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2017/07/07 02:35
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  • He eats like a bird.

eat like a birdは「食が細い」という意味を表す 慣用句です。 小鳥がついばむようにしか食べないことから eats like a birdは「食が細い」、「小食である」 という意味を表します。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
  • He is not a big eater

  • He has a small appetite

  • He doesn't eat much.

When someone does not eat much you can say: He is not a big eater A big eater is someone who likes to eat a lot of food. It is a common informal expression. If someone is the opposite then you can say they are not a big eater. If someone eats only little because they do not seem that hungry, you can say: He has a small appetite Appetite is the desire to eat food, in this case. You can also say: He doesn't eat much. This simply means he does not eat a lot. If someone is very particular about what they eat you can say: He is a fussy eater. - To be fussy means difficult to please and very particular He is picky - This means that the person only likes certain things and only chooses certain things. I hope that helps!
あまり食べない人のことを He is not a big eater. と言うことができます。 A big eater とは、食べる量が多い人のことです。カジュアルな表現でよく使われます。その反対だったら、その人はa big eater でない、という意味でThey are not a big eater. と言えます。 おなかが減っていなくて食べる量が少ない場合は、 He has a small appetite. と言うことができます。 Appetiteとはこの場合、食べ物を食べたいという意欲、つまり食欲です。 また、 He doesn't eat much. と言うこともできますよ。 これはシンプルに、あまりたくさん食べない、という意味です。 もし食べものにこだわりのある人だったら、こんな言い方もあります。 He is a fussy eater. fussyは、こだわりが強く満足させることが難しいということです。 He is picky. こちらは、その人が好みがうるさく、好きなものしか食べないということです。 参考になればうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • He eats like a bird

  • He has no appetite

  • He doesn't seem interested in food

Eats like a bird = Someone who eats like a bird is someone who "eats in small amounts rather than in a single full meal." He has no appetite means he will not eat much because he does not feel hungry. If someone 'is not interested in food' they are probably not usually hungry or become full very quickly when they eat. they may not be tempted by delicious cooking smells like some people.
Eats like a birdとは、一回に食べる分量が少ない人のことを言います。 no appetiteとは、食欲がなく、多く食べられないことを言います。 not interested in foodは、基本的にあまり食べない人であったり、食べてもすぐいっぱいになる人のことを言います。美味しい料理に目のない人がいる一方で、そういう人のことをnot interested in foodは表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • having a small appetite

  • eats very little

having a small appetiteとはあまり食べないこと。 私の子、食が細い。 My kid has a small appetite. 息子は小鳥のように食が細い。 My son eats like a bird. My son has a birdlike appetite. ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • She/he is not a fan of food.

  • He /She has a small stomach

"She/he is not a fan of food." To be a fan of food is to be someone who really enjoys eating. "He /She has a small stomach" Someone who has a small stomach doesn't eat much.
"She/he is not a fan of food."彼、彼女はあまりたくさん食べません。食べることがあまり好きではありません。 To be a fan of food i食べることが好きであること "He /She has a small stomach" 彼、彼女の胃は小さい=小食です Someone who has a small stomach doesn't eat much.胃が小さいのでたくさん食べない人いう意味
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • He has a small appepite

To have a small appetite means to eat very little. For example: "Tracy has a small appetite. She eats one meal per day."
"To have a small appetiteとは、小食という意味です。 例えば: ""Tracy has a small appetite. She eats one meal per day."" トレーシーはとても食が細いです。1日に一食しか食事しません。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • She picks at her food.

  • She doesn't have a big appetite.

