1. This phrase may be used at the end of a scenario/project/undertaking, especially if there have been some difficulties at some stage.
2. This phrase is an optimistic message stating that when the undertaking has been concluded, it will be successful.
3. Similar to 2, above.
1. This is another common English expression used to say that even good things come to an end and we should be happy or satisfied with that
2. This expression means that something has ended very well or very successfully.
I hope this helps :)
This is an expression which some people use to say that a difficult situation has ended with a good result. It is the title of a humorous play (written between 1601 and 1608) by William Shakespeare about the relationship between the two main characters, Helena and Bertram.
This expression is used to say that a person can forget about how unpleasant or difficult something was because everything ended in a good way.
You might have had serious problems during the execution of a project but you successfully completed it in the end.
So you may say: We almost didn't make it, but all's well that ends well.
We almost didn't make it, but all's well that ends well.
"It will all be okay in the end." Means it will be okay at the end.
"Alls well that ends well." is an English saying that explains everything will be okay in the end.
"It will all be okay in the end."
"Alls well that ends well."
They had their ups & downs...but "All is well that ends well." They are now great friends!
"All is well...that ends well!" is a "Story book adage"...And this phrase has been used
for centuries... Roughly interpreted as: Le'ts forget what happens at the start of
anything...We only know how things turnd out...at the end.
And, if we "finish happy"... its a great result for all concerned;-D
"All is well...that ends well!" 終わりよければすべてよし、とはお話しのことわざです。これは、何世紀にもわたって使われている表現です。ざっと、はじめにおこったことは忘れて、終わりにはことが変わるから、といった感じでしょうか。ハッピーエンドは、素敵な結末です。
Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make you peace with that and all be will well.
I am so glad it was a happy ending.
Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make you peace with that and all be will well. - This means that all the good things will come to an end. If you have peace that it will end one day then you will not be so sad and disappointed the day that it ends.
I am so glad it was a happy ending. - At the end it was all well and good.
Everything that has a beginning has an ending. Make you peace with that and all be will well. - これはすべて良いことにも終わりがあることを意味します。 あなたが平和を持っていれば、それはいつか終わります。それが終わる日には、あなたはとても悲しくもならないし、失望もしないでしょう。
I am so glad it was a happy ending. - 最後は、すべてうまくいきました。
If you wanted to express that if something ends well, everything is well, you could say any of the following: "All's well that ends well", "In the end, it seems to have worked out well" or "It has ended on a high note".
"All's well that ends well"(終わりよければすべてよし)
"In the end, it seems to have worked out well"(最終的にはうまくいった)
"It has ended on a high note"(好調のまま終わった)
If you want to express that "If something ends well, everything is well" you can express this is the following ways:-
1. In the end everything will be alright
This is a sentence that means a situation may start out badly, but in the end everything will be ok.
2. All is well that ends well.
This is a common informal expression.It means that even if a situation starts out badly, if in the end it turns out well, then that is what really matters.
3. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
This is also another informal expression, it means that a situaltion may look bleak but at the end of it all, some good will come out of it.
1. In the end everything will be alright
2. All is well that ends well.
3. There is light at the end of the tunnel.
When you want to express that if something ends well, everything is well; you may use the following expressions:
-All is well that ends well.
-A good ending is an acceptable one.
-All is well that ends well.(終わりよければすべてよし)
-A good ending is an acceptable one.(終わりがよいのはよいことだ)
One of the most common phrases from Shakespeare's works is "All's well that ends well," which means that everything is okay in the end. Another phrase that we use is "the ends justify the means" which wants to say whatever you need to do in order to make things happen is okay. I hope that this helps. :)
"All's well that ends well" は、シェイクスピア作品の最も有名なセリフの一つです。「終わりよければすべてよし」という意味を表します。
"The ends justify the means" というフレーズもあります。これは「成功はあらゆる手段を正当化する」という意味です。
"All's well that ends well." - This is a standard phrase that means even if there were problems or difficulties at the beginning, it has a positive outcome. "Although we had some hiccups at the start of the project, we managed to get through it. All's well that ends well."
You could also add a French twist! There are many words & phrases in English which have been taken from French, such as "cafe". Here are two of the most common:
"c'est la vie" - meaning "that's life" as in, "She never returned any of my calls, c'est la vie!"
"Comme ci, comme ça" - meaning not good, not bad or so so. A: "How was your date last night?" B: "Comme ci, comme ça!"
"All's well that ends well."(終わりよければすべてよし)
"Although we had some hiccups at the start of the project, we managed to get through it. All's well that ends well."
少しひねってフランス語を使ってもいいかもしれません。英語にはフランス語から来た言葉やフレーズがたくさんあります。"cafe" もその一つ。
"c'est la vie" - "That's life"(それが人生だ)という意味です。
"She never returned any of my calls, c'est la vie!"(彼女は1回も連絡してこなかった。それが人生だ)
"Comme ci, comme ça" - 「まあまあ/まずまず」という意味です。
A: "How was your date last night?"(昨日のデートどうだった)
B: "Comme ci, comme ça!"(まあまあってとこかな)
All good things must come to an end - this is very common to say to someone that even when good things are happening they will eventually may not last.
For example: John's son wanted to spend longer at the theme park - 'today was fun, but all good things must come to an end'
Its almost a reminder to appreciate the good times before they end
All good things must come to an end(良いことには必ず終わりがある)
例えば:ジョンの息子はもっと長く遊園地にいたかったと思っています。 - 'Today was fun, but all good things must come to an end'(今日は楽しかったけど、良いことには必ず終わりがあるから)
All's well, that ends well.
It is a well used phrase in English, and this is the go to phrase. Enjoy it and use it well.
I hope it helps.
Have a great day.
All's well, that ends well.(終わりよければすべてよし)