世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/06/26 16:37
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  • That sounds like a wonderful trip!

That sounds---
It sounds---

It sounds good!
That sounds awful.

  • It sounds like you had an amazing trip!

  • That sounds like an awesome vacation!

  • It sounds like you had an amazing time!

After listening to someone talk about something, like a place they have visited or a vacation they took, you can use the phrase "sounds like" to comment on it. For example:

  • It sounds like you had an amazing trip!
  • It sounds like you had a really good time!
  • It sounds like that is a great place!
  • That sounds like a place I'd like to visit one day.

There are a ton of different ways to say "すばらしい." You can use any of these words:

  • fabulous
  • wonderful
  • fantastic
  • marvelous
  • amazing
  • awesome

誰かが行った旅先の事などを話したあと”sounds like"というフレーズを使う事ができます。

- It sounds like you had an amazing trip!
- It sounds like you had a really good time!
- It sounds like that is a great place!
- That sounds like a place I'd like to visit one day. 

- fabulous
- wonderful
- fantastic
- marvelous
- amazing
- awesome

Trish エートゥーゼット英語学校 講師
  • It sounds like you had a fantastic time!

  • It sounds pretty impressive.

  • It must have been extraordinary.

"It sounds like you had a fantastic time!" and "It must have been extraordinary." can be used to comment on a trip that sounds exceptional.

It sounds pretty impressive.
impressive = this is a word you can use if something makes you feel inspired.Your friend's trip could inspire you to arrange your own trip to the same place.

You could also say:
It sounds/Must have been :

"It sounds like you had a fantastic time!" and "It must have been extraordinary." can be used to comment on a trip that sounds exceptional.

It sounds like you had a fantastic time

It must have been extraordinary


It sounds pretty impressive.
impressive = this is a word you can use if something makes you feel inspired.Your friend's trip could inspire you to arrange your own trip to the same place.

It sounds pretty impressive

You could also say:
It sounds/Must have been :

It sounds/must have been:


Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It sounds like it was a blast!

  • Seems you had an incredible time!

A blast - this is acceptable slang - a party or riotously good time:
"Did we have a blast last night!"
Something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment; thrill; treat:
"My new electronic game is a blast. "
We use 'seems' when the speaker is confirming their impression about something.
"It seems everyone had a good time last night."
"Yes, it was an amazing party!"

A blast - これはパーティなど宴会などに対してよく使われるslangです。
"Did we have a blast last night!"昨日のパーティはどうだった?
楽しいことや嬉しいことをこうも言います: thrill; treat:
"My new electronic game is a blast. " 新しいゲームすっごい楽しいんだよ
"It seems everyone had a good time last night." 昨夜はみんな良い時間が過ごせたみたいだね。
"Yes, it was an amazing party!"うん、最高のパーティだったよ。

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It sounds like you enjoyed a lot there.

  • I can tell that you enjoyed a lot!



  • Sounds like you had a great trip!

  • That trip sounds amazing!

  • I am glad you had a good trip!

Sounds like you had a great trip! - In this example we use the adjective 'great' to describe how the listeners trip sounds. We can substitute 'great' for many other adjectives.

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

You could even swap 'trip' for a word like 'journey' or even 'adventure'.

Sounds like you had an excellent journey!
Sounds like you had an epic adventure!

That trip sounds amazing! - In this sentence rather than talking about the persons experience by saying 'you had a great trip', we use the pronoun 'that' to refer to the trip itself. Again we can switch out the adjective 'amazing' here.

That trips sounds extraordinary!

I am glad you had a good trip! - In this sentence we can show the listener that we care a little by saying we are glad they had a good time.

Sounds like you had a great trip!

Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

Sounds like you had an epic adventure!
That trip sounds amazing!


That trips sounds extraordinary! I am glad you had a good trip!
- 楽しんでくれて嬉しいという意味含む表現です。

Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • That sounds amazing! ...I wish I had been there.

  • WOW!! you must have had a brilliant time:-D

  • That sounds fantastic...

Its expected that we say something supportive when hearing of a friend's exploits, on holiday... Or on their return from a trip abroad!
Superlatives are always a good choice:

amazing(見事だ) incredible(信じられない) fantastic(素晴らしい) brilliant(立派だ) などがあります。

Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • It sounds like you had a great trip.

  • It sounds like you had an amazing trip.

You can use the above sentences to say this. It is important that you know the right adjectives to describe the trip. For example words like amazing,great,relaxing, fabulous,exciting etc.

amazing, great, relaxing, fabulous,exciting etc."

Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It sounds like you had a fantastic time on your trip!

  • I am glad you had such a good time.

After you finish hearing someone talk about their trip, you could respond by saying,
1. It sounds like you had a fantastic time on your trip! or
2. I am glad you had such a good time.
Both of these expressions allow you to show your pleasure that they had a great trip. The words, fantastic time and good time, show that the trip was great.

