor in a tucked position.
▪ This is how you do a forward roll. これがでんぐり返しのやり方よ。 1. Stand up straight, arms up by your ears, feet together. まっすぐ立って、腕を耳の横まで上げて、両足をくっつける。 2. Crouch down, reaching your arms forward and placing your hands on the floor. しゃがんで、腕を前にだして、手を床につける。 3. Tuck the head in and round the back. The head shouldn’t touch the floor. Tucking the head in and rounding the back gives a smooth forward roll. 頭を手前側に曲げて、背中をまるめる。頭は床につけないでね。頭を手前側に曲げて、背中が丸まっていれば、スムーズに転がるよ。 4. Push on your feet, sending your hips over your head and let yourself roll along the floor in a tucked position. 両足で押して、腰を頭の上に持ってきて、頭を手前側に曲げた状態でそのまま床を転がるのよ。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • forward roll

Forward roll is a movement in which one's body is rolled forward, by putting the head on the ground and swinging the legs over the head. For example: "He went into a forward roll as he landed." You can say to your child "roll your body forward by putting the head on the ground and swinging the legs over the head."
Forward rollは、頭を床につけて、足を頭の上まで勢いよく動かすことで、前方に回る動きのことです。 例文 "He went into a forward roll as he landed." (彼は着地したときに、でんぐり返しをした。) お子さんに、"roll your body forward by putting the head on the ground and swinging the legs over the head"(頭を床に着けてから、足を頭の上まで勢いよく動かして、前にでんぐり返ししなさい。)と伝えるといいです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Place both hands on the floor, look at your belly and roll forward

  • Please both hands on the floor look at your toes and gently roll forward

These are both good ways to explain to your child how to do a forward roll by saying 'gently' then you are telling them to be careful so they don't hurt themself
どちらも、前転の仕方を子どもに教える言い方です。 'gently'(ゆっくり)は「けがをしないように気を付けて」のニュアンスです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
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