世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/03 13:47
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  • You're a star!

  • That is so helpful and I really appreciate it!

  • You deserve a kiss!

Well, it quite depends on who is picking you up? Your lover, boss, a taxi driver, a colleague from work? If a friend picks you up, I suppose you could say:"You're a star!" which is a generous display of gratitude. If it's a colleague, probably you'd be a little more reserved:"That is so helpful and I really appreciate it!" But your lover just needs a serious hug! "You deserve a kiss!"
上司なのか、恋人なのか、職場の同僚なのか誰があなたを迎えにきてくれるのかによりますね? 友達なら"You're a star!"で感謝を示すに良いでしょう。同僚ならもうちょっと抑えてThat is so helpful and I really appreciate it!と言えます。けど恋人とかなら、ハグしてくれるだけで相手は嬉しいと思うよ、"You deserve a kiss!":ご褒美にキスしたげる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for picking me up!

  • Thanks a lot, I'm grateful!

  • Thanks for the lift!

In order to express gratitude for something you can say: Thanks! Thanks a lot! Thanks a bunch! You can also be specific and say: Thanks for picking me up! Thanks for the lift! 'Picking me up' means - meeting me at one place to take me to another place. 'The lift' is when someone takes you in their car to another place. I'm grateful means that you are full of gratitude. I hope that helps!
感謝を気持ちを伝えるには、こう言う言い方があります。 Thanks! Thanks a lot! Thanks a bunch! また、何に対して感謝しているのか Thanks for picking me up! Thanks for the lift! ということもできます。 picking me up は、迎えに来てもらい別の場所へ連れて行ってもらうことです。 the lift は、相手の車に乗せて別の場所に連れて行ってもらうことです。 また、I'm grateful は、あたながとても感謝をしていることを意味します。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver!

これから迎えにくる場合には、「本当にありがとう!」だけで良いです。 "Thank you for agreeing to come pick me up!" 「迎えに来てくれる約束ありがとう!」は、不自然です。 何故なら、そのメールのやり取りには「迎えに来ること」はもう相手が知っている情報なんです。Thank you!で充分! "You're a lifesaver!"とは 「助かります!」や「助かりました!」という意味です。 「命の恩人」に近いです。
Bret Mayer 漢字教育士、言語文化スペシャリスト
  • Thanks for the ride.

  • I cant thank you enough for offering to pick me up.

  • It's so sweet of you to agree/offer to pick me up from the airport.

"Thanks for the ride." This is the simplest way to express your gratitude.You can say it when they have dropped you off too. "I cant thank you enough for offering to pick me up." This means that there is no real measure for how happy you are that this person has agreed to pick you up. "It's so sweet of you to agree/offer to pick me up from the airport." You can say this to express your opinion about this person's willingness to do you a favor and thank them at the same time.
"Thanks for the ride." This is the simplest way to express your gratitude.You can say it when they have dropped you off too. 「車に乗せてくれてありがとう。」これが最もシンプルなお礼の言葉です。送迎のどちらでもOKです "I cant thank you enough for offering to pick me up." This means that there is no real measure for how happy you are that this person has agreed to pick you up. 「お迎えに来て下さるとのこと、感謝してもしきれません。」あなたがどれほど感謝しているか言葉で言い表すことができないという意味です。 "It's so sweet of you to agree/offer to pick me up from the airport." You can say this to express your opinion about this person's willingness to do you a favor and thank them at the same time. 「お迎え/お見送りして下さるなんて、御親切にありがとうございます。」相手が迎えに来てくれることを申し出てくれたことに対する思いと感謝の気持ちを同時に伝えています。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I really appreciate you picking me up

  • Thank you for picking me up

I really appreciate you picking me up.' recognize the full worth of the person 'Thank you for picking me up' Thankful for the person that's picking you up You can also say : You're a star. Thank you so much. I cannot thank you enough.
I really appreciate you picking me up.' というと、相手のしてくれとことの価値を認識しています。 'Thank you for picking me up.' というと、あなたを迎えに来てくれたことにたいして感謝していることが伝わります。 また、このように言うこともできます。 You're a star. (あなた最高。) Thank you so much. (本当にありがとうございました) I cannot thank you enough. (感謝してもし足りません)
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Thank you for fetching me from the airport.

  • Thanks for picking me up.

  • I would just like to say/ express my thanks for offering to fetch me from the airport.

"Thank you for fetching me from the airport." This thanks the person for fetching you. "Thanks for picking me up." This is a very casual way of thanking someone when they fetch you. "I would just like to say/ express my thanks for offering to fetch me from the airport." This is a formal way you can thank someone before they have actually fetched you. You can say this to them or put it in an email.
"Thank you for fetching me from the airport." 空港まで迎えありがとう。 これは迎えに来てくれた人にお礼をいうフレーズ。 "Thanks for picking me up."迎えに来てくれてありがとう。 カジュアルに迎えに来てくれた誰かにお礼をいう。 "I would just like to say/ express my thanks for offering to fetch me from the airport." 私を空港まで迎えにきてくれるという申し出に本当にお礼の気持ちを伝えさせてください。 実際に迎えに来る前に、直接またはメールなどでお礼をいうフォーマルな表現。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I appreciate you going out of your way to do this.

We may use the word 'appreciate' to show that you recognize the effort the other person is doing and is also a way to show gratitude. It is polite and shows that you realize the person's actions.
その人のしている労力に対して感謝を示すときに'appreciate' を使います。丁寧で、相手の行動を評価をするときに使います。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • Thanks for picking me up

  • Thanks for the lift

You can say any of these phrases to express how thankful you are for the ride. I usually say the first one because it's a more common phrase from my neighbourhood.
車で送ってくれた人に感謝するなら、上記の表現が使えます。 私は一つ目の表現を使うことが多いです、私の地元ではこちらの方が一般的です。
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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