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子供に持たせたお弁当や、 パーティーで出したお料理などに対して 無理に食べなくていいよ!気を使わないで! のような感じを伝えたいです。
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2017/05/25 06:53
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  • If it's too much, you don't have to finish it.

英文の意味は「もし量があまりに多かったら、全部食べなくてもいいよ」になります。 don't have to ...:...する必要はない、...しなくともよい finish something:...をすっかり最後までやる [食べる] 例)I haven't finished this book yet.(この本はまだ読了していない。) ちなみに「残していいよ」はそのまま You can leave it. でも通じますね。 あと「無理に食べなくていいよ」は Don't force yourself to eat it. で表せます。 → force oneself to do:...することを自分自身に強制する=無理して...する 参考になれば幸いです。
  • You don't have to finish it all. You can leave it if it's too much.

食べきる必要はないよ。もし多すぎたら残していいからね。 finish it all ; 全部食べ切る you can leave it; 残しちゃっていいよ。
  • You don't have to eat it all if it is to much for you.

  • Please leave what you cant eat on your plate.

"You don't have to eat it all if it is to much for you." tells them they do not have to eat it all. "Please leave what you cant eat on your plate." this explains politely that if there is to much they should just leave what they can not eat on the plate.
"You don't have to eat it all if it is to much for you. 全部食べる必要がないことを伝えます。 Please leave what you cant eat on your plate. この表現は、もし量が多すぎるのなら、お皿の食べきれない料理は残しても良いと いうことを丁寧に説明しています。"
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • You can leave it if it's too much.

もし量が多ければ残してもいいからね。 このleaveは、残す、残しておく、という意味です。 注意は、残る、ではなく、残す、です。 これの代表例 I leave it to you. には色んな意味があります。食べ物を残しておく、だけでなく、業務などを相手に任せたりするときにも使えます。 あなたのために残しておいたのよ。とっておいたのよ。後は任せたわよ。
  • 1. The servings are pretty large. Don't worry about eating everything!

  • 2. I'll ask for a doggy bag at the end of the meal, so please leave some for my dog!

1. Serving = portion - the amount of food served for each dish. 'Don't worry about -' This means 'do not be concerned about -'. 2. A doggy bag is a container which a restaurant may provide for the leftover food of a meal to be taken home. This is making a joke that there is too much food and you can take some home for your dog.
1. Serving =portion- 各料理に提供される料理の量。 「 'Don't worry about - これは心配しなくて良い」という意味です。 2. A doggy bagは、レストランで食事の残りを家に持っていくための容器です。これは、あまりにも多くの食べ物を残してしまい、自分の犬のためにちょっと家に持って帰りたいという冗談的な要素も含みます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Just eat what you can manage.

  • Don't feel obligated to finish it all.

Obligated means the feeling of having to.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Leave what you cannot eat...

  • I know you got served a huge portion, but just leave what you cannot eat...

Years ago when food was more scare... it was considered "BAD FORM" not to clear you plate! There is no real complusion to "empty your plate " these days ;-)) "I know you got served a huge portion, but just leave what you cannot eat..."
数年前までは食料が少なく、お皿をキレイに平らげない事は "BAD FORM" (無作法)と考えられていました! 最近では "empty your plate "(お皿をキレイに平らげる)ことは何の義務でもありません ;-)) 【例】 "I know you got served a huge portion, but just leave what you cannot eat..." (量が多いから、食べきれなければ残してもいいよ)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Leave what you can't eat, it's no problem!

  • Just leave what you cannot finish, no worries!

"Leave what you can't eat, it's no problem" "Just leave what you cannot finish, no worries!" Ending the sentence in either 'no problem' or 'no worries' is a casual and common way of reassuring people that it does not bother you if they do not do something.
"Leave what you can't eat, it's no problem"(食べれないものは残していいよ。) "Just leave what you cannot finish, no worries!"(心配せずに、食べれなかったら残していいよ。) "no problem"や"no worries"を文章の最後につけることで、「気にしないよ。」「大丈夫ですよ。」という気持ちをカジュアルな雰囲気で伝えることができます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Don't feel that you need to eat everything.

  • If it's too much food, you don't have to eat everything.

  • You don't have to eat everything if it's too much food.

We can use the direct command with, "don't feel that.." to start the sentence without even mentioning that it might be too much food. We can also include this in the sentence as well and it can either go at the beginning or the end of the sentence.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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