世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/06/26 21:07
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  • I'm sorry that you couldn't participate.

  • It's too bad that you couldn't participate.

  • It's regretful that you couldn't participate.

「参加する」→「To participate」 「残念」→「Sorry, too bad, regretful」 まとめて言いますと、 「I'm sorry that you couldn't participate.」 「It's too bad that you couldn't participate.」 「It's regretful that you couldn't participate.」 という三つの表現になります。 他の例文 - "We missed your presence at the workshop." (ワークショップであなたの存在を恋しかったです。) - "I wish you could have joined us." (あなたが一緒に参加できたらよかったのにと思います。) どれでも使えます。
Yuujin 英語講師、英会話講師、トライリンガル翻訳者
  • We are sorry that you were not able to attend the workshop.

謝る時に使うイメージが強い sorry ですが、「残念です」や「可哀想に思う」という意味でも使います。 I am sorry that you failed the test. (あなたがそのテストに落ちたのは残念です。) 「あなたがワークショップに参加できなかった」は you were not able to attend the workshop で表現しました。 「〜できなかった」は、会話では couldn't をよく使いますが、can や could は基本的には「能力」に関する表現で、1回限りの行為に関して「できなかった」という場合には、be able to ~ を使うこともできます。 「主催者側」ということで、主語を we にしてありますが、「一人の人が残念に思っている」なら、主語は、I になります。 また、「出席する」という意味で使う、少しフォーマルな attend を動詞として使いました。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Mutsumi 英語講師
  • So sorry you can't take part

  • It's a shame you could not have been there

So sorry that = we use this phrase when we want to sympathise with someone for something that happened - or in this case, did not happen. "So sorry we couldn't meet up last week. I hope to see you next time." It's a shame that.... = we use this expression when we want to express our regret that something happened - or did not happen. "It's a shame that so few people attended your party."
So sorry that = この表現は、なにかが起きてしまった人に対して同情をする表現です。この場合、参加しなかったことに対してですが。 "So sorry we couldn't meet up last week. I hope to see you next time." 先週会えなくて残念です。次回あえるといいですね。 It's a shame that.... = この表現は、起きてしまったこと、起きなかったことへの、残念さ、後悔を表します。 "It's a shame that so few people attended your party." パーティの参加者が少なかったの残念だね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry you couldn't make it!

"Hi ....... I feel terrible that you weren't a part of this event. I was really looking forward to working with you. Allow me to tell that I deeply regret not having you at the event. Maybe, things will work out and we can work the next event, together."
"例文です。 ""Hi ....... I feel terrible that you weren't a part of this event. I was really looking forward to working with you. Allow me to tell that I deeply regret not having you at the event. Maybe, things will work out and we can work the next event, together."" 訳: 「こんにちは、 あなたがこのイベントに参加できず、残念でした。 私はあなたと一緒に働く事を本当に楽しみにしていました。 あなたがこのイベントに参加されなかった遺憾の意をあらわにする事をお許しください。 おそらく色々うまくいって次回のイベントではご一緒できるでしょう。」"
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • It's too bad you couldn't be here.

  • I'm so sad that you weren't with us!

  • It's a shame you couldn't make it to the event.

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry that you could not attend the workshop.

Overtly state you are sorry. “I apologize.” “I’m sorry.” “I regret.” Address only the apology in your note. Keep it to this one subject. ------------------------------------------ I'm sorry that you could not attend the workshop. I hope to see you soon.
残念に思うことをはっきりと伝えましょう。 “I apologize.” “I’m sorry.” “I regret.” 文中では謝罪のみ伝え、そのことのみに留めます。 ------------------------------------------ I'm sorry that you could not attend the workshop. I hope to see you soon. (ワークショップに参加していただけなくて残念です。またお会いできればうれしいです)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry you weren't able to participate in this event.

  • It's a pity you couldn't participate it the event.

In English we often use the word sorry to express our regret for a situation or result, even if we are not at fault. For example, if you went to the movies but your friend got stuck at work and couldn't come, you could say 'I'm sorry you didn't make it'. We also use the phrase 'it's a pity' to express our regret for a situation or result.
英語では、残念な気持ちを表す時、(こちらに落ち度がなくても)「sorry」をよく使います。 例えば、映画を見に行った時、友達が仕事の都合で来られなかったとしたら: "I'm sorry you didn't make it." (来られなくて残念でしたね) と言えます。 ほかに「it's a pity」も残念な気持ちを表す時に使います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • It was a shame you missed out....

  • It was a shame you missed out....The event was wildly successful.

Its a commonly used expression..."Its a shame" (I am sorry for you) I.E. you did not get something that you would have enjoyed. in this case letting someone know they would have had a good time...(it would be a shame to miss it again!) "It was a shame you missed out....The event was wildly successful."
これはとてもよく使われる表現です。 "Its a shame" (I am sorry for you) (残念です) つまり、楽しめるはずだったことが、出来なかったという意味になります。 この場合、誰かに楽しめただろうという事を伝えています。 (it would be a shame to miss it again!) (また逃したら、残念ですね!) 【例】 "It was a shame you missed out....The event was wildly successful." (参加できなくて残念です、イベントは大変成功に終わりました)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I'm sorry you couldn't participate today.

  • I'm sorry you couldn't join in today.

The most common verb to talk about someone who wasn't able to speak or make a comment during an even would be, "to participate." We can also use the verb, "to join in," which refers to being more active or participating in something.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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