世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/05/18 02:22
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  • Wait, let me finish!

  • Hold on, I'm not done!

  • Can I finish what I was saying?

In US culture, interruptions during conversation are quite common, although they can certainly be irritating! There are two ways to deal with them. One, you can interrupt in return! To do this, phrases like, "Wait, wait, let me finish," or "Hold on, I'm not done," are very appropriate. But if you feel uncomfortable interrupting, you can also wait until the other person finishes and then say, " Can I finish what I was saying?" You can add, "before" or "earlier" at the end as well, like so: "Can I finish what I was saying before?" Have a wonderful day!
USの文化的に、いらってするけど会話中に相手が口をはさんでくるのはよおくあることで、そういう時の対応は2つあります。 ひとつは自分も相手のいっていることを遮ること、これをするなら、wait wait let me finishやhold on, I am not doneというと良いでしょう。 けどもし、相手を遮るのが嫌であれば、相手の後に、beforeやearlierと最後につけて、Can I finish what I was saying before?などと伝えても良いでしょうね。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • ・Let me finish.

  • ・Excuse me, let me finish.

当たりを柔らかくするには「Excuse me,」から始めましょう。 Let me finish my speech / explanation / commentなどを加えると 対象が明確になります。
  • I wasn't done speaking. Can I continue?

  • Excuse me, may I finish what I was saying?

  • I think you interrupted me. Can I finish?

"I wasn't done speaking. Can I continue?" is a polite and informal way of letting the teacher know they interrupted you, and you'd like to finish your statement. example: You: "I wasn't done speaking. Can I continue?" Teacher: "Oh of course!" "Excuse me, may I finish what I was saying?" is a more formal way to ask the teacher if you can continue and letting them know that they have interrupted you. example: You: "Excuse me, may I finish what I was saying?" Teacher: "I apologize for interrupting you. Go ahead." "I think you interrupted me. Can I finish?" Is a very direct way of letting the teacher know the situation at hand. example: You: "I think you interrupted me. Can I finish?" Teacher: "Yes, of course! I'm so sorry for the interruption."
"I wasn't done speaking. Can I continue?"先生に丁寧に、自分の言いたいことをまず先に言わせて欲しいと伝える、カジュアルな表現です。 例: You: "I wasn't done speaking. Can I continue?" まだ話は終わってないので、続けて良いですか? Teacher: "Oh of course!" ああ、もちろんです。 "Excuse me, may I finish what I was saying?" これはもっとフォーマルな言い方で、遮られた時に、喋るのを続けて良いか尋ねる言い方です。 例: You: "Excuse me, may I finish what I was saying?" すみません、言っていたこと終わらせていいですか? Teacher: "I apologize for interrupting you. Go ahead." 邪魔してごめんなさい、どうぞ。 "I think you interrupted me. Can I finish?" これはもっとストレートに、状況を説明する言い方です。 例: You: "I think you interrupted me. Can I finish?" ちょっと邪魔されてしまいましたので、言うこと終わらせていいですか? Teacher: "Yes, of course! I'm so sorry for the interruption." はい、もちろん。邪魔してごめんなさい。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Wait, wait.

  • Sorry, excuse me.

  • Hold on ...

Simple ways of stopping the interruption and continuing.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Please can you let me finish.

  • Excuse me, could you let me finish.

'Please can you let me finish.' asks politely to let you finish what you were saying.
"Please can you let me finish. 自分の言いたいことを最後まで言わせて欲しいと丁寧に頼みます。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry, I didn't quite finish what I was saying.

  • 2. Please may I continue what I was saying?

1. You may not actually feel sorry, but this is a polite way to express to the teacher that you were interrupted. Sometimes, in their enthusiasm, teachers may feel the impulse to impress a point, not meaning to interrupt however! 2. Here you ask for permission to continue what you were saying when you were interrupted.
1.あなたは実際にごめんなさいと感じる必要はないのですが、これはあなたが相手の話を中断してしまうときに、先に伝える礼儀正しい方法です。時には、その熱心さから教師は自分の言うべきことを伝えたいという衝動にかられるかもしれませんが、あなたのお話しを中断する気はないでしょう。 2.ここでは、中断されてしまった自分の言いたいことを続けさせてもらう許可を求める言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let me finish first.

直訳は 先に終わらせて! ですが、 相手が口をはさもうとしたときに、 「最後までいわせて!」という意味で使うことができます。 もっと簡単に Wait! Listen first. 「待って、まず聞いてよ!」 というようにも言えますね。
  • Can I continue?

  • You interrupted me. Let me finish please.

You can say "can I continue?" or "You interrupted me. Let me finish please." --------------------------------- A : Can I continue? B : Yes, sure. --------------------------------- C : You interrupted me. Let me finish please. D : I'm sorry.
"can I continue?"(続けてもいいですか?)または "You interrupted me. Let me finish please"(途中で遮られたので最後まで言わせてください)と言うことができます --------------------------------- A : Can I continue?(続けてもいいですか?) B : Yes, sure.(はい、もちろん) --------------------------------- C : You interrupted me. Let me finish please.(途中で遮られたので最後まで言わせてください) D : I'm sorry.(ごめんなさい)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, I wasn't finished speaking. Can I continue?

  • Excuse me, can I finish what I was saying?

  • Let me finish.

Sometimes, interruptions occur accidentally and someone may not even know they have done it, therefore this situation should always be handled with politeness. 'Sorry, I wasn't finished. Can I continue?' is a very common way to let someone know they interrupted you without you literally saying so. And, to be apologetic (even though you may not actually be sorry) is very common in these situations.
偶然会話が中断することもあり、そうしたことに気付いてさえいない人がいるかもしれませんので、この状況は、丁重に処理するべきです。 'Sorry, I wasn't finished. Can I continue?'(すみません、私の話しはまだ終わっていません。続けても良いですか?)が最も丁寧な言い方で、文字通り会話が中断したと言わずに相手にその旨を知らせます。そして(実際は申し訳なく思っていなかったとしても)こうした状況では、申し訳なさそうな態度をすることは極めてよくあります。
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry, may I continue with what I was saying?

  • Excuse me please, I am not done speaking.

  • I think you may have unintentionally interrupted me, may I continue?

When trying to relay that someone may have interrupted you it is important to remain polite. In the efforts to relay a message such as this cordially you may use phrases such as 'I'm sorry' and 'excuse me' so that you avoid offending anyone.
人に話しを遮られたかもしれないと伝えようとする時は、丁寧な言い方をすることが重要です。このようなメッセージを誠意を持って伝えようと努力すると、他人の気分を害さない様に 'I'm sorry' や 'excuse me'のようなフレーズを使うかもしれません。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • Hold on, may I finish?

  • Wait, let me finish please?

  • Sorry I wasn't done speaking, may I continue?

All three of these ways are a great way to let your teacher know that you aren't done speaking yet and that you want to finish your thought before the teacher has a chance to respond.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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