世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/26 21:04
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  • I'm sure you will win the game if you play as usual.

「いつも通りやれば、きっと試合に勝つよ」という意味の文にしました。 「きっと〜だと思う」は、I'm sure (that) ~ 、「いつも通り」は as usual で表現できます。 試合の時のことなので、後半の動詞には、play を用いました。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • Just play your normal game.

  • Just do what you do best.

A normal game = the averge type of game with no unusual features. Just = simply. These phrases are pretty normal for this kind of situation where you want to encourage someone but also keep calm.
A normal game=珍しい特徴のないゲームの平均タイプ。 Just =単に これらのフレーズは、あなたが誰かを励ましたい、落ち着きを保ってほしいというときに使います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you perform like you normally do, you'll win!

  • Don't sweat it! You are bound to win!

  • You're a natural, you'll definitely win!

One way to encourage someone who is feeling a bit nervous about achieving something is to tell them in because they are naturally good, they are sure to win or pass. You can say: If you perform like you normally do, you'll win! To perform can be to act, to do a sport or to present something. It can also apply in an exam situation as well. Like you normally do means as they have been doing in the past. Don't sweat it! You are bound to win! Don't sweat it means don't worry about it. You are bound to win means You will definitely win. Bound to means sure to. You're a natural, you'll definitely win! You're a natural means you are naturally good at something. I hope that helps!
相手が目標を達成する子ができるかどうか緊張しているようだったら、いつも上手くできているから絶対だいじょうぶ!と言ってあげるといいですね。 If you perform like you normally do, you'll win! perform とは、演技をすること、スポーツをすること、発表をすることなどに使われます。また試験を受けるときも同じようにperformと言います。 Like you normally do は、今までずっとやってきたように、という意味です。 Don't sweat it! You are bound to win! Don't sweat it は、心配しないで、という意味です。 You are bound to win とは、絶対に勝つよという意味です。 bound to が「絶対〜する」という意味です。 You're a natural, you'll definitely win! You're natural は、もともと得意だという意味です。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • If you play the way you usually do, I'm sure you'll win.

  • Play the way you usually do and you will win.

When you want to tell someone that they should not change their strategy in how they play; you can say it in the following ways: -If you play the way you usually do, I'm sure you'll win. -Play the way you usually do and you will win. -Don't change how you usually play. You will win.
プレーの仕方の変えない方がいいと伝えたい時は、下記のように言えます。 -If you play the way you usually do, I'm sure you'll win. いつものようにプレーすれば、勝てるよ。 -Play the way you usually do and you will win. いつもの通りプレーして。そうすれば勝てるよ。 -Don't change how you usually play. You will win. いつものプレーを変えないで。勝てるから。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • You have no need to worry, you will win if you just play the way that you are use to playing.

  • Do not try any new tricks and stick to your normal way of playing and you will definitely win.

You have no need to worry, you will win if you just play the way that you are use to playing. - You should not think about loosing. You should just play like you normally do and you will win. Do not try any new tricks and stick to your normal way of playing and you will definitely win. - Do not do anything different from the way you use to play. If you did not practice new tricks or ways then do not try it in the match.
You have no need to worry, you will win if you just play the way that you are use to playing. -- あなたはプレーしてたようにやってください。 通常どおりにプレーすれば勝ちます。 Do not try any new tricks and stick to your normal way of playing and you will definitely win. -- あなたがプレイするのと違う何かをしないでください。 あなたが新しいトリックや方法を練習していない場合、試合でそれを試してはいけません。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • As per usual....

  • No need to sweat things...Just play "as per usual " and you be victorious!

"As per usual..." Same as normal...same old / same old;-) IE ...No changes to your routine game play;-D "No need to sweat things...Just play "as per usual " and you be victorious!"
"As per usual..." (いつも通り) "Same as usual…" (いつもと同じ) "as normal...same old"(相変わらず) " same old" (これまで通り);-) つまり、いつもと同じように試合をするということですよね;-D 【例】 "No need to sweat things...Just play "as per usual " and you be victorious!" (心配する事はないですよ、いつも通りプレーするだけです、そして勝利を得ますよ)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sure you'll be just as great as you normally are.

  • I'm positive you'll play just as good as you normally do.

The two sentences you see above are a great way to encourage someone before they play in a sports match. You will also see some words that would make great additions to your vocabulary. For example in the first sentence we have the word sure and in the second sentence we have the word positive. Both of these words mean that you are totally confident that what you are saying is true.
どちらも、これからスポーツの試合をする相手を励ます言い方です。 いくつか覚えておくと便利な単語が使われています。例えば一つ目の文の「sure」と、二つ目の文の「positive」。どちらも、自分の言っていることが確かだと確信していることを表します。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • If you play the way you usually do, you'll win.

  • If you perform the way you usually do, you'll win.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) If you play the way you usually do, you'll win. 「あなたがいつもやっているようにプレーすれば勝てるだろう」 If you perform the way you usually do, you'll win. と言い換えても同じことです。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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