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2017/07/09 17:54
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  • I didn't go out this weekend.

この土日一度も外に出てない I didn't go out this weekend. 土日 saturday and sunday weekend 外に出る go out 外に出ない doesn't go out 例文 "I didn't go out this weekend because I was feeling under the weather." 「この週末は、体調がすぐれなかったので、私は外に出ませんでした。」 "I stayed in all weekend and just relaxed." 「私は週末中ずっと家にいて、ただリラックスしていました。」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
Vikash Paliwal 映画プロデューサー/映画監督/脚本家
  • I was cooped up indoors the whole weekend!

  • I didn't go outside even once this weekend!

  • I stayed home the whole weekend.

A nice phrase to use when you stayed indoors the whole weekend is: I was cooped up indoors the whole weekend! To be 'cooped up' means to stay inside a place. It comes from the noun chicken coop which is a place used to keep chickens, like a house of chickens. If you stay cooped up it means that you stayed inside a cozy or crowded place also. You can also simply say: I didn't go outside even once this weekend! This means simply that you just stayed indoors. I stayed home the whole weekend. This also implies you did not venture outside. I hope that helps!
週末ずっと家にいたときに使ういいフレーズはこちらです。 I was cooped up indoors the whole weekend! cooped up とは、屋内にずっと閉じこもることです。この表現は、鶏を飼う場所、つまり鶏舎を意味する chicken coop からきています。 I stay cooped up と言えば、心地よい場所や混み合った場所の屋内にいることを意味します。 または、シンプルにこういうこともできます。 I didn't go outside even once this weekend! ただ家にいただけだということを意味します。 I stayed home the whole weekend. こちらも、週末ずっと外に出るようなことがなかったことを意味します。 役に立てばうれしいです!
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed indoors all weekend.

  • I did not go out at all this weekend.

"I stayed indoors all weekend." This explains that you stayed inside the whole time. "Indoors" Means inside "I did not go out at all." Means you stayed at home or inside "This weekend" This tells the person when you did this.
"I stayed indoors all weekend." この週末はずっと家にいた。 ずっと家の中にいたという意味です。 "Indoors" はインドア、家の中です。 "I did not go out at all." まったく外出しなかった。 ずっと家にいたという意味。 "This weekend" この週末何をしたかという意味です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed indoors this entire weekend.

  • I didn't set foot out of my house this weekend.

  • I was holed up in my apartment/house this weekend.

"I stayed indoors this entire weekend." This is the simplest way to say it. entire = the whole weekend "I didn't set foot out of my house this weekend." to set out out = to leave the house/premises. This means that you didn't go anywhere. "I was holed up in my apartment/house this weekend." To hole up is to stay in doors and not come out. "You could also say I hibernated this weekend." hibernate = to remain inactive or indoors for an extended period
"I stayed indoors this entire weekend." This is the simplest way to say it. entire = the whole weekend 「週末中、家にいた。」 Entire=Whole(すべて)、週末中。 "I didn't set foot out of my house this weekend." to set out out = to leave the house/premises. This means that you didn't go anywhere. 「週末は、家から一歩も外に出なかった。」 Set foot out=外に出る、出かけること。 "I was holed up in my apartment/house this weekend." To hole up is to stay in doors and not come out. "You could also say I hibernated this weekend." hibernate = to remain inactive or indoors for an extended period 「週末は、ずっとアパート/家に閉じこもっていた。」Holed up=閉じこもっている。 他には、「週末は、引きこもっていた。」とも言えます。Hibernated=引きこもった。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't venture out the whole weekend because of the heavy rain

  • I was indoors the whole weekend

If you say you did not venture out the whole weekend, you also add the reason why: because of the heavy rain. If you do not venture out, it is mostly because of some dangerous thing out there. In this case, it is because of the heavy rain. You may also say: I did not venture out of my house even for a second for fear of the lightning the whole weekend. I was indoors the the whole weekend implies that you kept yourself inside the house for the whole weekend. Indoors works both as a noun and an adverb. In this case, I have used it as a noun. If I were to use it as an adverb, I would say: Please come indoors because it's cold outside.
I did't venture out the whole weekend と言うなら、なぜか理由も付け足すでしょう。 例えば、because of the heavy rain(ひどい雨だったから)など。 外に出ないのは、なにか危険があるからであることが多いです。 この場合、ひどい雨のことです。 I did not venture out of my house even for a second for fear of the lightning the whole weekend. (週末中雷を恐れて、一歩も外に出なかった。)ということもできます。 I was indoors the whole weekend.と言うと、あなたは週末の間ずっと家に閉じこもっていたことを示唆します。 indoors は名詞としても副詞としても使えます。 この場合、名詞として使いました。 もし副詞としてindoorsを使うなら、Please come indoors because it's cold outside.(外は寒いから家の中に来てください。)と言うでしょう。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I didn't step outside this weekend.

