世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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  • Oh, you must be flattering me.

flatter は、お世辞を言う、媚びへつらう、という意味です。 あなたそれ、お世辞を言ってるだけでしょ、と言いたいときに、 使えるフレーズです。 他にも、 Stop flattering me. もう、お世辞はやめてよ。 You're just flattering me. お世辞言ってるだけでしょ。 I know you're just flattering me. お世辞言ってるだけなのわかってるよ。 なども使えます。 それほど強い言い方ではないので、結構便利なフレーズです。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Are you flattering me?!

上記の表現の後に、 「But, thank you. That's very kind of you!」 と続けると、とても丁寧なやり取りになります☆
  • ① You're just being polite.

  • ② That's a white lie.

お世辞って、相手にゴマをする時に褒めることだと思います。 英語圏でも同じ現象が観られます。もしお世辞を言われて、くだけて「それ、お世辞でしょ!」っていうなら: ① You're just being polite. 意訳:「ただの外交辞令(お世辞)ですよね」 高度なフレーズを使いたい場合、「② That's a white lie.」を使うといいです。 ”A white lie”とは、相手の気持ちを気配った嘘のことです。「お世辞」に近いにしても、あまり聞かないですが、私はたまに使います。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • You're just trying to be nice!

お馴染みの言葉、niceも使えます! 照れて、お世辞でしょ?って言いたい時は、 You're just trying to be nice! 直訳すると、「ナイスにしようとしてるだけでしょ!」 just とniceを強調して言ってみてください。
  • Oh, you're just saying that!

This phrase is commonly used to express that you know that person is just being nice or polite when they compliment you. You might also tell them "Oh, you don't really mean it. You're just saying that!"
一般的にこのフレーズは、褒める時に素敵で丁寧な人を表現するために使うことができます。 「Oh, you don't really mean it. You're just saying that!」と言えるかもしれません。
Francesco DMM英会話講師
  • You're just saying that!

  • Oh you don't mean that!

  • Please don't feel obliged to compliment me. I'm a big boy/girl now!

Providing too many or inappropriate compliments is sometimes the case with well-meaning parents when encouraging their children. So, 'I'm a big boy/girl now!' refers to the fact that you are an adult and don't need such encouragement.
不必要に、または不適切に褒めること、これは、時として親が子供を励ます際によくみられるケースです。 だから、「 'I'm a big boy/girl now!'」これは、/俺は/私は大人だよ、だからそのような励ましはいらないという事実を言う表現です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Are you trying to flatter me?

  • You are just saying that to be nice.

  • Thank you for the compliment.

To flatter someone is to say nice things to them to make them feel good or to make them like you more, even if you don't think the compliment you give them is true. Personally, when someone compliments something I have done I say something like 'Thank you, I try my best', or if they compliment my appearence, I become red and hide.
「To flatter someone」とは、お褒め言葉が正しいとは思わないが人の気分をよくさせることです。 個人的には、自分がしたことに誰かが褒めてくれた時に「Thank you, I try my best(ありがとう、頑張りました)」と言います。また、外見を褒められたときには顔が赤くなって隠れたくなります。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • I'm flattered

  • Thank you

Compliment (noun) - a polite expression of praise Compliment (verb) - politely congratulate or praise (someone) Flatter (verb) - cause someone to feel honored or praised Thank you - a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer _____________________________________________________ A: You look amazing B: Thank you A: You are my hero B: I'm flattered
Compliment (noun) - a polite expression of praise Compliment (verb) - politely congratulate or praise (someone) Compliment(名詞)=褒め言葉。Compliment(動詞)=褒める。 Flatter (verb) - cause someone to feel honored or praised Flatter(動詞)=お世辞を言う、また、お世辞を言われ光栄に思う。 Thank you - a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer Thank you=お礼の言葉。 _____________________________________________________ A: You look amazing B: Thank you A: You are my hero B: I'm flattered ≪例文≫ A. 素敵だね。 B. ありがとう。 A. あなたは私のヒーローよ。 B. 光栄だな。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • You're just being nice.

  • You're trying to flatter me.

  • You're just saying that!

These are three phrases that would probably be most commonly used within this context/situation. To say that someone is, "being nice," or, "to flatter me," describes that what they said might not be totally true but they are saying it to be polite or to make you feel good. The last one, "You're just saying that," describes the same thing but more directly. The complete phrase of this would be, "you're just saying that to be nice."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I'm flattered.

  • Thank you, that's nice of you to say.

  • Why, thank you.

Feeling flattered is a feeling of praise by the compliment received.
"flattered" は褒められた時の気持ちを言います。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for the compliment.

  • I'm flattered.