1.She picks at her food. If someone picks at their food then it means that they take very small bites of food and they eat very little.The reasons are normally varied: -A loss of appetite because of illness or unhappiness, - The person may dislike what he's been given to eat, -The person generally has a small appetite. 2. She doesn't have a big appetite. If you are someone who does not have a big appetite then small amounts of food is sufficient for you and fills you up quickly.
1. She picks at her food.(あまり食べない) "To pick at one's food" は「少ししか食べない」という意味です。その理由はさまざまです、例えば: ・病気または嫌なことがあって食欲がない ・出されたものが好きでない ・もともと小食 2. She doesn't have a big appetite.(彼女は小食だ) "Doesn't have a big appetite" は「小食である」という意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • He/she doesn't eat much

  • He/she eats like a bird

The first one is a direct explanation of the problem, the second one is a commonly used phrase. For example - he doesn't eat a lot, unfortunately. Usually, he needs food like a bird.
一つ目の文は直訳です。二つ目はよく使われるフレーズです。 例: He doesn't eat a lot, unfortunately. Usually, he needs food like a bird. (残念ながら彼は小食です。少ししか食べません)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • They don't eat much.

  • They have a small appetite.

They don't eat much. 否定文で「あまり食べない」という意味で割りと日本語でも想像しやすい訳にしました。 They have a small appetite. 意訳ではなく少食と言いたい場合は、 to have a small appetiteということも可能です。この際の動詞は「少ない食欲」なので「を持っている」というhave になります。
  • He/She doesn't eat a lot.

  • John doesn't really eat much.

  • He doesn't eat a large amount of food.

When you say that someone "doesn't eat much" you mean that the person doesn't eat a lot of food at one time.
「don't eat much(あまり食べない)」は、一回に食べる量が少ないことを表します。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • He/she does not eat much.

  • He/she doesn't have a very big appetite.

If you would like to tell someone that a specific person does not eat very much, you can say something like "He/she does not eat very much." or "He/she doesn't have a very big appetite.". These are both accurate ways of explaining this to someone.
「食が細い/小食だ」は、次のように言えます。 "He/she does not eat very much."(彼/彼女は食が細い[小食だ]) "He/she doesn't have a very big appetite."(彼/彼女は食が細い[小食だ]) これらはどちらも「食が細い/小食である」という意味です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • "They do not eat very much"

  • "They have a very small appetite"

  • "This person eats like a bird"

If you wanted to explain someone that does not eat much food, you could say any of the following: "They do not eat very much", "They have a very small appetite" or "This person eats like a bird". Any of these statements express that this person does not eat very much.
「小食の人」は次のように表せます。 "They do not eat very much"(あまり食べない/小食だ) "They have a very small appetite"(食が細い/小食だ) "This person eats like a bird"(この人は小食だ) これらは全て「小食の人」を表す言い方です。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • He/she doesn't have a big appetite.

  • He/she doesn't eat much.

  • He is a finicky eater.

If someone doesn't eat much then they can be described as a any one of the following statements:- 1. He/she doesn't have a big appetite. Example:- Jack only ate half of his breakfast, he doesn't have a big appetite. 2. He/she doesn't eat much. Excample:- Please give Wendy only a small serving of rice, she doesn't eat much. 3. He is a finicky eater. Example:- I have to take my toddler to the doctor, he has not gained weight in the last two months, he is such a finicky eater. (The word finicky means refusing ti eat healthy food)
「小食の人」は次のように表せます。 1. He/she doesn't have a big appetite.(彼/彼女は食が細い) 例: Jack only ate half of his breakfast, he doesn't have a big appetite.(ジャックは朝食を半分しか食べなかった。彼は小食だ) 2. He/she doesn't eat much.(彼/彼女はあまり食べない) 例: Please give Wendy only a small serving of rice, she doesn't eat much.(ウェンディにはご飯は少な目でいいですよ。彼女は小食だから) 3. He is a finicky eater.(彼は食べ物にうるさい) 例: I have to take my toddler to the doctor, he has not gained weight in the last two months, he is such a finicky eater.(子どもを医者に診てもらわないといけない。ここ2カ月体重が増えていないから。好き嫌いが激しくて困ってる) ※ "finicky" は「健康によい食べ物を食べない」という意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • He has a small appetite.

  • He doesn't have a big appetite.

  • He doesn't eat very much.

