世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話





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2017/07/05 03:36
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  • What does 'it' refer to?

  • What does 'that' refer to?

This refers to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified

This refers to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood
A: We are having sushi for lunch?
B: What is that?

In the example 'that' refers to the 'sushi'
'sushi' is the thing that is clearly identified or mentioned by (A)

What does 'it' refer to?
What does 'that' refer to?

This refers to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified refer to a thing previously mentioned or easily identified


This refers to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood

A: We are having sushi for lunch?
B: What is that?

In the example 'that' refers to the 'sushi'
'sushi' is the thing that is clearly identified or mentioned by (A)

A. お昼は寿司を食べます。
B. それは何? 


Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What is this "it" for?

  • Which word is this "it" the same as?


"for 〜" は、ここでは「〜の代わりに」という意味になります。

"be the same as 〜" は「〜と同じである」という表現です。
"which word" は「(この文章の中で)どの語」と、限られた中のどれかということになります。
"what word" とすると、限定されずに「何の単語と同じなのか」を聞いています。

  • What does the 'it' refer to?

  • What does 'that' refer to?

In order to ask which word the 'it' or 'that' represents or stands for, you can say:
What does the 'it' refer to?
What does 'that' refer to?

'Refer to' means: Apply to, associated with.

This is a formal and polite way of asking especially a teacher in an online lesson.

I hope that helps!

it とか that がなにを意味しているのか訪ねたいとき、
What does the 'it' refer to?
What does 'that' refer to?

refer to は適用するとか、関係する、という意味です。



Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • What does the word 'it' refer to in the sentence?

  • What does the word 'that' refer to in the sentence?

The word 'it' is a pronoun and it is used to represent an inanimate thing understood, previously mentioned, about to be mentioned, or present in the immediate context.
It will only appear in a sentence in reference to something already mentioned or about to be mentioned.
So, you may say: 'It' is my responsibility to take the children to school.
It is clear here for example that 'it' refers to 'taking the children to school'.
There is no vagueness.

The use of the pronoun 'that' in the second question is also used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis. So, you may say:
It is I 'that' opened the door.
It is clear here that the pronoun 'that' in the sentence refers to 'I'.
There is no vagueness.

it という言葉は、以前または直前に話された、なんのことかわかっている静止物を意味します。
なので、あなたは 'It' is my responsibility to take the children to school.

この場合 'it' は'taking the children to school' を指すことが明らかです。曖昧さはありません。

2つ目の質問にある that という代名詞は、人、もの、アイディア、状態、イベント、時間、発言なども示す言葉です。
なので、 It is I 'that opened the door. (ドアを開けたのは私です。)と言うことができます。
この代名詞'that' は、 'I' のことを指していることが明らかです。

Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What exactly do mean when you say "it"/ "that"?

  • What is the "that" referring t/in reference to?

  • I am not sure what you mean by "it" /" that" ,care to explain?

"What exactly do mean when you say "it"/ "that"?" and "What is the "that" referring t/in reference to?" are good ways to ask for clarification on a point you are not sure of."What is the "that" referring t/in reference to?" is a more formal way to frame the question if you are asking a lecturer,your boss or anyone in authority.

"I am not sure what you mean by "it" /" that" ,care to explain?"
You are stating the fact that you are not clear on what the other person means and you are giving them the option to explain if they would like to.They also have the option to not explain if they don't "care " to.

"What exactly do mean when you say "it"/ "that"?" and "What is the "that" referring t/in reference to?" are good ways to ask for clarification on a point you are not sure of."What is the "that" referring t/in reference to?" is a more formal way to frame the question if you are asking a lecturer,your boss or anyone in authority.


"I am not sure what you mean by "it" /" that" ,care to explain?"
You are stating the fact that you are not clear on what the other person means and you are giving them the option to explain if they would like to.They also have the option to not explain if they don't "care " to.


Babz DMM英会話講師
  • What does 'it' mean here?

  • What is 'it' referring to?

Yes, in a long and convoluted sentence, the meaning of something may get lost because of the complexity and digression within the sentence which leaves the reader dumbfounded as to what the precise meaning of it all is.
"What does 'it' mean here?"
"Well, 'it' in this sentence refers to the subject of the sentence, introduced at the very beginning: '...a long and convoluted sentence.'
"Er, OK, I think I get it!"

"What does 'it' mean here?" このitは何を表しているの?
"Well, 'it' in this sentence refers to the subject of the sentence, introduced at the very beginning: '...a long and convoluted sentence.' この文中のitは、最初にでてきた文章の主語を表している。
"Er, OK, I think I get it!" あーなるほど、わかった!

Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What is the definition or meaning behind the word "it" or "that" in this sentence?

The words "it" and "that" are very general words that are used in almost every sentence. It's good to use this question to really understand the meaning of these words in relation to the specific
sentence in which they are found.

It's also good to ask for the meaning of these words because they can refer to something
completely different from one sentence to another.

"it" と "that" はすごく一般的な言葉で、ほぼすべての文で使われます。この質問を使って、特定の文の中でこれらの単語が何を指しているか尋ねるといいと思います。

"it" と "that" は文によって全く違うものを指す場合がありますから、これら語の意味を尋ねるのもいいです。

Matthew J DMM英会話講師
  • In that sentence, what is "it"?

  • What is "that" in the last sentence we read?

Both questions perform the same function, just in reference to different articles.

Most of the time the articles "it" or "that" refer to the last thing spoken about.

For example.

"The coffee table over there. That is what I stubbed my toe on."
In this sentence, "that" is referring to the "coffee table".

I hope this helps.

"it"、"that" の違いはありますが、どちらも言おうとしていることは同じです。

たいてい、"it"、"that" は直前には話したことを指します。


"The coffee table over there. That is what I stubbed my toe on."


この文では、"that" は "coffee table" を指します。


Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • What is it/that referring to in the sentence?

One way to ask how it/that is being used is by asking,
"What is it/that referring to in the sentence?"

Referring to - What is it/that mentioning or alluding to in what is written.

It/that are both pronouns used in place of a person name, a place, thing, etc.

Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • When you say "it," what do you mean?

This question is asking about the word "it" specifically because "it" is surrounded by parenthesis. The question may need to be asked in a different way when spoken, or it may not be clear. A person may need to ask: When you use the word "it," what do you mean?

Laurel DMM英会話講師
  • What do you mean by, "it?"

  • What does, "it," refer to?

  • What does, "it," mean?

The main thing to pay attention to for making these sentences is that you can either use the verbs, "to mean," or, "to refer to," depending on where, "it," is in your sentence.

Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What does 'it' refer to or mean?

  • What is 'that'?

'It' refers to something directly and specific or something that has been mentioned.
'That' refers to specific thing or person.

Person 1; Please do the laundry today when you get a chance.
Person 2; I have already done it.

Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • What does this word refer to?

What does this word refer to?

refer to「指し示す」



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