I remember fondly the days when I used to play outdoors until dark.
I used to play until it got dark. It's a really great memory.
I feel nostalgic about the days when I used to play until dark.
「懐かしい」は時々「nostalgic」という英訳見ますが、使い方はちょっと違います。「nostalgic」は「思い出を出してうれしくて悲しい気分になる」という意味です。だから私にとっては、「懐かしい思い出」を英語にすると、「nostalgic memories」はちょっと反復的になると思います。「I have nostalgic memories about〜」より「I feel nostalgic about 〜」という言い方が多いです。
It is my good old days that we were playing outside until sunset.
It's a good memory of my childhood that we were playing outside until the sun set in the evening.
It's nostalgic to remember my childhood that we were playing outside until sunset.
1番目:It is my good old days=古き良き日々
2番目:It's a good memory of my childhood=子供の頃の良い思い出
3番目:It's nostalgic to remember my childhood =子供の頃を思い出すと懐かしい
the sun set =太陽が沈んだ(主語・動詞(過去形))
追憶の日々に浸るのも脳のリラックスになりますね。 説明文を書いてて優しい、ほんわりした気分になれました(^-^)/