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”please call police!"でいいの?
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2015/11/04 01:29
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  • Please call the police!

  • Call 911!

Call the police! 警察を呼んで! アメリカではよく「Call 911!」と言うこともあります。 「911」(ナインワンワンと読みます)は日本の「110番」にあたります。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Call the cops

  • Quick, call the authorities

  • call the police

警察→ the cops the police the authorities いろんな言い方があるので 全部覚えましょう!
  • Please phone the police

  • Call the cops!

  • Dial 911!

Saying "Please phone the police" is a polite way of asking someone to contact the police. In stressful situations however, people do not tend to be polite since they are in a panic so they tend to use short, direct sentences such as "Call the cops" ("cops" is another term for "police") or "Dial 911"
"Please phone the police" は警察に連絡するように求める丁寧な言い方です。 ただ、緊迫した状況では、パニックになって丁寧な言葉はあまり使いません。 短く、ストレートに「Call the cops("cops" は「警察」)」や「Dial 911(911に電話して)」などと言うことが多いです。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Call 999 (in the UK)

  • Call the police!

  • Someone get a policeman!

Any one of these phrases will suffice.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Call the police!

  • Call the cops!

  • Please call a law enforcement officer immediately.

These are all good ways to tell someone to call the police. cop =a police officer. e.g. A cop in a patrol car gave chase Law enforcement officer = an employee, the duties of whose position are primarily in the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws of a country or city.
These are all good ways to tell someone to call the police. 上記例はすべて誰かに警察を呼んで欲しいときに使える表現です。 cop =a police officer. e.g. A cop in a patrol car gave chase (Cop=警察官の砕け方言い方。「パトカーに乗った警察官が追跡した。」) Law enforcement officer = an employee, the duties of whose position are primarily in the investigation, apprehension, or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of offenses against the criminal laws of a country or city. Law enforcement officer=法執行機関の当局者。刑法を犯した容疑者や犯罪者の調査、逮捕、または、身柄拘束などが主な責務。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Call/Phone the police.

  • Call/Dail 911

  • Call the cops

"Call", "dial" and "Phone" have the same meaning. Call 911 means to call emergency services. This does not work in all countries as the phone number for emergency services is not always the same. Cops is a common word for police.
「call通話」「dialダイヤル」「phone電話」は同じ意味です。 911に電話すると緊急時サービスに電話することを意味します。 緊急サービスの電話番号が常に同じではないため、これはすべての国で機能するというわけではありません。 copsは警察の一般的に使われる単語です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please call 911!

  • Can you please call the police department?

"Please call 911", is the most common and popular way you can say to call the police. Through 911 you can also call the fighter fighters and paramedics. You can even call the ambulance. If you are in an emergency you should dial 911 on your phone and they will call the police department for you. You can say: "Call the police department!" This is a demand. You are telling someone to pick up their phone and call the local police department. If you know the name of the local police you can also say; "Please call the New York City Police Departement."
「警察を呼んでください」は "Please call 911" が最も一般的です。 911番では、消防士や救急隊員を呼ぶこともできます。 救急車もです。 緊急時には自ら911番に電話した方がいいです、そこから警察に連絡が行きます。 "Call the police department!" と言うこともできます。 これは「demand(要求)」です。 地元の警察に電話するよう求めています。 地元の警察の名前がわかれば、"Please call the New York City Police Departement" などと言うこともできます。
Dao DMM英会話講師
  • Can someone please call the cops!

  • Help! Call the cops please!

  • Someone, anyone please call the cops immediately!

>Can someone please call the cops! >Help! Call the cops please! >Someone, anyone please call the cops immediately! Any of the above can be used. All clearly indicate that it an emergency and that the cops need to be called. *immediately= at once.
>Can someone please call the cops! 誰か警察に電話してくれませんか? >Help! Call the cops please!助けて! 警察に電話してください! >Someone, anyone please call the cops immediately! 誰か、誰でもいいのですぐに警察に電話してください! 上記のいずれかを使用することができます。 どれも、緊急事態であり、警察を呼ぶ必要があることを明確に表現しています。 *immediatelyすぐに=すぐに。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Call the cops

  • Please dial 911!

  • Call the police.

Any of these phrases will be suitable.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can someone quickly call the police please?

  • Someone go and call the police immediately!

If you would like to know how to ask someone to call the police for you, you can say something like "Someone please help me call the police as fast as you can!". Normally when calling the police, you are in a situation that needs help very quickly so you can add words like "quickly" and "immediately" to emphasize that it needs to be done fast!
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Please call the police!

  • Call the police quickly!

  • Somebody call ____ !

Here are three direct commands you can give to people to call the police for help. Notice the first two are very similar with only a few changes with words like, "please," to telling someone to call, "quickly." The last example can be used when you are telling someone to dial/call a particular number such as, "911," which is the number for the police in the United States.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Please dial the police now.,,

  • Call the police! Its Urgent.

Calling the Police is usually a matter of urgency an emergency we may need Assistance or Protection! (eg in accident or in a deliberate assault situation) CALL THE POLICE NOW! is the normal response in such cases. This should always be done in a calm and concise avoid any confusion. Taking note of the exact location and explaining clearly the reason for the call...
例1:Please dial the police now.,, 「警察に電話してください。」 例2:Call the police! Its Urgent. 「警察を呼んでくれ!緊急だ!」 警察に電話する時は大抵、非常時に助けや身の安全を守ってもらうような緊急事態です。(事故に巻き込まれたり、襲われたりした場合です。) 例文2の表現はこのような状況ではとても一般的です。 通報は誤解を防ぐため、落ち着いて簡潔にしてください。 正確な場所と、何が起こっているか正確に伝えなければなりません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Call the police!

  • Could you call the police?

  • Please call the police.

Call the police! Could you call the police? Please call the police. When you want to tell someone to call the police, you can use one of these three options. Of course, it depends on the situation with which one you want to use. For instance, the first option is much more direct and urgent, whereas the other ones may not be said in such an urgent situation. I hope that helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Please call the police.

  • Can you please call the police?

  • Call the cops

When you want to ask someone to call the police; you may ask in the following ways: -Please call the police. -Can you please call the police? -Call the cops.
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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