Within the first two examples, we can use the idea, "to have an appetite," which refers to how much one is able to eat or more so, how hungry someone usually is. The main difference between them is using the negation with, "big appetite," and remove the negation with, "small appetite." The final example sentence is a very simple and general way that we can say this to describe that when someone does eat, that they don't eat a lot.
一つ目と二つ目の例では、"to have an appetite" というフレーズを使っています。これは、その人の普段の食欲を表します。 一つ目の例では否定語と共に "big appetite"(食欲旺盛)を、 二つ目の例では否定語を除いて "small appetite"(小食)を使っています。 最後の例はシンプルで一般的な言い方です。「彼は小食である」と伝えています。
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • She is very thin because she doesn't eat a lot of food.

  • She eats like a bird.

  • She's all skin and bones because she barely eats.

"She's very thin because she doesn't eat a lot of food." - It's a very simply way to describe someone's physical appearance due to their eating habits. You can also say "small" or "slender" or "slim" to describe someone who is thin. "She eats like a bird." - It is an expression used to describe one's eating habits.Birds take tiny bites and also don't eat much. So this expression compares her eating habits with that of a bird's. "She's all skin and bones because she barely eats." - This is another expression. We say, "skin and bones" to describe someone who is very thin. One can look emaciated and can be described as "skin and bones." One can also be a normal, healthy size and this expression can be used to exaggerate one's appearances. Usually, it's a phrase used among friends or family members but can be taken as insulting if not used in the right situation.
"She's very thin because she doesn't eat a lot of food."(彼女は小食なので痩せています) 「食が細いので痩せている」と伝えるシンプルな言い方です。「痩せている人」は "small" や "slender" "slim" と表すこともできます。 "She eats like a bird."(彼女は小食です) これは「食の細さ」を伝える言い方です。鳥は口が小さいので、あまりたくさんは食べられませんね。ここでは「食の細さ」を鳥に例えています。 "She's all skin and bones because she barely eats."(彼女はほとんど食べないのでガリガリに痩せています) ここでもイディオムが使われています。"skin and bones" は「とても痩せている」という意味です。"skin and bones" は「病気でやせ細った人」も表しますが、健康な人の細さを強調するときにも使われます。 このフレーズは普通家族や友達同士で使われますが、使い方を誤ると「侮辱」ととられることもあります。
Lizzo DMM英会話講師
  • He/She doesn't have a big appetite.

  • He/She gets full fast.

  • He/She doesn't eat a lot.

Any of the sentences above gives the idea that the person you are speaking about doesn't usually eat a lot. You can also say, "He/She has a small appetite". Or, if the reason they don't eat a lot is because they're trying to not gain weight, then you can say, "He/She is trying to watch her/his weight". If you wanted to say something that might sound a little funny, you could say "I have a small stomach, can't eat much."
これらの文は全て、その人が「いつもあまり食べない」ことを表します。 ほかに、 "He/She has a small appetite"(彼/彼女は小食だ) と言うこともできます。 あるいは、ダイエットであまり食べていないなら、 "He/She is trying to watch her/his weight"(彼/彼女はダイエットをしている) という言い方ができます。 ちょっと面白く言うなら: "I have a small stomach, can't eat much."(胃が小さいから、あまり食べられない)
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • They're not a big eater.

  • They tend to not eat a lot.

When you use "they" it can refer to either a man or woman so it's easiest to use when talking about someone in general. If you "tend" to do something, it is your habit or way of doing things. I hope that this helps. :)
"they" は男性も女性も指します。ですから、漠然と人を指す場合には、"they" を使うのが最も簡単です。 "to tend to" は「習慣」を表します。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • have a small appetite

  • don't have a big appetite

おっしゃられている内容は、 have a small appetite 「食欲があまりない」のように表現すれば良いと思います。 have a big appetiteは、逆に「たくさん食欲がある」の意味なので、それを否定して don't have a big appetiteのように言っても良いと思います。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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