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おつりが多いです / 少ないですって英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/11/13 08:33
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  • Excuse me. I think you've given me too much change.

  • Sorry, but the change is short.

  • Excuse me, but I think the change you've given me is short.

Lets look at the first example. "Excuse me. I think you've given me too much change." This we would say to someone who has given us too much change in return after paying for something. "You've"means "You have". It is a simple contraction of two words. The second example is when someone has given too little change: "Sorry, but the change is short." "Short"in this example means they didn't give you enough back and still owe you money. The third example is a longer more formal way of asking for the short change: "Excuse me, but I think the change you've given me is short." This is a little bit longer to say, but it gets the same message across to the other person.
最初の例を見てみましょう。 "Excuse me. I think you've given me too much change." これは、支払いをした後に、おつりが多すぎたときに言う表現です。"You've"は、"You have"という2語の略です。 2番目の例は、おつりが少なすぎたときに使えます。 "Sorry, but the change is short." この例で"Short"は、足りないという意味で、十分なおつりをくれなかったときや、まだおつりをもらう必要があるときに使えます。 3番目の例は、おつりが少なすぎたときに、さらにフォーマルに尋ねたい場合に使える表現です。 "Excuse me, but I think the change you've given me is short." この表現は、少し長いですが、2番目の例のように伝えたい内容が相手に伝わります。
Travis S DMM英会話講師
  • My change is short.

  • You gave me more than you should have.

*My change is short. This means that they didn't give enough change and they need to give you the correct. For example: You: My change is short by $2 Till Operator: I am sorry about that here is the correct amount. *You gave me more than you should have. This means that they gave you more and you should return some of the money.
*My change is short. 十分なおつりをもらえなかったので、正しいおつりを渡してもらう必要があることを意味しています。 会話例 You: My change is short by $2 あなた:わたしのおつりが2ドル足らないです。 Till Operator: I am sorry about that here is the correct amount. レジ店員:申し訳ございません。こちらが正しいおつりです。 ------------------- *You gave me more than you should have. これは、もらったおつりが多すぎて、あなたがいくらか返す必要があるということを意味しています。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I think you made a mistake

  • That's short. I'm missing some change.

  • I think you gave me too much change

Whether given too much or too little change, you can always say: "Sorry, I think you made a mistake." When given too little change, you never know whether it is intentional or not, but the safe approach appears to be 'assertive' and 'abrupt' so that the cashier is in no doubt that you are 100% sure you have been short changed: "That's short. I'm missing some change." If handed too much change, you can easily mention: "I think you gave me too much change."
多すぎるおつりか、少なすぎるおつりだったとしても、両方の場合で"Sorry, I think you made a mistake."(すみませんが、間違えていると思います。)と言うことができます。 おつりが少なすぎるときは、店員さんがわざとしたのかどうかはわかりませんが、あなたのおつりが少ないというのが100%確実なのが店員さんに伝わるように、はっきりと、すぐに言うのが安全です。 "That's short. I'm missing some change." (それでは足らないです。おつりが足らないです。) おつりが多すぎるときは、簡潔に以下のように言うことができます。 "I think you gave me too much change." (おつりが多すぎると思います。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • This change is short.

  • You have given me too much change.

  • Do you want to double check that?

This change is short - when you haven't had enough change back and you are 100% sure that the calculation is wrong. Short meaning that it does not reach the money it should be. "Do you want to double check that? I think the change is short." You have given me too much change - When the calculation is over and you have been payed too much than what it should be. "Do you want to double check that? You have given me too much change." Do you want to double check that? - This is the best one in my opinion, and you can follow the question on with another statement. If it is not enough money, they will give you what is required. If it is too much, it's up to them to check it. "Do you want to double check that?"
This change is short (おつりが足らないです) 十分なおつりをもらえなかったときで、計算が100%間違っていると思ったときに使える表現です。 Shortは、正しい金額に達していないという意味です。 "Do you want to double check that? I think the change is short."(ダブルチェックしてもらえますか?[直訳:ダブルチェックしたいですか]おつりが足らないと思います。) You have given me too much change (おつりが多すぎます) 計算が終わった後に、おつりをもらいすぎたときに使える表現です。 "Do you want to double check that? You have given me too much change." (ダブルチェックしてもらえますか?おつりが足らないと思います。) Do you want to double check that? (ダブルチェックしてもらえますか?) 個人的な意見では、こちらが一番いいと思います。これを言った後に、具体的な問題を述べてもいいですね。金額が十分でない場合、店員さんは必要な金額を渡してくれます。もし金額が多すぎる場合、店員さんにチェックしてもらいます。 "Do you want to double check that?"(ダブルチェックしてもらえますか?)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Excuse me, I don't think you have given me enough change

  • Sorry, I think you have given me too much change

  • Excuse me, could you just check this change again, I am sure I should have more change

Excuse me, I don't think you have given me enough change- It is good to start with excuse me, as the person may be doing something else when you have realised that you have not been given the correct change. Sorry, I think you have given me too much change- This could also be used as " Sorry, I don't think I have been given the correct change?"
Excuse me, I don't think you have given me enough change. (すみません。[直訳:十分なおつりをくれたとは思いません。]十分なおつりをもらってないと思います。) 正しいおつりをもらえなかったことに気付いたとき、担当者の方はお取込み中かもしれないので、一言目はexcuse meで始めるといいです。 Sorry, I think you have given me too much change. (すみません。[直訳:多すぎるおつりをくれたと思います。]おつりが多すぎると思います。) または、"Sorry, I don't think I have been given the correct change?"(すみません。[直訳:正しいおつりをくれたとは思いませんが?])という表現を使ってもいいです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I'm sorry, you gave back the wrong amount.

  • Excuse me, you gave me too much back.

To inform a cashier that the amount of change that they had given, is too much, you can say "Excuse me, you gave me too much back." You want to use "Excuse me/I'm sorry" at the beginning of your statement because it shows politeness.
もらったお釣りの金額が多かったとレジ係に伝える時は、"Excuse me, you gave me too much back."と言えます。 最初に"Excuse me/I'm sorry"と言うと、丁寧になります。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I think you gave me extra change

  • I think you might have short-changed me

When someone gives you too much change, then you can say "I think you have me extra change". When you receive too little change, then you can say "I think you short-changed me". Alternatively, you can say: -This is too much change -My change is short by ($2)
お釣りを余分にもらった場合は、"I think you have me extra change"と言えます。お釣りが足らなかった場合は、"I think you short-changed me"と言えます。 他にも次のように言えます。 -This is too much change お釣りが多すぎます。 -My change is short by ($2) お釣りが(2ドル)足りません。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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