世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/04 16:55
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2017/07/05 17:11
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  • things you have no control over

  • things you cannot control

「自助努力ではどうしようもない」は、cannot controlで表せます。 Don't make fun of people for something they have no control over like their face. (顔のように自助努力ではどうしようもないものを理由にからかうな)
  • What we are born with.

  • It is not nice to make fun of their physical features.

What we are born with. This sentence represents features that we naturally come with, both physical and attitude. It is not nice to make fun of their physical features. You may use this sentence when you are being more specific about not wanting people to laugh other people's features that they have no control over.
What we are born with. これは私たちが生まれ持った特徴や考えをあらわします。 It is not nice to make fun of their physical features. 他人の特徴などを馬鹿にした態度が嫌だという事をあらわすためにこのフレーズを使えます。
Adrian SC DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't tease people about unchangeable things.

  • It's rude to make fun of people about things they were born with.They can't change them,

"You shouldn't tease people about unchangeable things." If something is unchangeable it means that to a large degree nothing can be done to change it. "It's rude to make fun of people about things they were born with.They can't change them," rude = offensively impolite or bad-mannered. things they were born with = these would include facial features ,body parts and sometimes voices.
"You shouldn't tease people about unchangeable things." If something is unchangeable it means that to a large degree nothing can be done to change it. Tease=からかう。Unchangeable things=変えられないもの。 「人が変えられないことをからかうべきではない。」 "It's rude to make fun of people about things they were born with.They can't change them," rude = offensively impolite or bad-mannered. things they were born with = these would include facial features ,body parts and sometimes voices. Rude=失礼な。Make fun of=○○をからかう。Things they were born with=生まれ持ったもの。 「生まれ持ったものをからかうのは失礼だ。(生まれ持ったものは)変えられない。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't tease someone for how they look

  • You have no right to judge people by their appearance.

  • Don't judge a book by its cover.

*You shouldn't tease someone for how they look* Meaning= this is a way of saying to someone that they shouldn’t make fun of people for how they look. You can say this to adults and children alike *You have no right to judge people by their appearance. * Meaning= who are you to judge someone by how they look. There is much more to people than how they look. *Don't judge a book by its cover.* Meaning= similar to phrase 2 this means that you shouldn’t judge someone by how they look because you don’t know what’s inside them. Generally these phrases all mean that when you look at someone you can’t tell what their job is, whether they have had a hard life, what they have gone through, what their struggles are etc. And that if you do judge people by their appearance this a mistake because its being very closed minded
*You shouldn't tease someone for how they look*外見でひとのことをからかってはいけない 外見で人をからかってはいけないという意味。大人にも子供にも使えます。 *You have no right to judge people by their appearance. *外見で人を判断する権利はあなたにはない。 人の外見で他人をジャッジしない。外見以上に大切なことがあります。 *Don't judge a book by its cover.*本の中身を表紙で判断しない。 phrase 2に似ていますが、中身がわからないのに人を外見で判断しないという意味。 これらのフレーズは一般的に外から見ただけではその人が経験したことや困難、苦しみなどはわからないということ。だから人を外見で判断することは間違っていて、とても閉鎖的な心の持ち方であるということです。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • One's natural physiognomy

  • One's physical characteristics

Physiognomy = a person's facial features or expression, especially when regarded as indicative of character or ethnic origin. "Friends began to notice a change in his physiognomy" Or, the general form or appearance of something. "The physiognomy of the landscape." Physical characteristics are defining traits or features about your body. The first thing you see when you look at someone could be their hair, clothes, nose, or figure. These are all examples of physical characteristics.
Physiognomy = 人の顔の特徴や表情、特に性格や人種を暗示するもののこと。 例文 "Friends began to notice a change in his physiognomy" または一般的な形や、何かの外見のこと。 例文 "The physiognomy of the landscape." Physical characteristics はあなたの体の形質や特徴を定義しています。あなたが人を見る時に最初に見るのは髪や服、鼻や体型でしょう。これらは全てphysical characteristicsです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You shouldn't tease people over things they cannot change

  • You shouldn't take the mickey out of uncontrollable physical features

  • It's not nice to tease people about features they were born with

Not everyone is the same and we all look different we call these 'physical features', these things can't be changed this is called 'uncontrollable' and most of the time we have been like this since birth (been born with)
人はみんな同じではありませんし、外見はそれぞれ違います。これは 'physical features'(身体的特徴)といいます。これは変えることができません(uncontrollable)、そしてほとんどの場合持って生まれたもの(been born with)です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • It's not nice to laugh at people over things they can't change.

  • We can't help how we are born and we shouldn't make fun of people for that.

  • It's very unkind to mock people because of how they look.

There isn't a commonly used specific phrase for the idea of physical characteristics that you are born with. Instead, we tend to use a series of words like "things they can't change" or "how they look" or "they were born that way". In my answers I also used several different phrases that mean "to tease". To "laugh at", "make fun of" and "to mock" are all equal in idea to "tease".
「生まれ持った身体的な特徴」という意味のよく使われる特定のフレーズはありません。 代わりに、次のような言い方をすることが多いです。 "things they can't change"(変えられないもの) "how they look"(外見) "they were born that way"(そのように生まれた) 三つの回答では "tease"(からかう)という意味のフレーズもいくつか使われています。 "laugh at" と "make fun of" "mock" これらは全て "tease"(からかう)という意味です。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
  • Things you cannot change.

  • Permanent features.

"It is not good to make fun of someone about things you cannot change." "Don't make fun of someone's permanent features, because they can't change that."
"It is not good to make fun of someone about things you cannot change." (変えられない部分について人をからかうのは良くない) "Don't make fun of someone's permanent features, because they can't change that." (人の変えられない特徴をからかっては駄目)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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