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I completed catchable pokemons in japan であってますか??
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2017/05/20 20:57
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  • There are no Pokemon left in Japan for me to find.

  • I found every single Pokemon that was scattered around Japan.

There are no Pokemon left in Japan for me to find - means that you found every single one of them.
「There are no Pokemon left in Japan for me to find 」とはそれを一つずつ見つけたことを意味します。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I have captured all of the Pokemon in Japan.

  • I have completed the list of catchable Pokemons in Japan

These sentences explain that you have completed the game. There are no more for you to find or catch.
これらの文はゲームをコンプリートしたことを説明しています。 これ以上見つけたり、捕まえたりするものがないということです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I caught all the (catchable) pokemon in Japan.

  • I found every (catchable) pokemon in Japan.

These are two simple ways to say this.
Sean McGee エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I've caught all the catchable Pokemon in Japan.

  • I caught all the available Pokemon in Japan.

  • I caught all of the Japanese Pokemon.

"I caught all the available in Japan" is easy to understand.
「I caught all the available in Japan」は理解しやすいです。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • 1. I caught every available Pokemon in Japan

  • 2. As far as Japan goes, there are no more Pokemon to catch.

  • 3. I caught 'em all.

1. This phrase states the facts. 2. 'As far as ___ goes... = In the case of ____ 3. 'em is an abbreviated form of 'them'. It represents the spoken word where the 'th' sound is often lost through elision - the contraction of words in their spoken form.
1.このフレーズは単純に事実を述べる表現です。 2.'As far as ___ goes...= ____の場合(in case of と同義) 3.「em」は「them」の省略形です。それは、「th」言葉の収縮で音がしばしば失われる発声を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have caught all the Pokemon that can be found in Japan.

  • I enjoy this game so much that I have caught all the Pokemon that exist in Japan.

  • Pokemon Go is such fun! I have caught all the Pokemon in Japan.

We can use the sentences above to explain that you have collected all Pokemon in Japan playing Pokemon Go. "I enjoy this game so much that I have caught all the Pokemon that exist in Japan." This sentence explains that your love for the game helped you find all the Pokemon available in your country.
ポケモンゴーをしていて、日本でつかまえられるポケモンを全てつかまえたことを伝えるにはこのように言うことができます。   "I enjoy this game so much that I have caught all the Pokemon that exist in Japan." (このゲームが楽しすぎて、日本で捕まえられるポケモンを全て捕まえた。) この文は、ポケモンゴーが大好きで、日本で捕まえられるポケモンを全て捕まえたことを伝えるフレーズです。 (
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • You know the game Pokémon? I have managed to find all the Pokémon in Japan.

  • I completed the list of Pokémon that you can find in Japan.

  • I caught all the Pokémon in Japan that was on the catch list.

All three sentences explain to the listener that you have caught all the Pokémon that was on the catch list issued by the game for Japan. All three sentences are stated facts of something or some action that you did which is related to the game you play. You will use the first sentence when a person doesn't know the game and is uncertain of what you are saying to them. *uncertain - not sure
これら三つどの文でも「日本で捕まえられるポケモンを全て捕まえた」を伝えることができます。 三つの文はどれも、このゲームについて話し手が行ったことを伝えています。 相手がこのゲームを知らず、こちらの言っていることが通じていないときには、一つ目の文が使えます。 *uncertain - not sure(不確かな)
Anqia DMM英会話講師
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