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2017/07/05 10:40
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2017/07/06 01:58
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  • I had swimming lessons when I was little.

I had swimming lessons when I was little. 小さい頃は水泳を習っていました。 レッスンを受けていた(had lessons)で、「[習っていた](」を自然に表現できます。 他には took lessons のように言うこともできます。 swimming lessonsではなく、swim lessonsでも大丈夫です。 他の[習い事](にも使えます。 I had piano lessons when I was in elementary school.(小学生のときピアノを習っていた)
  • I used to take swimming lessons.

  • I used to practice swimming when I was little.

  • I had swimming classes when I was a kid.

All three expressions are suitable for this situation.
Entei DMM英会話講師
  • A) I took swimming lessons when i was younger.

  • B) I belonged to a swimming club growing up.

  • C) I took swimming lesson as a kid.

A) I took swimming lessons when i was younger. *took - past of take. *Younger - another way of saying ("When i was) little" B) I belonged to a swimming club growing up. *Belonged - past tense of belong. - be the property of. *Swimming club- A place where anyone can go and learn how to swim at a certain cost per month. C) I took swimming lessons as a kid. * Kid - child I hope this helps :-)
A) I took swimming lessons when i was younger. (小さい頃は水泳を習っていました) *took - takeの過去形 *Younger - ("When i was) little"の別の言い方 B) I belonged to a swimming club growing up. (子供の頃スイミングクラブに所属していた) *Belonged - belongの過去形 - 属する *Swimming club(スイミングクラブ) - 誰でも一ヶ月に一定の費用で泳ぎ方を学ぶことができる場所。 C) I took swimming lessons as a kid. (子供の頃は水泳を習っていました) * Kid - child(子供) お役に立てば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • When I was a child, I had swimming lessons.

  • I had swimming lessons when I was little.

  • I learned how to swim when I was little.

There are a number of ways you can say that you had swimming lessons when you were little. When you were little can also be: When I was a child In my childhood. As a child Swimming lessons can also be interchangeable with - learning how to swim. I hope that helps!
小さい頃に水泳を習っていたことという言い方はいろいろあります。 小さい頃は、 When I was a child In my childhood As a child と言えます。 水泳のレッスンは、 learn how to swim という言い方もできますね。 I had swimming lessons. = I learned how to swim. 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • When i was young, I took swimming lessons.

  • I was given swimming instruction as a kid.

  • I was taught to swim in formal lessons that my parents signed me up for.

The first example would be the most casual and natural sounding option. The second and third are acceptable as well but sound a bit formal in how they are worded.
  • I did swimming lessons as a youngster

  • I took swimming lessons as a child

Youngster = a young person..could be any age between 2 and 20 approx. "As a youngster I traveled around the world as a navigating cadet." As a child = when I was a child. "As a child, I preferred running to playing other sports such as football."
Youngster =若い人、2-20歳くらいの人のことを言います。 As a youngster I traveled around the world as a navigating cadet. 若いころは、航海士候補生として世界を旅した。 As a child = 子供のころ、 "As a child, I preferred running to playing other sports such as football."子供のころは、サッカーなどスポーツをするよりは走っている方が好きだった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I was given swimming lessons when I was a kid.

  • I took swimming lessons when I was a young child.

You may replace 'I used to take' with 'I was given' swimming lessons, and, you may replace little with 'kid' which means a 'young child' in the first statement. In the second statement, 'I used to take' has been replaced with 'I took' which is the past tense of the verb to 'take', and, little has also been replaced with 'young child'. So, you may say: I was given swimming lessons when I was a kid. or I took swimming lessons when I was a young child.
最初の表現の'I used to take' を 'I was given'に置き換えたり、'little'と'kid'を置き換えることが出来ます。 これは'young child'(小さい子供)と言う意味です。 二番目の表現の 'I used to take'は 'I took'( 'take'の過去形)と置き換えられています。 そして'little'は'young child'に置き換えられています。 ですので、次のように表現することが出来ます。 【例】 I was given swimming lessons when I was a kid. (子供の頃は水泳を習っていました) I took swimming lessons when I was a young child. (小さい子供の頃は水泳を習っていました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • When i was little i used to take swimming lessons.

  • I used to take swimming lessons when i was little.

If you would like to tell someone that you used to take swim lessons as a child, you can say something like "When i was little i used to take swimming lessons." or "I used to take swimming lessons when i was little.".
子供のころ水泳を習っていたことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 "When i was little i used to take swimming lessons." (小さいころ、水泳のレッスンを受けていました。) "I used to take swimming lessons when i was little." (子供のころ水泳のレッスンを受けていました。)
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • I used to take swimming lessons when I was young.

  • I took swimming lessons when I was a child

When you want to explain that you used to take swimming lessons when you were little; then you may say it the following ways: -I used to take swimming lessons when I was young. -I took swimming lessons when I was a child
子供のころ水泳のレッスンを受けていたことを伝えるときのフレーズです。 -I used to take swimming lessons when I was young. (子供のころ、水泳のレッスンを受けていました。) -I took swimming lessons when I was a child (子供のころ、水泳のレッスンを受けていました。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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