Q:Which size coke would you like?コーラの[サイズ](はいかがでしょうか?
A●I'll have 500ml bottle please.
Q:What would you like to drink? 飲み物はいかがでしょうか?
A●I'll have the 500ml○○ please.
Q:Would you like a can or a bottle?アルミ[缶](またはペットボトルございますが、いかがでしょうか?
A●I'll have the Plastic bottle please.
I many or most countries the abbreviation PET won't be understood. But for English speakers living in Japan after a while they come to learn what it means. ほぼの国ではペットボトルまたはペットの意味が通じないのですが、日本在留外国人は時間がたつと、意味わかるようになります!
Plastic is a synthetic material used to makes bottles, bags, toys and other things
PET plastic bottles are bottles that are made of recyclable plastic
Recyclable means that the plastic the bottle is made with can reused
A: You should not use plastic bottles?
B: Why not?
A: It's harmful to the environment
B: This is a PET bottle. It is a recyclable plastic bottle.
Plastic is a synthetic material used to makes bottles, bags, toys and other thingsプラスチックは合成素材でボトルやかばん、おもちゃ、その他のものを作るのに使われます。
PET plastic bottles are bottles that are made of recyclable plasticペットボトルはリサイクル可能なプラスチックでできたボトルです。
Recyclable means that the plastic the bottle is made with can reusedリサイクルとは再利用できるプラスチックボトルということです。
A: You should not use plastic bottles?プラスチックボトルはつかうべきではありません。
B: Why not?なぜだめなの?
A: It's harmful to the environment環境によくないからです。
B: This is a PET bottle. It is a recyclable plastic bottle. これはペットボトルです。リサイクルできるプラスチックのボトルです。
*Plastic bottles are used to store liquids for example water, drinks, milk, cooking oil, shampoo. Liquid is anything that flows like water. They come in different sizes for example 250 ml, 500 ml.
Example Sentences:
May i please have a 500 ml pet soft drink.
Please bring a 250 ml bottle of motor oil.
“plastic bottles”(ペットボトル)は水、飲み物、牛乳、料理油、シャンプーのような液体を保存するのに使われます。
“May I please have a 500 ml pet soft drink?”
“Please bring a 250 ml bottle of motor oil.”
We would say a plastic bottle or bottled water.
If you are at a restaurant and you do not want the water from the faucet/ tap water then we would say "Can I have bottled water please?''
If you would like a plastic bottle instead of a hard (typically glass) bottle then you would say ''Can I have a plastic bottle please?'' This is because the bottle is made from plastic.
「plastic bottle」または「bottled water」と言います。
"Can I have bottled water please?"
"Can I have a plastic bottle please?"
We call this bottled water, it is a 500 ml size bottle of water.
The bottle is made of plastic.
"Please, can I get bottled water?"
"Sure, what size?
"500 ml, please."
ペットボトルのことをbottled waterと言います。500ミリサイズのペットボトルを500 ml size bottle of waterと言います。ペットボトルはプラスチックでできています。
"Please, can I get bottled water?"
"Sure, what size?
"500 ml, please."