*It is 20% off on Fridays.
This means that if you buy this product on Fridays only it will be 20% off. You can use this to tell your friends or family about it.
*Discount of 20% on Fridays.
A discount is a a deduction from the usual cost of something. This means that the product will be sold at a less price that the regular price only on Fridays. A shop can use this statement to advertise the product.
*It is 20% off on Fridays.
*Discount of 20% on Fridays.
This product has a 20% discount of it's total price on Fridays!
By the way, this product has a special price on Fridays. It's 20% off.
On the first sentence, you're indicating to the potential customer, that the product in question has a discount of it's total current price on Fridays. This sentence can be useful if the customer is asking you for any specials or promotions you might have.
On the second sentence, the use of "By the way" helps you when a conversation about the product has already been established. If the customer still hasn't asked for a price yet, you can use this phrase as an opportunity to both introduce the product to them, and advise them that they can save money on it if they buy on a Friday.
二つ目の例文で、”By the way"(なお、ちなみに)というフレーズを使っていますが、商品に付いて既に会話が始まっている時にお客さんの注意を引くために使えるフレーズです。商品を紹介する機会を作り、金曜日に商品を購入すればお得であることをお客さんに伝える方法でもあります。
In order to explain that a certain product is less expensive on a certain day, you could state "There is a discount of 20% on Fridays". This tells the person with whom you are communicating with that it may be wise to buy this particular item on a Friday due to a significant discount.
"There is a discount of 20% on Fridays"(毎週金曜日には20%オフになります)
CONTEXT EXAMPLE: You see the perfect sofa for you and your family. The fabric looks amazing and you reach into your pocket for your wallet. However, your friend steps forward and puts his hand on your shoulder:
"Did you know, there's a 20% discount on this item every Friday?"
"No, I had no idea. OK, let's come back on Friday!"
素材は素晴らしく、あなたはポケットの中の財布に手を伸ばします。 がしかし、友達が近づいてきてあなたの肩に手を乗せて言います。
"Did you know, there's a 20% discount on this item every Friday?"
"No, I had no idea. OK, let's come back on Friday!"
If you are talking about a particular item then you would explain/say what it is so the person would know so you would say '.......... is 20% off on friday's' or 'on Friday .......... is 20% off'
特定な商品について話す場合、"xx is 20% off on Fridays"(○○は毎週金曜日2割オフです)または、"On Fridays, xx is 20% off"(毎週金曜日は○○が2割オフです)と言います。