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2016/01/09 23:46
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  • The coming of age ceremony

既出の通り成人式は、" coming of age ceremony" そして[成人の日](は、"Coming of Age Day" となります^^ "coming of age" で「その歳を[迎える](」を意味し、「式の日を迎える歳」から、「成人式」を意味しています。 "ceremony" は「式」です。 日本独特の行事なので、英語での説明が難しく感じてしまいますよね^^ 例: Tomorrow is Coming of Age Day. 明日は成人の日です。 My son is going to his coming of age ceremony. 息子が成人式に行きます。 関連した英語表現については、こちらのブログ記事をご覧ください: [成人年齢はさまざま!世界の「成人式」5選](
  • Coming of Age Day

成人式 Coming of Age Ceremony [成人の日]( Coming of Age Day 「[成人](の日」の様にある年齢を正式に祝う風習がない国にComing of Age Dayと言っても伝わらないかもしれないので説明をしたほうがいいと思います。 Coming of Age Day is a Japanese holiday to congratulate people who became 20 years old. 成人の日は20歳をお祝いする日本の祝日です。 20 years old is the age of majority in Japan. 20歳は日本では成人です Many women wear kimono to celebrate this day. 多くの女性はこの日に着物を着て祝います。 綺麗に着飾った新成人を見るとほっこりしますよね!(^^)
  • It is my daughters coming of age party/celebration/ceremony.

  • In Japan the coming of age ceremony is at the age of 20.

"It is my daughters coming of age party/celebration/ceremony." This explains that when a child reaches the age of 20 there is a celebration. "Party","celebration" and "ceremony" are all words that explain a celebration of an event. "In Japan, the coming of age ceremony is at the age of 20." This explains that in Japan at the age of 20 there is a celebration that a child has become an adult.
"It is my daughters coming of age party/celebration/ceremony." これは二十歳になったらお祝いをするということです。 "Party","celebration" "ceremony"は全てイベントという意味です。 "In Japan, the coming of age ceremony is at the age of 20." これは日本では二十歳になると成人のお祝いがあるという意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • ___, which is a special coming-of-age ceremony.

I think it's great whenever possible to use original language to describe parts of a culture, so I would recommend that you call it by it's Japanese name, and then describe it as a very special coming-of-age ceremony that is held every year. Have a great day!
文化の一部を表現するためにいつでも元の言語を使えるかどうか考えます。 日本語の名前でそれを呼ぶことを進めます。毎年行われる特別な「成人式」として表現されます。 素晴らしい1日を。
Myriah DMM英会話講師
  • Coming of age ceremony.

  • Coming of age Day.

1. Coming of age ceremony A ceremony is a formal religious or public occasion, especially one celebrating a particular event, achievement, or anniversary. Such a day in Japan can be described as a coming of age ceremony. 2. Coming of age Day. Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi) is a Japanese holiday held annually on the second Monday of January. It is held in order to congratulate and encourage all those who have reached the age of majority (20 years old) over the past year, and to help them realize that they have become adults.
1. Coming of age ceremony ceremonyとは正式な宗教的行事または公的行事で、特に特定の行事、業績、または記念日を祝う行事です。日本でのこのような日は、coming of age ceremonyと説明できます。 2. Coming of age Day. Coming of Age Day (成人の日 Seijin no Hi) は、日本の祝日で、毎年1月の第2月曜日に設けられています。これは、前年に成人(20歳)になった人を祝い、元気づけ、成人したことを認識してもらうための行事です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan every January there is a massive ceremony for coming of age.

  • It's a coming of age ceremony throughout Japan where 20 year olds celebrate

The second Monday in January marks Japan's official Coming of Age Day. It's celebrated annually by men and women who've turned 20 the year prior and involves ceremonies hosted by local government offices recognizing the celebrants as official adults able to drink, smoke, gamble, and drive. Participating women typically wear long-sleeved kimonos with fur and, after visiting shrines, celebrate in a party with family and friends.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This year my daughter has her coming of age ceremony.

成人式=coming of age ceremony 「娘は今年成人式なんです」=This year my daughter has her coming of age ceremony. 説明の仕方: This ceremony is to celebrate anyone who becomes 20. この式は、20歳になった人を祝うためです。 In Japan, you are considered a grown up when you turn 20. 日本では20歳になると、成人としてみなされます。
  • Coming-of-age day.

"Coming-of-age day" is the typical term used for this occasion.
「Coming-of-age day(成人の日)」は典型的な用語です。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • It is my son's coming of age party/ceremony today

  • today my son will have his coming of age ceremony

you could say something like "It is my son's coming of age party/ceremony today" to explain this
"It is my son's coming of age party/ceremony today"(今日は息子の成人式です)などと言えます。
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • The coming of age ceremony is an important event in Japan, it is held every year.

  • Every year in Japan, a ceremony is held for those coming of age.

  • When you turn 20 in Japan, a coming of age ceremony is held.

Every culture celebrates coming of age in unique ways. Coming of Age Day is celebrated on January 20th in Japan, it is a day where all those who have reached a certain age are celebrated. When you have reached 20 years of age, you are considered an adult in Japan. "My daughter is celebrating her coming of age in January."
どの文化でも独特の方法で成人を祝います。 Coming of Age Day(成人の日)は、日本では1月20日で、成人を迎えた人の日となります。 20歳になると、日本では成人とみなされます。  "My daughter is celebrating her coming of age in January." (私の娘は、1月の成人式のお祝いをしました。)
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • When you turn 20 years old in japan, You have a big coming of age ceremony.

This would explain to someone that when you turn 20 years old a big event happens.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • Coming of age ceremony

  • Coming-of-age ceremony

日本語の「成人式」が英語で「Coming of age ceremony」か「coming-of-age ceremony」といいます。 以下は例文です。 成人式の為に帰省する予定です。 ー I am going to go back to my hometown for the coming-of-age ceremony. 伝統的に、人々は成人式で着物を着ます。 ー Traditionally, people wear a kimono for their coming-of-age ceremony. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Coming of age ceremony

成人式はcoming of age Ceremonyです。 日本は成人になるのは20歳けれどイギリスでは18歳で大人になります。 もし舞浜氏に住んだら成人式はディズニーランドでやります If you live in Maihama city, then your coming of age ceremony will be in Disneyland 成人式は楽しそうけれど着物は高いから行かない The coming of age ceremony seems fun but I’m not going because the kimono is so expensive
  • coming-of-age ceremony

「成人式」は英語で「coming-of-age ceremony」と言います。海外では(自分の出身地でも)成人式はあまりなくて私が二十歳になった時特に何もやっていませんでした。 娘は今年成人式なんですよ。 This year my daughter will be celebrating her coming-of-age ceremony. 日本の成人式は若者に大切なイベントです。 The coming-of-age ceremony in Japan is a very important event for young people.
  • Coming of Age Ceremony

こんにちは。 さまざまな言い方ができると思いますが、下記のような英語表現はいかがでしょうか: Coming of Age Ceremony 成人式 coming of age は「成人する」というようなニュアンスの英語表現です。 Coming of Age Day で「成人の日」と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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