You can simply thank them. or use the term "I'm flattered."
シンプルに感謝することができ、もしくは「I'm flattered.」という用語を使うことができます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • A) That's very kind of you.

  • B)Thank you! You just made my day

  • C) Thank you .

Above are a few examples i gave the first two i have mentioned (A&B) would go a little like this : A Sam - WOW, Stella you're looking beautiful! Stella : Thank you, That's very kind of you to say. B: Stella - You're truly beautiful Sam : Aww thank you! You just made my day! and the last one i added was just a simple "Thank you" with a sincere smile always does the trick too. i hope this helps :-)
Above are a few examples i gave the first two i have mentioned (A&B) would go a little like this : A Sam - WOW, Stella you're looking beautiful! Stella : Thank you, That's very kind of you to say. 上記例文のAとBの使い方は、次のとおりです。 Sam-わぁー!ステラ、すっごいキレイだね。 Stella-ありがとう。優しいわね。 B: Stella - You're truly beautiful Sam : Aww thank you! You just made my day! and the last one i added was just a simple "Thank you" with a sincere smile always does the trick too. Stella-あなたは本当に美しいわね。 Sam-まぁ~、ありがとう!あなたのおかげで良い一日になったよ! シンプルに、笑顔でありがとう!と言えば、大概上手く行きます。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • "You're too nice to me!"

  • "Thank you, but you don't mean that!"

  • "You're just saying that"

If someone has complimented you, but you think they are just saying the compliment to be nice, you could say any of the following: "You're too nice to me!", "Thank you, but you don't mean that!" or "You're just saying that".
人に褒めてもらって、それが本気でなくお世辞に聞こえたときは、次のように言えます。 "You're too nice to me!"(あなた優しすぎるよ) "Thank you, but you don't mean that!"(ありがとう、でも本気じゃないでしょ) "You're just saying that"(本気じゃないでしょ)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you, I am flattered.

  • You are making me blush.

  • You are making me blush with all of this flattery.

flattery: excessive or insincere praise or compliments blush: develop a pink color in the face from embarrassment When someone is giving you compliments, many times you would blush out of embarrassment. You can comment by saying "You are making me blush." or "You are making me blush with all of this flattery. " You also could give a simple response by kindly saying "Thank you, I am flattered."
flattery: 過剰な[不誠実な]褒め言葉[称賛] blush: 恥ずかしくて顔が赤くなる 褒められると恥ずかしくて顔が赤くなることがあると思います。次のように言えます。 "You are making me blush."(赤面してしまう) "You are making me blush with all of this flattery."(そんなに褒められたら赤面してしまう) また、シンプルに "Thank you, I am flattered."(ありがとうございます、そう言ってもらえてうれしいです) と返すこともできます。
Madison T DMM英会話講師
  • Oh thank you but you don't have to be so kind!

  • I think you are flattering me but thanks!

Most people like to be complimented from time to time. But there are some people who don't like it. They may feel that you are only being nice and not speaking the truth. If we feel that they are just complimenting us just to keep us happy, then this is not acceptable. We would prefer that they tell us the truth. To "Flatter" someone means to give him or her compliments or praise. It can be anything from the way you dress to the way you speak.
ほとんどの人は褒めてもらえばうれしいと感じますが、中にはあまりそれが好きでない人もいます。ただお世辞を言われているだけだと感じるのかもしれません。 ただご機嫌を取るために褒めているだけなら、これは嫌ですね。やはり、本当のことを言ってもらいたいです。 "Flatter" は「褒める」という意味です。これは「服装」から「話し方」まであらゆることについていいます。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks, but you are just being nice.

  • Oh, stop flattering me.

If someone is giving you a compliment and you want to tell them that you think they're just being nice, you can say something like "Thanks, but you are just being nice." or "Oh, stop flattering me.". These are some nice ways to to reply in this situation.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Your just saying that!

  • When I hear compliments I often feel people are" just saying that" to be polite!

It is a common soical practice to compliment much so ...that often these can be "empty compliments" and said purely as a habit. without thought. (Personally ...I hate insincerity;-D) And I might respond with "Please don't do are just saying that to be nice!"
人を褒めるというのは、社会的な習慣です。ですので、中には「中身のない褒め言葉」もありますし、考えもせずに癖のように言う人もいます。 私でしたら、このように返事するかもしれません。 "Please don't do are just saying that to be nice!" お世辞は言わないで。優しさからただ言っているだけじゃない。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • You're just flattering me.

  • I know you're flattering me.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) You're just flattering me. 「お世辞言ってるだけですよね」 I know you're flattering me. 「お世辞言ってるんだって分かってますよ」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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