世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話



あなたの事あまり知らないので、ちょっと教えてください って英語でなんて言うの?

飲み会の席で、同じ会社の人に言いたい時です。 (仕事は何度か一緒にしたことがあるんですけど、仕事以外で会話することがあまりなかったので、プライベートなことを知りたい感じです)
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2017/07/05 20:48
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  • I don't know very much about you. So, could you tell me a little about yourself?

そのままダイレクトに直訳してみました。 これで十分伝わるかと思います(^^)
  • Tell me a little bit about yourself.

  • What do you do as a hobby?

The first example is vague but lets the other person choose what they wish to tell you. They typically will tell you about where they grew up or went to school. The second example is asking them what they do in their free time. Asking about personal interests is often more telling and more interesting than asking what someone does for work since many people only do their job because they need the money. Also, if they are your co-worker you already know what they do for work :)
最初の例はあいまいですが、他の人に話したいことを選択させることができます。 通常は出身地や出身校について話すでしょう。 2番目の例は、彼らが自由な時間に何をするかを尋ねています。 お金が必要だという理由だけで働いている人は多いことから、何の仕事をしているのかを尋ねるよりも個人的な関心事を尋ねるほうが、多くのことがわかり面白いです。 また、あなたの同僚である場合は、あなたはすでに彼らがどんな仕事をしているのか知っていますね:)
  • Hi!I don't think we have met.My name is...

  • I don't think I have seen you around here...

The easiest way to start this conversation would be to greet ,introduce yourself and ask followup questions when the other person has introduced themselves too. The typical introduction would be : "Hi!I don't think we have met.My name is..."and you would then move onto questions like "So,what do you do?" and "how long have you been working here?" You could also start the conversation with "I don't think I have seen you around here,which department are you in if you don't mind me asking", You could then think of more questions to show interest in them and to make the conversation more comfortable.
The easiest way to start this conversation would be to greet ,introduce yourself and ask followup questions when the other person has introduced themselves too. 番簡単な会話の運び方は、先ず挨拶をし、次に自己紹介をする。相手が自己紹介をし終わった後に、相手が言ったことに関するフォローの質問をすることです。 The typical introduction would be : "Hi!I don't think we have met.My name is..."and you would then move onto questions like "So,what do you do?" and "how long have you been working here?" 典型的な例は、「こんにちは!お会いしたことありませんよ?私は○○と申します…」相手に、「お仕事は何をされているんですか?」「この会社には、どのくらい勤めていますか?」など、相手の事について質問をします。 You could also start the conversation with "I don't think I have seen you around here,which department are you in if you don't mind me asking", You could then think of more questions to show interest in them and to make the conversation more comfortable. 他には、「この辺で見たことがないように思いますが、もしよければ、どちらの部署に所属しているか聞いても良いですか?」心地よく会話をするために、相手に興味があることを示し、もっと色々と聞いてみるのも良いでしょう。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Tell me about yourself.

  • Tell me a bit about yourself.

"Tell me about yourself." Asks the person to tell you abut themselves. "A bit" means a small amount. You could also say "tell me something about yourself."
"Tell me about yourself." あなたのことをいろいろと話してほしいという意味。 "A bit" はちょっと。 "tell me something about yourself."あなたについていろいろ教えて。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Can you tell me a little about yourself.

  • What do you do in your spare time?

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself. If you have introduced yourself to the other person, and you have shared some information about yourself with them, you can also ask them to tell you a little bit about themselves. 2. What do you do in your spare time? You can also ask a direct question, so as to start a conversation.
1. Can you tell me a little about yourself. 相手に自分の自己紹介をして、自分の情報を少しシェアしたら、相手にも少し自己紹介をしてもらうようにお願いすることができます。 2. What do you do in your spare tiime? 会話を始めるために、直接的な質問をしてもいいです。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • "So, tell me a little bit about yourself. I dont think we have spoken much before"

  • "I dont know too much about you, what are some of your favourite things?"

If you wanted to ask some that you do not know very well to tell you a little bit about themselves, you could say either of the following: "So, tell me a little bit about yourself. I don't think we have spoken much before" or "I don't know too much about you, what are some of your favourite things?".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I was wondering if you were married?

  • My children take up a lot of my time. Do you have any?

To wonder if...... = これは婉曲表現での質問、または新しい話題をふるときに使います。 例文 "I wonder if you will be going to the theatre tonight?." 今日映画館に行くんだっけっか? "I wonder if we could connect the blue wire to the green wire?" 緑と青のワイア繋げられないかなぁ? ",,,if you were married?" 過去形を使うのは仮定法です。仮定法はもっと丁寧で婉曲な表現として使われます。 あまり見知らぬ人に個人的な質問を投げるとき、おせっかいな輩と思われるかもしれませんけど、自分のことを先に話せば、見知らぬ人との会話のラインをもっと広げやすいですよ。 "My children take up a lot of my time. Do you have any?" うちの子ったら手がかかってしょうがないよ、お子さんはいるの?
To wonder if...... = we use this form when we want to pose a question indirectly or try a new idea. "I wonder if you will be going to the theatre tonight?." "I wonder if we could connect the blue wire to the green wire?" ",,,if you were married?" We use the past form here (unreal past) as this is more indirect and polite than the present form "..are you married?" Asking personal questions to a relative stranger is a delicate matter as some people may think you are just being 'nosey' or too inquisitive. However, one possible way is to talk freely about your own situation first and then extend that line of conversation to include the other person: "My children take up a lot of my time. Do you have any?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Get to know each other...

  • We are relative strangers! let's get to know each other better.

When we are faced with the "office party" it can be quite stressfull... We are surrounded by associates & co-workers..."we hardly know" reality! This our chance to "get to know them all a little better":-D We might say...Hi I'm John from the Accounting Dept... "Let's get to know each other a little better"
"office party"(社内パーティー)などに直面すると、結構ストレスになりますよね。 私たちは "we hardly know" reality! (実際にはよく知らない) 仕事仲間や同僚に囲まれて… これは私たちが "get to know them all a little better" (お互いをもう少し良く知る) 機会です:-D 次のように言うかもしれませんね。 "Hi I'm John from the Accounting Dept" (やあ、僕は経理部のジョンです) "Let's get to know each other a little better" (お互いの事をもう少しよく知り合いましょう)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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