Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It's important to make a lot of mistakes if you want to learn English.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes. It's important to make a lot of mistakes if you want to learn English.
don't be afraid 「恐れるな」
don't be afraid of ...「〜を恐れるな」
make mistakes「[間違える](」
「英語レッスン中は」のように言いたければ、if以下の部分をduring an English lessonとかに変えることもできます。
失敗 means failure, and 恐れる means afraid. So it can either be translated as "don't be afraid to fail" or "don't be afraid of failure."
[失敗]( は failure, [恐れる]( "don't be afraid to fail" or "don't be afraid of failure."失敗を恐れないでという意味です。
"Success is what happens after you have made all those mistakes
The more mistakes you make in learning English,the more you learn
Rome wasn't built in a day!
"Success is what happens after you have made all those mistakes"
This means that the only way to be successful in anything is by making mistakes along the way.
"The more mistakes you make in learning English,the more you learn"
Making mistakes is part of the process of learning especially when it comes to language.
"Rome wasn't built in a day!"
This means that perfection is a process and does not happen overnight.Learning a new language is never easy,it takes tons of mistakes and hard work.
"Success is what happens after you have made all those mistakes"成功とはそういう失敗のあとにやってくるものだよ。
This means that the only way to be successful in anything is by making mistakes along the way.成功するためにはその道中で失敗をすることでしか得られないものだという意味。
"The more mistakes you make in learning English,the more you learn"英語を学ぶ上でたくさんミスをすればするほど、あなたはもっと学び、上達するのよ
Making mistakes is part of the process of learning especially when it comes to language.ミスをすることは特に言語を学ぶときには上達する過程の一部である。
"Rome wasn't built in a day!"ローマは一日にして成らず
This means that perfection is a process and does not happen overnight.Learning a new language is never easy,it takes tons of mistakes and hard work完璧なものは一夜で完成するものではないという意味。.新しい言語を学ぶのは簡単ではない。たくさんの間違いとハードワークを要するものだ
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. - this means that even though you may go through a struggle, that struggle will only make you stronger if it doesn't make you end up dead. So, basically, you'll learn from your mistakes. It's a very empowering thing to say.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
- これはもがき苦しむことかもしれないけど、その苦しい経験はあなたを強くし、死ぬことにはならないですよ、という様な意味になります。
It's important to make mistakes when learning English. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Making mistakes when learning a language is helpful. So, don't be afraid.
It's important to make mistakes when learning English.
So, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
- This is specific to learning English.
Making mistakes when learning a language is helpful.
So, don't be afraid.
- This talks about languages in general.
You can also say, "making mistakes is normal and important. You can learn from your mistakes and improve. "
This may help the person to feel more relaxed and realize that everyone makes mistakes when learning a language.
It's important to make mistakes when learning English. So, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
- 英語を学ぶときには、間違いをおかすことは大切です。これは英語と断定した表現です。
Making mistakes when learning a language is helpful. So, don't be afraid.
- 言語を学んでいるときに間違えるのはとても役立ちます。だから恐れないで。
"making mistakes is normal and important. You can learn from your mistakes and improve.
Do not be afraid of making mistakes, the teacher will help you.
We learn from our mistakes so do not be afraid.
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes, the teacher will help you." This explains that it is okay to make mistakes and that the teacher will help.
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes." This means they must not be scared of making a mistake.
"The teacher will help you." this explains that the teacher will help them with the mistake.
"We learn from our mistakes so do not be afraid." This explains that we learn the correct way when we make mistakes.
"We learn from our mistakes" This is an English phrase uses to explain that when we make a mistake we learn from it.
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes, the teacher will help you."
"Do not be afraid of making mistakes."
"The teacher will help you."
"We learn from our mistakes so do not be afraid."
"We learn from our mistakes"
Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning english because it is important to learn from those mistakes.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning English as it is all a part of the
If you are trying to tell someone that you must not be afraid to make mistakes while learning English, you can say something like "Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning english because it is important to learn from those mistakes.".
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning english because it is important to learn from those mistakes."
Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so don't be afraid.
Mistakes can work to our advantage, so don't be afraid to make them.
Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so don't be afraid: Making a mistake
gives one an opportunity to learn as you discover what you struggle with and
therefore can do more research on that specific area.
Mistakes can work to our advantage...: This is because mistakes give us a chance to
learn more.
