世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/01 10:55
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  • I'd like the third one from the left.

  • Can I get the third one from the left?

  • Could you get me the third one from the left?

「左から3番目」を英語でいうとthird one from the leftといいます。 それぞれの例文は少しニュアンスが違います: I'd like the third one from the left. 「左から3番目のがほしいです。」 (I wantのほうがカジュアルで、I'd likeのほうが丁寧です) Can I get the third one from the left? 「左から3番目のをもらえますか?」 Could you get me the third one from the left? 「左から3番目のを取ってもらえますか?」
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • Please give me the one third from the left.

  • I want the one third from the left.

  • I want the one on the far left.

It can be quite simple: "Please give me the one third from the left" It would be this specific because it is quite a straight forward direction. If it is closest to a wall or it is the first in a line of objects, it can be the one on the far left. I hope this helps! :D
けっこうシンプルに言うことができます。 "Please give me the one third from the left" そのままの指示なので、具体的です。 もし壁にいちばん近かったり、列のいちばん目にあるのであれば、the one on the far left ということができます。 参考になれば幸いです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Can I Please have the third one from the left.

  • I would like the third one from the left.

  • Please give me the third one from the left.

"can I "Asks them to give that one to you. "I would like" tells them that is the one you want. "Please give me" politely asks them for that one.
「can I 」とは、誰かに尋ねることを意味します。 「I would like」は、欲しいものについて話す時に使えます。 「Please give me」とは、丁寧にそれを誰かに頼むことです。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please could I have the third from the left?

  • Please could I have the second one in from the right?

  • Could I have the one which is fifth from the end please?

Here are some different ways to say the same thing
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want the third one from left.

  • Could I please have the third one from left.

You can use the above sentences to say it.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I take the third one from the left.

  • Let me get the third one over, please.

"third one over" says a location of an object with the object being number 3 from a certain position like left, right or even, the center.
third one overとは、右、左、又は中央などある位置から3番目にある物の場所のことを言います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Please give me the third item from the left.

  • Please give me item number three from the left.

  • Please give me the third one from the left.

I am guessing that you are probably shopping in a store and you would like to buy one of the items displayed in a straight line. I am further guessing that you have made your choice from among these items and that it is item number three from the left. Your request must be straightforward and unambiguous. So, you may say to the shopkeeper: Please give me the third item from the left. or Please give me item number three from the left. or Please give me the third one from the left.
たぶんお店で買い物をしているのでしょう。一列に並んだ商品のうちの一つが欲しい(買いたい)。左から三つ目の商品が。 はっきりと、明確に伝えないといけませんね。 例えば: Please give me the third item from the left. (左から三つ目の商品をください) Please give me item number three from the left. (左から三つ目の商品をください) Please give me the third one from the left. (左から三つ目の商品をください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • third one from the left

「左から3番目のやつ」だけ訳すと上のようになります。 関連表現追加しておきます。 second one from the right「右から2番目」 third one from the top「上から3番目」 fourth one from the bottom「下から4番目」 fifth one from the back「後ろから5番目」 fifth one from the front「前から5番目」 ご参考になれば幸いです(#^^#)
  • May I have the third one from the left please?

  • From the left, count one, two three.

Any one of thesestatements would indicate what item you are referring to:- 1. May I have the third one from the left please? This simple means that starting from the left side, you would like the third item. It's a simple instruction that's east to understand. 2. From the left, count one to three. This is another way to indicate that you want the third item from the left. Maybe this instruction can ber used with a child becasue counting to three would make it easy for them to identify which item you want.
上記のように言えば、どこにある物を指しているか伝わります。 1. May I have the third one from the left please?(左から3番目のをください) この文では、「左から3番目のをください」と伝えています。分かりやすい言い方です。 2. From the left, count one to three.(左から三つ数えて) 「左から3番目のをください」の別の言い方です。これは子どもに使えるかもしれません、「三つ数える」なら子どもにも伝わります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can I get the third one from the left?

  • I am sorry but could I have the third from the left?

The first sentence is the usual way of asking for help, although, not the most polite way of doing so. The second sentence is a much more polite version but keep it in mind that there are no big differences between them.
一つ目の例は普通の言い方です。必ずしも丁寧ではありませんが。 二つ目の例は非常に丁寧です。 この二つに意味の違いはほとんどありません。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • I would like the one third from the left please.

  • Can I have the one third from the left?

If you are buying something or want to say you want the third one from the left side, you can simply say something along the lines of "I would like the one third from the left please." or 'Can I have the one third from the left?".
「左から3番目のをください」は、次のように言えます。 "I would like the one third from the left please."(左から3番目のをください) "Can I have the one third from the left?"(左から3番目のをいただけますか)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • third from the left

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・third from the left 左から3番目 third で「3番目」、from the left で「左から」となります。 例: Could you get me the third one from the left? 左から3番目のやつを取ってくれませんか? ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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