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I don't like と言う言い方ではなくやんわりと、子供が苦手、動物が苦手、あの人が苦手ってどういえばいいのでしょうか?
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2017/05/24 09:08
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  • I'm not really sure how to handle kids.

  • I don't really care for children.

  • I'm not good with children.

When you want to say that you don't like children, but don't want to offend anyone, you can use: - I'm not really sure how to handle kids.- In this sentence, "not...sure how to handle" means "I don't know what to do with children." It's a little softer than saying "don't like." You can also say you don't like something by saying that you "don't care" for it: - I don't care for children. - I don't really care for cats. - I don't care for sweets. - I don't care for sports. - I don't care for crowded places. It sounds more polite than "don't like." Another phrase you can use instead of "don't like" is "not good with." Basically what you are saying is that you "don't like/don't understand/don't know how to act" around something. - I'm not good with children. - I'm not good with math. - I'm not good with sports. - I'm not good with musicians. - I'm not good with rabbits.
子供が好きではないと言いたいが、誰も傷つけたくない時に、以下のように使うことができます。 - I'm not really sure how to handle kids.- この文章では、「not...sure how to handle」は「I don't know what to do with children」を意味します。「don't like.」ということでより柔らかな表現になります。 また、「don't care」と言うことによって何かを好きではないということを言いたい時以下のように言うことができます。 - I don't care for children. - I don't really care for cats. - I don't care for sweets. - I don't care for sports. - I don't care for crowded places. 「don't like.」というより丁寧に聞こえます。 「don't like」の代わりの他のフレーズとして「not good with」を使うことができます。 基本的に、言いたいことは、「don't like/don't understand/don't know how to act」ということです。 - I'm not good with children. - I'm not good with math. - I'm not good with sports. - I'm not good with musicians. - I'm not good with rabbits.
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • I'm bad/terrible with children.

★ 訳 ・直訳「私は子供に悪い、ひどい」 ・意訳「私は子供が苦手です」 ★ 解説  terrible「ひどい」 や bad「悪い」は、日本語の感覚ではなんか合わないように思えるかもしれませんが、with 〜 とすることで、「〜を扱うのが」のような意味が出るので大丈夫です。  I'm terrible with computers.「私はコンピュータは全然ダメなんです」のように、物の扱いについても言うことができますよ。  せひ使ってみてくださいね!
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • I am not good with children

  • I do not get along with children

  • I am not fond of children

"I am not fond of Children" is a more polite way of saying you do not like children "I am not good with Children" explains you do not get along/mix well with children. "I do not get alone with children" same as above
"""I am not fond of Children"" 子供がすきではないことをより丁寧に伝える表現です。 ""I am not good with Children"" 子供と仲良くできないことを説明する表現です。 ""I do not get alone with children"" 上と同じことを表す表現です。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not good with kids.

  • I'm not really a family man/woman.

By saying family you mean children.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • 1. Sorry, but children/animals aren't really my cup of tea

  • 2. I love children/animals - especially other people's!

  • 3. Sorry, but animals/children/that person do/does not tick any boxes for me.

1. is a simple expression that you prefer not to be involved with children/animals 2. is a funnier version of number 1. Because people may not be sure if you really mean what you are saying, this is the softest of the 3 possible statements :-) 3, states that you have no interest However, as I am sure in most languages, any indication that you specifically do not like someone's children may be taken as an unfriendly statement!
1は、子どもや動物と触れ合うのがあまり好きではない、と伝えるときにいう表現です。 2は、1のちょっと面白いバージョンです。なぜなら聞いた人はあなたが何を指していっているのかよくわからないからです。1-3の回答の中でもっともソフトな言い方ともいえます。 3は、全く興味がない、というときに使えます。 しかしながら、どんな国でも、子供が好きではないという表現は良い風にとらわれることはあまりないでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am not very good with... (animals, children, etc.)