Making mistakes is part of the learning process, so don't be afraid: 間違うことはあなたが何に苦しんでいるのかを見つけるための機会を与える、したがってその特定の領域でもっと調べられるということ。
Mistakes can work to our advantage...: これは間違いを犯すことはより学ぶ機会を与えるからです。
Making mistakes is all part of the learning process
Error correction is an integral part of learning a language
It may be true that if you never make a mistake, your learning process may be somewhat slower than those who do make miostakes and then are subsequently corrected by their peers or teachers. Especially with a language, 'error correction' is understood to be vitally important to a students progress - in terms of accuracy and clarity.
"My teacher says that making mistakes is all part of the learning process."
"My teacher says that making mistakes is all part of the learning process." (私の先生は間違いを犯すことは学習過程の一環であると言います)
Making a mistake teaches us what not to do next time around.
Our mistakes can make us wiser.
We all make mistakes, its part of life. When we learn from our mistakes we become wiser people. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of effort, and includes making mistakes or failing at times. We should not be afraid to make mistakes becasue that is how we grow.
You can use any of these sentences to tell someone that they should not be afraid of making mistakes:-
1. Don't be afraid of making mistakes
2. Making a mistake teaches us what not to do next time around.
Our mistakes can make us wiser.
1. Don't be afraid of making mistakes(ミスを恐れてはいけません)
2. Making a mistake teaches us what not to do next time around.(ミスをすることで次にどうすればいいかが分かります。)
You don't need to be afraid. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes.
You need to speak confidently. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes.
"Don't be afraid to make mistakes and take risks."
"You don't need to be afraid. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes."
"take risks"は、「一か八かとりあえずやってみる」
"don't need to"は、「~しなくてもいい」
"It doesn't matter if you make mistakes."は、「間違えても問題ない。」
"You need to speak confidently. It doesn't matter if you make mistakes."
A) If at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again.
B) "Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time."
A) If at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again. - If you make a mistake or if you fail at something don't crawl up in a bundle and cry rather get up and try even harder the next time around
B) "Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time. - To be successful in life you will make mistakes along the way and this is normal.
I hope this helps :-)
A) If at first you don't succeed dust yourself off and try again. -最初はうまくいかなくてもあきらめないでまた挑戦してみて。 If you make a mistake or if you fail at something don't crawl up in a bundle and cry rather get up and try even harder the next time aroundもしあなたが間違えたり、失敗してもあきらめて引っ込んでしまったり、失敗から立ちあがるよりみ泣いてしまわないで。次はもっと頑張ってみよう
B) "Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time失敗のないところに成功は成り立たない。ただ二度目に同じ間違いをしないことだ。. - To be successful in life you will make mistakes along the way and this is normal.人生で成功するには失敗がつきものだ。そしてそれは普通のことだよ
I hope this helps :-)
It's normal to make mistakes. without mistakes we don't learn.
Mistakes are a part of life, we take action and we learn from them.
Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before.
Take action:To act in order to get a particular resultI am going to take action, by focusing on my mistakes, to improve my English fluency.
Turn you into: Change or develop from one thing to another. I wasn't very good with my spoken English, but I'm slowly turning into a fluent English speaker.
"Take action" はある目的のために行動することをいいます。
I am going to take action, by focusing on my mistakes, to improve my English fluency.
"Turn you into" は「変える/発展させる」という意味です。
I wasn't very good with my spoken English, but I'm slowly turning into a fluent English speaker.
Don't be afraid of making mistakes, it will be a valuable experience for you
Valuable means a thing that is of great worth (very important to you). I personally prefer the second sentence because it's more detailed but they both mean the same.
Don't worry about making mistakes, this is how one learns best.
The best way to learn is through mistakes.
The best way to learn is through mistakes.
As humans, the best way to remember something is through trial and error.
Once we have made some mistakes, we know next time what is incorrect and what to stay away from.
Trial and error: trying something out a few times in different ways (trial) through errors being made (mistakes)
One refers to a person, somebody.
When it comes to learning English, even native users of the language make errors, no one is perfect and it is always a learning process.
Practice makes perfect!
Trial and error: 失敗と試みを繰り返すこと
We learn through our mistakes.
When you make a mistake or fail at something then
there's a very slim chance that you will repeat that
mistake.No one is perfect and success is very rarely
achieved without struggles and stumbling blocks along
the way.The harder you find something, the sweeter
is the taste of victory when you attain the goal that you
had set for yourself. Studying a language is no different.
Just hang in there - this means to continue doing something
no matter how hard it may seem because you will eventually
Just hang in there - これは「大変なことでもいつかは報われるから頑張れ」という意味です。