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イベントの準備がとっても大変だったけど、 みんなが喜んでくれてる姿が見れたら満足で、 大変だったことが吹っ飛びます! 準備が終わり、いざイベント開始!という時の心境です。
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2017/05/31 23:40
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  • It was a lot of work, but I'm glad to see you're happy with it.

「大変」とは色々な英訳があります。もともと副詞の「very」という意味ですが、よく形容詞みたいに「difficult」「terrible」などの意味で使われていますね。 この場合では「a lot of work」「tough」「difficult」という英訳がいいと思います。
Tim Young 主催
  • It took time to prepare, but it was worth it, because you're enjoying it

You can use this phrase to explain that the preparation was hard but worthwhile as it made the person it was for, very happy.
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • It was tough, but I'm happy that you're glad with it.

It was tough, but I'm happy that you're glad with it.「きつかったけど、みんなが喜んでいるから幸せです。」 toughのイメージは "difficult to do or to deal with"です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Able English Studies カナダ(バンクーバー)のTOEIC専門学校
  • 1. It was a lot of work but it was worth it when I saw how happy everyone was

  • 2. It was a lot of work but it paid off when I saw the excellent results

1. It was a lot of work but it was worth it when I saw how happy everyone was. This shows that it was hard work but the hard work was worth it because people enjoyed it and the event was successful. 2. Paid off- means it had good results or was successful. This shows that all the tough preparation and work was worth it because everything went well at the event. I hope this helps :)
"1. ”It was a lot of work but it was worth it when I saw how happy everyone was.”(大変だったけれどみんなが喜んでくれている姿を見たらその作業の価値があったように思えた) これは人々が楽しんでくれてイベントが成功したため頑張ってよかったと思ってることを示しています。 2. “Paid off”は結果が良かったまたは成功だったという意味です。 これはイベントで全てがうまくいったため大変だった準備と作業が全て価値があったことを示します。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。"
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • All my hard work is paying off!

  • It was worth it in the end!

  • My hard work was not in vain!

"Paying off" "Paid off" "Pay off" This is to see success and positive results after you've put effort into something. 'Vain' in this context, means to produce little or no results. So to say that your work was NOT in vain, is to say that you have definitely produced great results from all your hard work.
"Paying off" "Paid off" "Pay off" 何かを目指し努力しつづけ、成功し、ポジティブな結果が出たことをいいます。 この文章では、'Vain' はあまり生み出すことが出来ず、結果が出なかったことを言います。 "your work was NOT in vain" (あなたの仕事は無駄ではなかったです) という表現は、一生懸命仕事をしたことで素晴らしい結果が出たと表現しています。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Looks like it was well worth the pain in the end!

  • It seems all my hard work was not in vain after all!

"in the end" and "after all" implies that ultimately everything worked out well.
in the end/after allこれは、最終的には、という意味で、「最終的にはうまくいった」などで使えます。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • It wasn't so easy setting this up so I'm delighted you're all enjoying yourselves!

To set something up = The two most common uses of this phrasal verb are: 1. Place or erect something in position. ."Police set up a roadblock on Lower Thames Street" 2. Establish a business, institution. "She set up the business with a £4,000 bank loan" To be delighted = feeling or showing great pleasure. "a delighted smile"
To set something up = この熟語動詞には大きく分けて、二つの意味があります。 1. Place or erect something in position.何かを設置すること 例:."Police set up a roadblock on Lower Thames Street" 2. 機関や会社を興すこと。 例; "She set up the business with a £4,000 bank loan" To be delighted = 嬉しい気持ち、またはそれを示すこと "a delighted smile" 気持ちの良い笑顔
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It was difficult to make, but everyone seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

  • It was tough, but it has been worth it.

You have organised an event, and it was so hard to do, but you see that everyone who has been involved loved every moment of it, deeming it worth the time and effort. For example (speech) Today, has been a wonderful day. It has taken a long time to get here, and it wasn't easy to organise, but looking all around, it was tough, but it has been worth it. Thank you. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • It wasn't easy preparing everything but I'm glad to see everyone having a good time!

"It wasn't easy preparing everything but I'm glad to see everyone having a good time!" Here is another common expression you can use that emphasizes how difficult it was to prepare for everything but the event was a major success and that you are happy everyone is enjoying themselves. I hope this helps!
Darion DMM英会話講師
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