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2017/05/20 01:58
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  • I felt it difficult to pronouce proper nouns.

difficult=「難しい」 pronounce=「発音する」 proper nouns=「固有名詞」 I felt=「私は〜のように感じる」 feel-felt-felt 例文=「私は、固有名詞の発音が、難しいと感じた。」 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • It's hard to pronounce proper nouns.

  • Proper nouns are difficult to pronounce.

こんにちは。 ・It's hard to pronounce proper nouns. ・Proper nouns are difficult to pronounce. 「固有名詞は発音が難しい」 上記のように言うことができます。 「固有名詞」は proper noun です。 「難しい」は hard や difficult と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • It is not easy to pronounce proper nouns.

  • It is very challenging to pronounce proper nouns.

▪ It is not easy to pronounce proper nouns. Not easy = difficult ▪ It is very challenging to pronounce proper nouns. Challenging= testing one's abilities; demanding Example 1 Teacher: You are almost getting the pronunciation right. You: It is not easy to pronounce proper nouns. Example 2 Teacher: Are you struggling with the pronunciation? You: It is very challenging to pronounce proper nouns.
▪ It is not easy to pronounce proper nouns. Not easy = 難しい ▪ It is very challenging to pronounce proper nouns. Challenging= 人の能力を試す事;過酷な要求 例 1 Teacher: You are almost getting the pronunciation right. ーあなたは正しい発音に近づいてきているよ。 You: It is not easy to pronounce proper nouns. ー正しく名詞を発音するのは楽じゃないね。 例 2 Teacher: Are you struggling with the pronunciation? ー発音でお困りですか? You: It is very challenging to pronounce proper nouns. ー正しく名詞を発音するのはとても難しいです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Proper nouns are so hard to pronounce!

  • I have some considerable difficulty pronouncing proper nouns!

A nproper noun is a name used for an individual person, place, or organization, spelled with an initial capital letter, e.g. Jane, London, and Oxfam - and may cause some problems for some students. Typically 'R' and 'L' are the typically the most difficult two letters to pronounce for Japanese students, so proper nouns such as the following may be challenging: Rory, Laramie, Transylvania, Larissa, Fred, Valerie, Rennell Island
固有名詞とは、人名、地名、または組織名等の名前であり、 最初の1文字はの大文字で綴られます(例:Jane, London, Oxfam)。 生徒さんによっては苦手な方もいるようです。 特に「R」と「L」は、一般的に日本人の生徒にとって発音が最も難しい2文字です。 そのため、以下のような固有名詞の発音は難しいかもしれませんね。 Rory, Laramie, Transylvania, Larissa, Fred, Valerie, Rennell Island
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Pronouncing proper nouns is tough.

  • It is not easy to pronounce a proper noun.

  • I find it hard to pronounce a proper noun.

Explanation: A proper noun is the name used for a person, place, an organization, etc. Proper nouns are spelt with an initial capital letter. Example: New Zealand, Tom, United Nations, etc. Tough means difficult. It is not easy to (negative sentence) simple means 'it is hard to.' 'I find it hard to' shows that the person currently find something hard to do.
説明: 固有名詞は、人、場所、組織などに使用される名前です。固有名詞は、最初の文字が大文字で綴られています。 例:New Zealand, Tom, United Nations など。 Tough は難しいという意味。 It is not easy to (簡単ではない)という否定文は、同様の意味で'it is hard to.'(難しい)と言い換えができます。 'I find it hard to'は、その人にとって何かをするのが難しいという表現です。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I find that pronouncing nouns are a bit difficult for me.

  • Nouns are often very difficult for me to pronounce in English.

"I find that pronouncing nouns are a bit difficult for me." I find is another way of saying to me, or in my opinion. "Nouns are often very difficult for me to pronounce in English." Here is another way of expressing that you struggle with pronouncing nouns in English.
"I find that pronouncing nouns are a bit difficult for me."(私は名詞を発音するのが少し苦手です) - "I find" は "to me"(私にとって)や "in my opinion"(私の意見では)の別の言い方です。 "Nouns are often very difficult for me to pronounce in English."(名詞をうまく発音できないことがよくあります) - これも、名詞の発音が苦手だと伝える言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • It's hard to proounce proper nouns

  • It's difficult to pronounce proper nouns

  • Proper nouns are hard/difficult to pronounce

To speak or to make the sound of a word is to 'pronounce' it. Proper nouns are words used to describe a place, person or company/organisation so for example Mary, Liverpool or Tesco If something is hard to do this is also called diffcult
言葉を声に出すことは 'Pronounce'(発音する)といいます。 'Proper nouns'(固有名詞)は場所や人、会社/組織などを表す言葉です。 例えば: Mary = メアリー(人名) Liverpool = リバプール(地名) Tesco = テスコ(スーパーマーケットの名前) 何かが難しいことは、'hard' または 'difficult' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I find it difficult to pronounce proper nouns

  • I struggle to pronounce proper nouns

"I find it difficult to pronounce proper nouns" "I struggle to pronounce proper nouns" to find difficulty or to struggle in something defines that you find it hard to do something, in this case to pronounce proper nouns.
"I find it difficult to pronounce proper nouns"(固有名詞の発音が苦手です) "I struggle to pronounce proper nouns"(固有名詞の発音が苦手です) "find it difficult to do something" あるいは "struggle to do something" は「~するのが苦手である」の意味です。この場合は、「固有名詞の発音が苦手」ということ。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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