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2017/06/27 11:14
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  • I have been in this school since last fall.

  • I have been at this school since last fall.

in school=「[学校](に通っている」(アメリカ式) at school=「学校に通っている」(イギリス式) last fall=「前回の[秋](」=「去年の秋」 be in school= be at school これを現在完了形にします。 since+具体的な過去の時間 for +数字で表す期間 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • I have attended this school since last autumn.

  • I started in this school last autumn.

  • Last autumn, I started attending this school.

We may use 'since' when we have a fixed starting time in the past from when an event happened or started - although it is not always required - see examples "I've been late for work six times since I started here." - using since "Since this morning I have been on a diet." - using since. "I have been here from 9.00 am this morning" - without since "I have work here from May 2012 to now" - without since
ある出来事が起こったり始まったのが過去のいつなのか分かる場合に(必ず求められるわけではないですが)、「since」が使えます。以下の例を参照ください。 I've been late for work six times since I started here. - using since (ここで働き始めてから、6回[遅刻](しました。 - sinceあり) Since this morning I have been on a diet. - using since (今朝から[ダイエット](を始めました。 - sinceあり) I have been here from 9.00 am this morning - without since (今朝9時からここにいます。 - sinceなし) I have worked here from May 2012 to now - without since (私は2012年5月から今までここで働いています。 - sinceなし)
Mirek DMM英会話講師
  • I've been attending this school since last autumn

  • I've been a student here since the autumn

When talking about an activity or process which started at a fixed point in the past, you can use the word 'since'. "I've been out of work since Christmas."
”Since"(○○以来、○○のときから)は、ある行動やプロセスが始まった過去の時点を示します。 例:I've been out of work since Christmas.(クリスマス以来、仕事をしていない。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I have been going to this school since last autumn

  • I have been attending this school since last autumn

To use the word since it means you have been doing something from a particular time (last autumn) so for example i have been learning to drive since Christmas To attend something means to turn up or to go to...
「since」は、ある特定の時(ここでは「last autumn(去年の秋)」)から何かを続けていることを表します。例えば: I have been learning to drive since Christmas (クリスマスから車の運転を習っています) 「attend」は「通う、出席する、参加する」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I have been attending this school since last autumn

  • I started coming to this school in the Fall of last year

  • I've been a student here since last Fall

There are several ways to express the idea of being a student at a particular school. For example, you can say the following: I have been attending this school since . . . I have been going to this school since . . . I have been here since . . . I have been a student at this school since . . . I have been in this school since . . . I started coming to this school (in) Autumn is also referred to as Fall by many people. Example: I started coming to this school last Fall.
ある学校の生徒であることを表す言い方はいくつかあります。 例えば、以下のように言えます。 I have been attending this school since . . . I have been going to this school since . . . I have been here since . . . I have been a student at this school since . . . I have been in this school since . . . I started coming to this school (in) (…からこの学校に通っています) 「Autumn(秋)」のことは「Fall」と言う人も多いです。 例 I started coming to this school last Fall. (去年の秋からこの学校に通っています)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • I've been coming to this school since last fall.

訳すと、「私は、この学校に去年の秋から通っています。」になります。 「通う」をcome という言葉で表しました。attendという単語も「通う」という意味ですが、comeよりも少しフォーマルな印象を与える単語です。 I've been ~ は、良く使うフレーズなので、覚えておくと便利なフレーズです。 例文: I've been working out lately. (最近、運動をしています。) I've been under the weather for the past few days. (ここ何日かあまり体調が良くありません。) 少しでもお役に立てれば幸いです。 ありがとうございました。
Yuko Sakai サンフランシスコ在住ピアノ&英語講師、税理士、ユーチューバー、ブロガー
  • "I've been going to this school since last october"

"I've been going to this school since last october" Everyone knows when autumn season begins and ends so you can use this expression. In the U.S. in october leaves from trees change colors so everyone relates autumn or fall with October. So instead of saying autumn which is not typical you can subsitute it with either fall or the month of October.
"I've been going to this school since last October" 「去年の10月からこの学校に通っています」 秋がいつ始まっていつ終わるのかみんな知っているので、このように表現できます。 アメリカでは、10月に木々が紅葉します。なので、秋と言うとみんな10月を連想します。ですから、標準的でない「autumn」の代わりに、「fall」または「October」が使えます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
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