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2017/06/28 11:33
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  • It looks delicious, but it also looks bad for you!

やっぱり、Looks delicious = 美味しそう。 「身体に悪そう」にはいろいろな表現があるんですけど、"it looks bad for you"の方は簡単で使いやすいなのでおススメ。"bad for you"は「君に悪そう」じゃなく、自分の身体に悪いという意味をもっているので、ご心配なく。 他には、"looks unhealthy"とか"looks fattening"(書いた通り、食べたら太りやすいという意味)もOKですよ。
DMM Eikaiwa I DMM英会話
  • That food looks delicious but unhealthy

  • That food looks naughty but nice

Delicious is a great way to describe food you like. If you think it will taste delicious you can say it looks delicious. If food looks like it contains lots of sugar, fat or oil you can say it looks unhealthy. Naughty is usually used to describe a disobedient child but can also be used to describe doing something that is not good for us. Anything that is naughty, but nice can refer to things we do but probably isn't the best thing for us. When you are on a diet - anything to do with food/drink that you are supposed to avoid can be classed as 'naughty, but nice!'. Spending more money on a holiday that you probably should have ..... Naughty! But Nice!
Deliciousは自分の好きな食べ物を表すのに使います。美味しそうだ!と言いたいときはit loos deliciousといえます。もしその食べ物が砂糖が多そうだったり、脂肪がたくさん入っているようであれば、it looks unhealthyということができます。 Naughtyとは、通常いうことを聞かない子供を表すことに使われますが、自分たちにとってよくないことをすることを表すにも使われます。 Anything that is naught by nice とは、つまり自分たちにとって一番いいことではないかもしれませんね。ダイエットをしているときなど、食べてはいけない食べ物のことを 'naughty, but nice!'と言います。休暇にお金をたくさん使うことを、Naughty but Nice!ということができます。
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • It looks so tasty and can cause so much damage!

  • All amazing food is bad for you!

  • I'm severely tempted - but I'll resist!

Well, you don't need to actually say that. Sometimes it is better to allow the listener to make their own conclusions about how something may affect something else. In context, it becomes obvious. You are looking in the window of a cake shop with your friend. There is a delicious and very large chocolate eclair and the fresh cream is just oozing out! You say: "It looks so tasty and can cause so much damage!" Of course, the damage will be to your figure. Your friend will get it! You may also say: "I'm severely tempted - but I'll resist!" Your friend will understand that you want to eat it, but won't because you are looking after your figure.
相手が何を食べようとそれは相手の自由だから、言う必要までないと思うけどね。この場合、それは明らかだよね。 ケーキ屋の窓を友人と一緒にみていて、美味しそうなチョコレートケーキと生クリームがのっかっているのを舌なめずりしてこういう "It looks so tasty and can cause so much damage!" 美味しそうだけど体に悪そう。 この場合ダメージというのは、あなたのお腹に対してだよね。 それでも友達は買ったとして、食べているときにこう言えます。 "I'm severely tempted - but I'll resist!" すっごくうまそうだけど、我慢する! 君の友達はそれをきいて、食べたそうだけど、体に気を使って食べないんだなと理解してくれるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It looks good but its bad for your health.

  • A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!

Quite simply you can say: It looks good but it's bad for your health. Many foods can look tasty but be bad for your health. It may contain food coloring, additives and preservatives. A funny phrase that women say when something looks tasty but will end up making them put on weight is: A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips! That means that it takes only a minute to eat it but the weight that will be put on will last a very long time! This would apply to chocolate, cake, pastry and other sweet tasting but fattening foods. I hope that helps!
かなりシンプルに It looks good but it's bad for your health. と言うことができます。 美味しそうに見えて健康に悪い食べ物はたくさんありますね。食紅や添加物や保存料が入っているかもしれません。 美味しそうだけど食べたら太ってしまいそうな食べ物について、女性はこうやっておもしろく言うことがあります。 A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips! これは、食べるのは1分(短い時間)だけれど、太ってしまったらそれは一生とれないという意味です!これはチョコレート、ケーキ、ペストリー(パイやタルトなど)やほかの甘くて太りやすいスイーツについて当てはめることができます。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • It looks delicious but also a bit unhealthy.

  • This looks so tempting but I know I am going to regret this later.

  • It looks so good but I know its not good for the body.

"It looks delicious but also a bit unhealthy." You are acknowledging how delectable it looks as well as the health implications. "This looks so tempting but I know I am going to regret this later." The food is hard to resist and you know that you will not be happy with your decision at a later stage.After saying this you can choose whether you are going to eat the food or not. "It looks so good but I know its not good for the body." You are letting them know of how good the food looks and you are possibly choosing not to eat it.
"It looks delicious but also a bit unhealthy." You are acknowledging how delectable it looks as well as the health implications. 「美味しそうだけど、ちょっと体に悪そう。」 見た目は美味しそうだが、健康に害がありそうだということを認識している。 "This looks so tempting but I know I am going to regret this later." The food is hard to resist and you know that you will not be happy with your decision at a later stage.After saying this you can choose whether you are going to eat the food or not. 「美味しそうだけど、(食べたら)後で後悔しそう。」食べるのを我慢するのが難しいけれど、食べたら後悔することをわかっている。この表現を言ってから食べる・食べないを決めても良い。 "It looks so good but I know its not good for the body." You are letting them know of how good the food looks and you are possibly choosing not to eat it. 「すごく美味しそうだけど、体に良くないことはわかっているからな。」 Not good for the body=体に良くない。美味しそうだが、体に良くないので食べないかもしれない、というニュアンス。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • It looks good, but it seems so unhealthy!

  • It looks delicious but so bad for you!

美味しい=delicious 身体に悪い= bad for your body/health ~そう=Looks~
美味しい =delicious 身体に悪い = bad for your body/health ~そう =Looks~
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • The food really looks good but it not healthy.

If something is not good for the body we say it is unhealthy. For example: 'Chocolates are unhealthy."
"何か体にあまりよくない物の事をunhealthyと言います。 例えば: ""Chocolates are unhealthy."" チョコレートは健康にあまりよくない。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • That looks great, but I bet it's unhealthy!

  • It looks delicious, but it also looks like it is bad for you.

When using an adjective to describe how something looks, you can choose between using the pronouns 'that' or 'it'. Many adjectives other than 'great' or 'delicious' can be applied here. It looks amazing! That looks fun! We then use the conjunction 'but' to state that, although the food looks delicious, there is something to mention about the food. In this case, that it is also unhealthy. 'Bad for you' refers to things that are unhealthy.
代名詞の「that」や「it」と形容詞を使ってどう感じるているのかを表現することができます。 「great」や「delicious」などの形容詞を使うこともできます。 it looks amazing! That looks fun! また、逆接の「but」を使ってその食べ物美味しそだが、他の側面があることを言い加えることもできます。 この場合、「Bad for you」つまり健康によくないということを追加しています。
Rhys DMM英会話講師
  • That food looks delicious but unhealthy

  • It looks delicious but I am afraid it's not good for your health

Delicious is something very tasty or smells really good. Unhealthy - something is bad for your health. I would prefer the second questions because it's has a bit of personal emotion there using the word "afraid" but they basically mean the same.
"Delicious" は「すごくおいしい/匂いがおいしそうな」という意味です。 "Unhealthy" は「健康に良くない」という意味です。 私は二つ目の例の方がいいかなと思います。"afraid" を使って自分の気持ちとして表しています。ただ、基本的にはどちらも同じ意味です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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