That is how I have been recently. How about you? Looking forward to hearing from you!
That is how I have been recently. Could you share how you have been as well?
That is how I have been recently.
How about you?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Could you share how you have been as well?
This is what's going on in my life now. How is your life lately? Hope everything is going well.
This is what's going on in my life now = 私の人生はいまこんな感じ、という意味です。「人生」とすることで、あなた自身に起こっている様々なことをまとめました。
「あなたは最近どうですか?」の後に、You are always in my heart and hope everything is going well = 「あなたはいつも私の心の中にいます、全てがうまくいっていますように」とつけ加えると、より相手を大切に思っていることを伝えられます。