A polite way to say this would be to say you are "not very good with ....(insert the name of what you do not like)". The reason this sounds polite is because by saying 'I am' you have taken ownership and responsibility for not liking something or someone. You are saying that the issue is not with the child or animal etc, but that it is your own issue, which you are aware of, and you are letting the person know this. If you said "children don't really like me" or "I don't like children" it is somehow putting the blame on the child (or animal etc), but by using 'I am not very good with..' you are showing that it is your actions that have created the situation.
丁寧に言う方法は "not very good with ....(好きではないものの名前を入れます)".丁寧に聞こえる理由は 'I am'と言っているからです。 何かや誰かではなくあなたが責任を負っているからです。問題は子供や動物ではなくあなた自身が問題で、あなたはそれに気づいており、これを相手に伝えています。 もし、"children don't really like me" や "I don't like children"と言うと、責任を子供(もしくは動物など)に追わせたような言い方に聞こえますが、 'I am not very good with..' と言えば、状況を生んだのはあなた自身だと表しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Not for me...

  • Kids and animals are not for me...We simply don't get along.

Its tricky to let peope who ARE crazy for animals /and or kids that you" do not share their enthusiasm" ;-D Its not compulsory! "Kids and animals are not for me...We don't simply get along."
動物や子供たちん事が大好きな人に" do not share their enthusiasm"(その気持ち共感できません) と言う事は少し厄介な事ですよね ;-D これは義務じゃないですよ! 【例文】 "Kids and animals are not for me...We don't simply get along." (子供や動物はちょっと苦手です、なんか単に仲良くできないんです)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I am not a fan of children.

  • I am not really into children.

"I am not a fan of children." this a polite way to say that you do not really like children. or you can say " I am not really into children.."
"I am not a fan of children." this a polite way to say that you do not really like children. or you can say " I am not really into children.." 「私は子供があまり好きではない」。 子供があまり好きではないことを伝える丁寧な言い回しです。また、「私は子供にあまり夢中ではない」は、上記同様、子供が好きではないことをやんわりと伝えています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I am not good with children

  • I am not so good with kids

  • I am not good with children and animals

example "They say they never work with kids and animals!". or "I am not so good with kids". or "I am not very good with children".
例 "They say they never work with kids and animals!". (彼らは子供と動物とは決してうまくいかないと言っています。) "I am not so good with kids". (私は子供があまり得意ではありません。) "I am not very good with children". (私は子供があまり得意ではありません。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I am not great with children.

  • Children and I are not a good mix.

  • I am not fond of.....

Most people understand when you tell them that you are not great with children. I find that people are not as offended as I think when I tell them that. In fact, I believe most people appreciate knowing that so you are not in charge or responsible for their children. You can say that you are not fond of animals, the lady at the lunch counter, or children. That works in all instances.
Tiffany M DMM英会話講師
  • not good with

  • not a fan of

you can use either of the above phrases to explain this to somebody. example sentences: "i am not really a fan of cats" "i am not really good with children"
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I don't get on with children too well.

  • I don't really get along with children

When you want to explain to someone that you don't like children in a polite way, you may use the following ways: -I don't get on with children too well. -I don't really get along with children -I'm not a fan of little kids.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not that fond of...

  • I'm not too keen on...

'I'm not that fond of...' and 'I'm not too keen on...' are both ways of saying you don't like something without sounding too extreme. These phrases both avoid using negative language and therefore come across better than saying you don't like something. You could also say something like 'I don't really get on with...'
Becky D DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not much of a fan

  • They're not my favorite

"I'm not much of a fan of comedy movies" - 'not much of a fan' is a commonly used expression to say that you don't like something so much. "These chocolates aren't my favorite but i'll eat them" again another phrase to describe that you don't really yet nor hate a particular thing.
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • I don't know how to handle children.

  • I'm not good with children.

  • I get tired when I'm with children.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) I don't know how to handle children. 「子どもの扱い方が分からない」 I'm not good with children. 「子どもは得意ではない」 I get tired when I'm with children. 「子どもと一緒にいると疲れる」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
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