世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/17 18:33
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  • His way of speaking has rubbed off on me.

  • My coworker's dialect is catchy.

When we pick up habits from someone else, we tend to use the phrase "rubbed off on me." For example, you can use it like this: - His way of speaking has rubbed off on me. - My roommate's cleanliness has rubbed off on me. I'm always cleaning now! - When I moved to Japan, I started giving a 'peace' sign in pictures. All of my Japanese friends do and it totally rubbed off on me. - My mom's love of music has rubbed off on me. You can also use the adjective "catchy." In this case, it means that your coworker's way of speaking was easy to start using. Other examples are: - She is always smiling. It's catchy and now I smile all the time, too. - The song was so catchy, I just started singing.
誰かから、人の癖がうつったとき、rubbed off onという言い回しができます。 -例 His way of speaking has rubbed off on me. - My roommate's cleanliness has rubbed off on me. I'm always cleaning now! - When I moved to Japan, I started giving a 'peace' sign in pictures. All of my Japanese friends do and it totally rubbed off on me . - My mom's love of music has rubbed off on me.など また、catchyと形容詞を使って表すこともできます。 この場合、同僚の言い方がうつるという意味ですね。 例- She is always smiling. It's catchy and now I smile all the time, too. - The song was so catchy, I just started singing.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I have picked up his way of speaking.

  • My colleagues dialect is really catchy.

  • I sound a little bit like my colleague.

If you use the expression 'picked up' it is suggesting that you have a new habit or talent e.g. "I have picked up swimming really well" or "I can pick up new languages quite easily" 'catchy' means that something is very likeable and easy to understand e.g. "This song is really catchy" or "My friends music is really catchy"
picked up' は、「新しい習慣、技能が身についた」というニュアンスになります: I have picked up swimming really well(水泳がかなり上達した) I can pick up new languages quite easily(新しい言語を覚えるが得意) 'catchy' は「魅力がある、わかりやすい」という意味です: This song is really catchy(この曲は本当に「catchy(楽しくて覚えやすい)」) My friend's music is really catchy(友達の音楽は本当に「catchy(楽しくて覚えやすい)」)
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • I picked up his Kansai dialect.

まず、「方言」はdialect と言います。 他に「なまり」でしたらaccentという単語もありますが、これは「発音」が違うことのみを示します。例えば英語にAustralian accent, British accent など、発音の仕方が違いますよね。ですが「方言」となると、各単語そのものが違ったりしますので、accentとは言わないわけです。 pick up は「拾う」の意味の他、言葉などを「習得する」「身に着ける」という意味があります。 I picked up his Kansai dialect. 「彼の関西弁がうつっちゃった。」 となります。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • His dialect rubbed off on me

  • I am starting to speaking like him

*A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area. *If someone's qualities or habits rub off on you, you develop some of their qualities or habits after spending time with them. "His dialect rubbed off on me." "I am starting to speak like him"
dialect は特定の地域で話される言語の一種です。 someone's qualities(性格) or habits(習慣) rub off on you だと言ったら、だれかと時間を長く過ごしたことで、性格や習慣があなたに移ることです。 "His dialect rubbed off on me." (彼の方言が私に移った。) "I am starting to speak like him." (彼と同じように話すようになった。)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Adopt an accent...

  • I spent so much time in OSAKA... I have adopted the local dialect.

When we spend a lot of time with someone or in a certain location, we tend to a result of our environment; In English we say "we have adopted" a local dialect, or customs from that person or area,. We "pick up things" and make them part of our daily lives... Its kind of an" Empathy signal" ;-))
誰かと長く一緒にいたり、ある場所に長くいたりすると、その環境などで人は変わる傾向にあります。英語では、 "we have adopted a local dialect, or customs from that person or area.” その人や地域から、地元の方言や習慣になれてしまった。 "pick up things"とは、学ぶ、慣れるという意味で、日常生活の一部になるということです。「同調のサイン」とも言えるでしょう。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm starting to speak like my Kansai buddy.

  • I've been spending so much time with my Kansai mate, I'm beginning to sound just like him!

Buddy/mate = friend We can use the words "Buddy" or "Mate" in an informal situation when talking about a friend. To spend time with someone = to be with someone (doing something together)
Buddy/mate=友達 BuddyやMateはカジュアルな場で友達のことを指すときに使います。 To spend time with someone = (何かをするときに)一緒にいること/つるむこと
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • His way of speaking was contagious and affected me.

>His way of speaking was contagious and affected me. *contagious= likely to spread to and affect others. *affected=influenced. This sentence explains that his way of speaking is like a disease that affected you.
His way of speaking was contagious and affected me. *contagious=他の人に広がって影響を与えてしまうことを意味する表現です。 *affected=感染することを意味します。 彼の話している言葉(方言)が病気のように感染することを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • His way of speaking has rubbed off on me.

  • I spend so much time with him that I am starting to sound like him as well.

When you say "his way of speaking" you are referring to his dialect (the way people of certain regions pronounce words) . We use "rubbed off" when we start picking up certain things from other people, like their mannerisms and the way they speak. So, in the sentence "His way of speaking has rubbed off on me.", you are saying that you are starting to speak like him. "I spend so much time with him that I am starting to sound like him as well."- This sentence means the same as the first one, it is just differently put. I hope this helps! Thank you for your question.
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I've started copying how he talks and now I sound just like him.

  • I've picked up his dialect.

  • I have started mimicking the way he talks.

Mimicking is the present participle of the verb 'Mimic' To mimic a person is to copy a certain characteristic of said person for example... their speech, the way in which they talk.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • I have picked up on speaking my co workers dialect because I spend a lot of time with him at work.

There is a saying that you are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with. In this situation if you are spending a lot of time working/speaking with some one then it is common to start speaking like them/learn their dialect.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • I picked up his Kansai dialect.

  • His dialect is catchy.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I picked up his Kansai dialect. 「直訳: 私は彼の関西弁を拾い上げた」 pick upは言語的なものを身につける的な意味でよく使われます。 His dialect is catchy. 「直訳: 彼の方言は覚えやすくて耳に残りやすい」 これは、「うつりやすい」みたいなニュアンスです。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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