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僕がホストファミリーを次の夏にすることになったのですがホームステイをするアメリカの男の子に初めてメールを送ります。 「次の夏にあなたのホストファミリーになったEijiです!」っていう文章を書きたいのですがI am supposed to be your host family next summer. だと義務的な感じになってしまうかなと思ってどういう文章にすればいいか悩んでます
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2017/06/24 23:42
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  • I'm your host family, Eiji

  • Hi, this Eiji. We are your host family for the next summer

I am supposed to be your host family next summer. ホストファミリーになることが既に決まっている場合は、supposed to beでは不確定な意味を含むので、上記のように現在形で簡単に表現していいですよ。
Philip James DELTA所有英語講師
  • 1. We were so pleased to hear that we will be your host family next summer.

  • 2. We will be your hosts during your stay in our country and are really looking forward to meeting you!

  • 3. We can't wait to meet you and welcome you into our home next summer!

1. You express your delight and introduce yourself as the guest's host family. 2. You introduce yourself and express your happy anticipation of meeting the guest. 3. You express your keen anticipation and desire to welcome the guest into your home.
1.自分の喜びを表現し、ゲストのホストファミリーとして自分自身を紹介する表現です。 2.自身を紹介し、ゲストを歓迎する喜びを表現する言い方です。 3.ゲストをあなたの家に迎え入れることへの熱望と希望を表明する言い方です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We are extremely pleased to be your host family next summer.

  • We have the honor of being your host family next summer

In the first sentence, you have used the adverb 'extremely' which means 'very' and then used the adjective 'pleased', which has several meanings, but, in this context, means 'willing or glad to do something', in this case, 'to be his/her/their host family'. In the second sentence, you have used the noun 'honor', which has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing pride and pleasure; a privilege', in this case, 'being your host family next summer'.
最初の文では'very'を意味する 'extremely'と言う副詞を使い、形容詞の 'pleased'を使っていて、それは幾つかの意味を持っていますが、この文脈では、'willing or glad to do something'(何かを喜んでする)ということを意味しています。この場合では、 'to be his/her/their host family'(彼・彼女・彼らのホストファミリーになること)についてです。 2文目では、あなたは幾つかの意味を持つ 'honor'という名詞を使っていますが、この文脈では 'something regarded as a rare opportunity and bringing pride and pleasure; a privilege'(稀な機会や、誇りや喜びをもたらすものとしてみなされている何か、特権)を意味します。この場合は、 'being your host family next summer'(来年の夏にあなたのホストファミリーになること)です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I would like to introduce myself and my family as we will be your hosts next summer

  • I am looking forward to meeting you next summer as your host family

Hi my name is Eiji and I will be your host next summer. Myself and my family are looking forward to meeting you. Hi, I would like to introduce myself as I will be your host next summer. My name is Eiji and I am looking forward to meeting you
やあ、僕の名前はエイジ、次の夏、僕があなたのホストファミリーになります。僕や家族は君に会えることを楽しみにしているよ。 やあ、来夏のホストファミリーになるので自己紹介をするね。僕の名前はエイジ、君に会えるのを楽しみにしているよ。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • We are very excited to have you spend the summer with us!

  • We are your host family, nice to meet you!

"Hi ....... My name is Eiji, and I would like to introduce myself and my family to you, as we will be spending the summer together, as a host family. "
"例文です。 ""Hi ....... My name is Eiji, and I would like to introduce myself and my family to you, as we will be spending the summer together, as a host family. "" 訳: 「こんにちは、 私はえいじと言います。 私たちはこの夏、同じ時を過ごす予定ですので、 ホストファミリーとして、私の家族と私のことを紹介したいと思います。」"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • I am excited to be your host next year. I hope we you have a great time.

I have drafted an email that you can use below: Dear (name of person) I hope I find you well. I am writing this email to tell you how excited I am to have you next summer at our house. I am an outgoing, fun and calm person. I hope to get to know you too during your stay with us. Please feel free to tell me if you have any specifications or allergies so that I can do any prior arrangements for you. Regards,
あなたのためにメールを作ってみました: Dear (name of person) ー親愛なる(名前)さん I hope I find you well. ーお元気でしょうか。 I am writing this email to tell you how excited I am to have you next summer at our house. ーこのメールはあなたに、来年の夏あなたを我が家に迎えることにどれほど楽しみにしているかを伝えるために書いています。 I am an outgoing, fun and calm person. ー私は社交的で、楽しくて、穏やかな人です。 I hope to get to know you too during your stay with us. ーあなたが私たちと一緒に過ごしている間にあなたのことも知りたいです。 Please feel free to tell me if you have any specifications or allergies so that I can do any prior arrangements for you. ーもしあなたが特別なことやアレルギーがあれば、あなたのために準備できますので教えてください。 Regards, ー敬具
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I will be hosting you during your stay

  • I will be your host while you are here

  • I would like to introduce myself, i am your host for your stay

example "hello, it is nice to meet you. I will be hosting you during your stay". or "i would like to introduce myself, i will be your host during your visit". or "we are looking forward to being your host family during your stay".
例 "Hello, it is nice to meet you. I will be hosting you during your stay".(こんにちは、はじめまして。あなたの滞在中ホストをする者です。) または "I would like to introduce myself, I will be your host during your visit".(自己紹介をさせてください。あなたの滞在中ホストをする者です。) あるいは "We are looking forward to being your host family during your stay".(あなたの滞在中ホストファミリーになることを楽しみにしています。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Hello, I'm going to be your host family this summer!

  • I'm excited to be hosting you this summer!

  • I'm excited to be your host family this summer!

We can simply say that we, "are going to be your host family this summer," or we can talk about the idea that, "I'm excited," to be the host family. We can also use the verb, "to host," to give the idea that we're going to be the host family that is hosting someone else.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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