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2017/06/24 10:49
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  • long and messy

My hair is getting very long and messy.(髪がとても伸びてきていて、ボサボサなんですよ) 「get+形容詞」で「(ある状態に)なる」という意味になり、これを現在進行形にすることで、特にここ最近、髪が伸びてきている変化「〜になってきている」を表現できます。 もちろん現在形でシンプルに表現するのも自然です。
Daisuke Ebisu 英会話スクール運営。英語講師&英語書籍ライター
  • My hair is out of control.

  • My hair is a mess.

  • I've been too busy to get it cut, so my hair is a mess right now.

A casual way to say that something is messy is to say that it is "out of control." This can apply to this situation as well, "my hair is out of control." You can also say: - My room is out of control. - My kitchen is out of control. - My eyeliner is out of control. - My lipstick is out of control. You can always just say things are "a mess," as well. - My hair is a mess. - My room is a mess. - My life is a mess. As for the reason, in this case: - I've been too busy to go to the salon, so my hair is out of control. - I've been crazy busy lately, so I haven't had time to get my hair cut.
何かがmessy(ぼさぼさ、めちゃくちゃ)だとカジュアルに表現する場合、"out of control"と表現できます。これはこの状況でも使えます"my hair is out of control"。また以下の表現もできます: - My room is out of control.(部屋がめちゃくちゃだ) - My kitchen is out of control.(キッチンがめちゃくちゃだ) - My eyeliner is out of control.(アイライナーがめちゃくちゃだ) - My lipstick is out of control.(口紅がめちゃくちゃだ) 単純に物事が"a mess"と言うこともできます。 - My hair is a mess.(髪がぼさぼさだ) - My room is a mess.(部屋がめちゃくちゃだ) - My life is a mess.(人生がめちゃくちゃだ) 理由については、この場合: - I've been too busy to go to the salon, so my hair is out of control.(忙しくて美容院に行けず、髪の毛がぼさぼさだ) - I've been crazy busy lately, so I haven't had time to get my hair cut.(最近物凄く忙しくて、髪を切りに行く時間が取れていない)
Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • 1. My hair is looking straggly!

  • 2. My hair is looking dishevelled!

  • 3. My hair is a right state!

1. Straggly = growing or spreading in an irregular, untidy way. 2. Dishevelled = (of a person's hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered. 3. A right state! = In a mess, in a state of chaos. 'They promoted that idiot to run things, and now the department is in a right state.'
1. Straggly =不規則で清潔でない形で成長したり広がっている 2. Dishevelled=(人の髪の毛、服、または外見が)不安定な、混乱した。 3. A right state! =無秩序で、混沌の状態で 'They promoted that idiot to run things, and now the department is in a right state.' 「彼らはその馬鹿に管理を任せたおかげで、現在その部局は混とん状態にある」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My hair is really long and unkempt.

  • My hair is really long and messy.

「髪が伸びる」→直訳すると「Hair grows」ですが、 普段「Hair is long」と表現します。 「ぼさぼさ」→「Unkempt, messy」
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • My hair is out of control, Its grown like crazy...I have been so busy I have had no time for myself.

We usually exaggerate to help make a point...and help keep it light hearted. We don't really want to damage our own self esteem! "I look like a wild woman!" "My hair has taken me over" ;-) "I am in the middle of a hair explosion!" its reached that messy stage.. when its soo difficult to control and keep tidy!
私たちは通常、言いたい事を強調するために誇張します。 自分の自尊心をあまり傷つけたくないのですね!   "I look like a wild woman!"  「 私ワイルドな女性みたい!」   "My hair has taken me over" 「私の髪はボサボサ”」  "I am in the middle of a hair explosion!"  「(髪の毛が)爆発したみたいだ!」     その厄介なボサボサの状態になってしまい、綺麗に保つのが難しくなってしまいました!
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My hair is getting long and messy

  • My hair is looking very unkept

  • My hair is a mess

When describing what your hair is like you can simply say 'my hair is a mess' to describe this better you could say 'my hair is long and messy' this describes your hair is long as well Unkept is another way of saying not looked after and looking a mess
髪がボサボサなことは、'My hair is a mess'(髪がボサボサ)と表せます。 'My hair is long and messy'(髪が伸びてボサボサ)と言えば、髪の毛が長いことも伝えられます。 'unkept'も、手入れされていないボサボサな髪を表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • My hair is too long

  • i need a haircut.

If you are with the person you are talking to and they can see you, simply I need a haircut would be fine. They can see your hair personally and you wouldn't require to specify the issue.
その場にいる人に対して言うなら、シンプルに"I need a haircut"(髪を切りにいかなくちゃ)でいいでしょう。相手はあなたの髪を見られますから、具体的に言う必要はありません。
Anthony W DMM英会話講師
  • My hair is a little too long and messy.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) My hair is a little too long and messy. 「私の髪は少し長すぎてボサボサです」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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