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a)The doctor said to me, "You should stop smoking." b)The doctor advised me to stop smoking. a)とb)の文章は同じ意味だと捉えてよろしいのでしょうか?
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seiichi hatadaさん
2017/06/06 00:57
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  • The doctor told me to stop smoking.

tell someone to do「人に...するよう言う、注意する、命令する」 stop doing 以外に quit doing や give up doing もOK。 stop smoking for the sake of my health なら「健康のためにたばこをやめる」になります。 参考になれば幸いです!
  • The doctor advised me to stop smoking

  • I was advised by the doctor to stop smoking

  • For the sake of my health, the doctor told me I should stop smoking

If you are speaking to a friend or colleague, you would normally use Reported Speech to explain to anyone what had happened during the consultation. So (b) is the preferred and more usual way of sharing such an experience. However, a) is, in part, retelling exactly what the doctor told you. This is just an alternative method. Some individual speakers may prefer to give a series of quotations rather than use reported speech because they feel it may add drama or authenticity to the conversation. In a formal setting, Reported Speech would be more elegant unless it is essential that you say exactly what was spoken at the time. But really, the choice is yours and you can decide what seems most natural and comfortable for you.
あなたが友人や同僚と話しているのであれば、通常Reported speechを使用して、何が起こったのかを誰にでも説明します。したがって、(b)は、そのような経験を共有するための、より一般的な方法です。しかし、a)は、部分的に、医者があなたに言ったことを正確に表現しています。これはただの代替表現です。会話にドラマや真正性を追加する必要があれば、Reported speechを使用するのではなく、一連の引用をするほうがいいこともあります。フォーマルな場では、正確に何が言われたかをいうために引用を使うことよりも、reported speechのほうが好まれるでしょう。ま、実際はあなた次第です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The doctor said I had to quit smnoking

  • The doctor advised me to stop smoking

  • The doctor suggested I stop/quit smoking

quit & stop are often used when we talk about smoking. A new term being use in the UK is 'Smoking Cessation' - stopping smoking from the word 'cease' - stop doing something or quit doing something. Many people stop smoking. Many people quit smoking. Many people pack up smoking. Many people cease smoking. they all mean the same thing. Hope this helps :) Jane
quit と stop はタバコの話をするときによく使われる言葉です。 イギリスで最近よく使われるようになった言葉は、 Smoking Cessation ・・・これはcease(止める)を使ったフレーズです。 Many people stop smoking. Many people quit smoking. Many people pack up smoking. Many people cease smoking. これらはすべて同じ意味で、「多くの人が禁煙する」という意味です。 参考になれば幸いです。
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • The doctor said that I should stop smoking.

  • The doctor said that I need to stop smoking

  • The doctor said it is advisable to stop smoking

With regards to a) Try not to phrase your answer where you need to quote exactly what the doctor said, doing a nice summary is easier, for example convert what the doctor said from your point of view rather than the doctors, i.e. "The doctor said I should..." as opposed to "you should..." I also showed how to use different words when getting instructions from someone, "should, need, advisable" are all words which give orders in a polite yet stern way.
a)に関しては、そのままフレーズにしないようにしてください。医師が言ったことを正確に引用する必要がありますから。The doctors said I shouldなどよりかはYou shouldなど、医師のいったことを自分の視点で置き換えて話すと良いまとめになるでしょう。 また、受けた指示やアドバイスを表現する方法も多々あります。"should, need, advisable"という言葉はすべて、丁寧で堅実な言い方です。
Cheri B DMM英会話講師
  • My doctor told me to quit smoking

  • My doctor advised me to quit smoking

Another common term you can use instead of 'stop smoking' is 'quit smoking'. To 'quit' something is to stop doing something permanently. In both examples, being told to do something and be advised to do something can mean the same thing. I hope this helps :)
“”Quit smoking”は”stop smoking”の代わりに使うことができます。”Quit”とは何かを永久にやめるということです。どちらの例においても何かをするよう指示されることとアドバイスされることは同じ意味です。ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • The doctor told me that if I continue smoking, my condition will worsen.

  • The doctor advised me that in the interests of my health, I have to give up smoking.

Both A & B mean the same thing: Give up smoking or else your health will suffer.
AとBは両方とも同じ意味です。 禁煙しなさい、さもなければ不健康になるよ。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • I was instructed by my doctor, to quit smoking.

  • My doctor counseled me to stop smoking.

  • I recommend that you stop smoking!

The doctor is making a suggestion, that smoking is bad for you, it is not good for your health. Yes, they all mean the same thing. advised, instructed, counseled, recommend
医師が喫煙は健康に悪いという提案をしています。 はい、以下はすべて同じことを意味しています。 advised, instructed, counseled, recommend
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The doctor advised me to stop smoking.

  • The doctor told me to stop smoking.

  • I was advised by my doctor to give up smoking.

a)The doctor said to me, "You should stop smoking." b)The doctor advised me to stop smoking. 両方とも正しいし、同じ意味になりますが、bの方が自然です。「advised」の代わりに「told」という動詞も使う事が出来ますが、医者のアドバイスではなく、医者の命令というニュアンスになります(笑)。「stop smoking」の代わりに「give up smoking」という表現も使えます。 最も自然な文章は: The doctor advised/told me to stop smoking/give up smoking. I was advised/told by my doctor to stop smoking/give up smoking.
Mairi 英語講師/著者/英語ブロガー
  • The doctor advised me to stop smoking

  • The doctor told me that smoking is bad for my health.

  • The doctor told me to quit smoking.

These are three sentences that essentially mean the same thing and that is that the doctor gave you an advise, which is to stop smoking. :- 1. The doctor advised me to stop smoking. The word "advise" means to suggest that someone do something which is good for them. 2. The doctor told me that smoking is bad for my health. 3. The doctor told me to quit smoking. (To quit smoking is another way of saying to stop smoking.)
これら三つの文は基本的に同じ意味です。医者にたばこをやめるよう助言されたと言っています: 1. The doctor advised me to stop smoking. [訳]医者にたばこをやめるように忠告されました "advise"は「忠告する、助言する」という意味です。 2. The doctor told me that smoking is bad for my health. [訳]医者にたばこは健康によくないと言われました 3. The doctor told me to quit smoking. [訳]医者にたばこをやめるよう言われました "to quit smoking"は"to stop smoking"(たばこをやめる)の別の言い方です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
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