If someone had a bad experience on a trip, you would say,
1. I am so sorry your trip did not go as planned. (Go as planned - things did not happen the way you expected them to, maybe a flight was delayed, your luggage was lost, or it rained every day at your destination, etc.)
2. It sounds like you had an awful trip. (Awful- something terrible)

1. It sounds like you had a fantastic time on your trip!(楽しい旅行だったみたいですね)または、
2. I am glad you had such a good time.(楽しかったみたいでよかったですね)
これらの表現はどちらも、相手が旅行を楽しんだことへの「喜び」を表します。"fantastic time" と "good time" は、「楽しかった」を表しています。

1. I am so sorry your trip did not go as planned.(思い通りにいかなかったみたいで残念でしたね)
※ Go as planned -「思い通りにいかなかった」ということ。例えば、「飛行機が遅れた」「荷物を紛失した」「旅行先が毎日雨だった」など。
2. It sounds like you had an awful trip.(それはひどい旅行だったですね)
※ Awful- ひどく悪い

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Wow! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

  • From what you have just told me, I can conclude that you must have had an amazing trip.

  • What an exciting trip you had!I wish I was there with you.

When somebody is telling you about how wonderful their most recent trip was, you can't help wishing that you should have been there with him/her.In actual fact, you would start imagining yourself being on such a trip.The exclamation 'wow' used in the first statement is an expression of surprise or admiration.The adjective 'wonderful' used to describe the trip in the first statement, stresses just how the trip inspired delight or pleasure.Your conclusion is that his/her trip was 'amazing' or simply 'exciting'.The adjective 'amazing', used in the second statement, means 'excellent' in this context, whereas the adjective 'exciting', used in the third statement, in this context, means'causing great enthusiasm or happiness.
So, you may say:
Wow! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!
From what you have just told me, I can conclude that you must have had an amazing trip.
What an exciting trip you had!I wish I was there with you.


一つ目の例で使われている感嘆詞 'wow' は「驚き」や「感嘆」を表します。
一つ目の例で使われている形容詞 'wonderful' は旅行の「楽しさ」を表します。

二つ目の例の 'amazing' はこの場合「素晴らしい」という意味です。
三つ目の例の 'exciting' はこの場合「楽しそう/面白そう」という意味です。

Wow! Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!(うわ。楽しい旅行だったんですね)

From what you have just told me, I can conclude that you must have had an amazing trip.(今話を聞いて、楽しい旅行だったというのが分かりました)

What an exciting trip you had! I wish I was there with you.(楽しい旅行だったのですね。自分も一緒に行きたかったです)

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • OMG, that sounds amazing!

  • Wow! that sounds like it was a great holiday!

If someone has just finished telling you about their trip they recently went on and you would like to tell them that it sounded great, you can say something like "OMG, that sounds amazing!" or "Wow! that sounds like it was a great holiday!" 'OMG' is an abbreviation for the saying "oh my God/oh my goodness/oh my gosh".


"OMG, that sounds amazing!"(うわ、それすごいじゃん)
"Wow! that sounds like it was a great holiday!"(それは素敵な旅行でしたね)

"OMG" は "oh my God/oh my goodness/oh my gosh" の省略です。

Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Wow, I'm jealous!

  • Sounds amazing! I'd love to do that!

Both of these sayings are used to say that the trip sounds good to you and that you want to do the same:

-Wow, I'm jealous!
The 'Wow' part of this sentence conveys your approval of the trip. The 'I'm jealous' part conveys that you would like to do that as well.

-Sounds amazing! I'd love to do that!
This means the same as the other phrase, but the 'Sounds amazing' conveys your approval and the 'I'd love to do that' conveys your desire to do the same travel.


-Wow, I'm jealous!(うらやましいです)
'Wow' は、相手の話を肯定的に捉えていることを表します。'I'm jealous' は「うらやましい」という意味です。

-Sounds amazing! I'd love to do that!(いいですね!うらやましいです)
これは一つ目のフレーズと同じ意味です。'Sounds amazing' は相手の話を肯定的に捉えていることを表します。'I'd love to do that' は「うらやましい」という意味です。

Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • That trip sounds amazing.

  • It sounds like you had a great time.

  • I am glad you had such a good time, it sounds amazing.

That trip sounds amazing.
It sounds like you had a great time.
I am glad you had such a good time, it sounds amazing.

Any one of these should do you good and help you with what you want to say.

I hope it helps.
Have a great day.

That trip sounds amazing.(楽しい旅行だったのですね)

It sounds like you had a great time.(それは楽しかったでしょうね)

I am glad you had such a good time, it sounds amazing.(楽しかったようで、よかったですね)



Will Jay DMM英会話講師
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