口が上手いだけでなく「いいこと言うね」というニュアンスでしょうか、have a way with wordsで表現できます。quiteでwayを強調しています。
お世辞を言われた時などはもちろんyou are flattering me.となりますが、もっと広義的に口が上手いとなりますと、この用法が使いやすいのでぜひ覚えておいてくださいね。
When someone compliments you, often one doesn't immediately say thankyou - so as not to sound boastful. Instead some people don't divert the compliment but don't exactly accept it either.
'Oh, you're too kind' is a great way of saying thank you without actually saying thankyou.
"Oh, you're too kind"(あなたは優しすぎます)は「ありがとう」とはっきり言わなくても感謝の意を伝えることができるとても良い方法です。
As you are looking to let the other individual know that what they have said is very complimentary, your aim should be to sound polite. If you want to be flirtatious with the individual because they have complimented you and you want to seem a little playful. The sentence will be a little different. Letting them know that they are 'flattering' will help them understand that they have said, has had an effect on you. There are varying different stages of replying witha flirtacious answer.
1. You are very adept at speaking.
2. Informal - this is an old expression for someone who has a charming and convincing way of speaking
3. Succinct - you speak clearly and to the point.
We can tell someone that, "you're good with words," or that they, "have a way with words," to say that they are well-spoken and always know the right thing to say. To tell someone that their compliment was very nice we can say, "that's very flattering."