  • I stayed in the entire weekend.

To "step outside" means to get outside and get some fresh air. If you didn't step outside all weekend, then it would mean that you never left the house, even to go outside. To say that you "stayed in" means that you stayed in one place for a period of time, in this case, for the weekend.
"step outside" は「外の空気を吸う」という意味です。 「週末は "step outside" しなかった」は「週末は一度も外出しなかった」といった意味になります。 "stay in ~" は「(ある場所に)一定期間とどまる」という意味です。 ここでは「週末の間(とどまる)」ということですね。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed inside all weekend.

  • I was cooped up all weekend.

  • I was pent up all weekend.

The expressions "cooped up all weekend," and "pent up all weekend" can be used to express that you stayed inside all weekend. Pent up = Closely confined or held back. Cooped up = Kept inside. Example:- 1. It rained all weekend, and I was cooped up indoors.
"cooped up all weekend," と "pent up all weekend" は週末家で過ごしたという意味です。 Pent up = 抑圧された Cooped up =閉じ込められた 例:- 1. It rained all weekend, and I was cooped up indoors.
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • A) I was at home for the whole weekend.

  • B) I was indoors for the whole weekend.

A) I was at home for the whole weekend. *Whole -all of; entire. Example -"he spent the whole day walking" B) I was indoors for the whole weekend. *Indoors -into or within a building. Example -"they went indoors and explored the house" I hope this helps :-)
A) I was at home for the whole weekend. *Whole -全部、全て 例 -"he spent the whole day walking" (彼は一日中歩きました) B) I was indoors for the whole weekend. *Indoors -家や建物の中 例 -"they went indoors and explored the house" (彼らは家の中へ入って探索しました) お役に立てれば幸いです :-)
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I stayed indoors all over the weekend

  • I've been like a hibernating bear in a cave all weekend!

Sometimes you feel that your energy or motivation to do anything is low. This may be a result of work stress, or of burning the midnight oil too much whilst studying for exams. To burn the midnight oil = 'Burning the midnight oil'? To work late into the night. Originally this was by the light of an oil lamp or candle. More recently, the phrase is used figuratively, alluding back its use before electric lighting. Hibernate = spend the winter in a dormant state. "Some species hibernate in tree roosts."
ときどき何かをするためのエネルギーやモチベーションか低いと感じることがあるでしょう。 これはおそらく仕事のストレスや、試験勉強をburning the midnight oil too much していた結果かもしれません。 To burn the midnight oil = 'Burning the midnight oil' 夜遅くまで働くことです。元々この表現はオイルランプやろうそくから来ています。 更に最近では、電気のライト以前のことをほのめかしながら比喩的に使われています。 Hibernate = 冬を休眠した状態で過ごすことです。 例文 "Some species hibernate in tree roosts."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I haven't set foot outside!

  • This weekend, I have been like a recluse; I haven't set foot outside

Colloquially speaking " I haven't set foot outside the door" is a common phrase to describe when we are being "reclusive" or " hermit like";-) Sometimes we cannot face the weather ...or perhaps we just feel a little... "Down in the dumps! "... (low) or "melancholy"... We might just " prefer our own company" (to be on our own.)
引きこもっていたり、世捨て人のような生活をしていたことを表すのに" I haven't set foot outside the door" (一歩も外に出ていません。)は口語表現としてよく使います。 ときには天気がいやで閉じこもったり、もしかしたら "Down in the dumps! "... (low) or "melancholy"...(憂鬱になって、気分が下がったりもの思いにふけったり) という気分なのかもしれませんね。 "prefer our own company(1人になりたい)"だけなのかもしれません。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • "I did not leave the house even once this weekend"

  • "I stayed at home for the whole weekend"

  • "I ended up staying indoors the whole weekend"

If you wanted to explain that you did not go outside even once this weekend, you could say any of the following: "I did not leave the house even once this weekend", "I stayed at home for the whole weekend" or "I ended up staying indoors the whole weekend".
「この週末は一度も外に出なかった」は次のように言えます。 "I did not leave the house even once this weekend"(この週末は一度も外に出なかった) "I stayed at home for the whole weekend"(週末はずっと家にいた) "I ended up staying indoors the whole weekend"(週末は結局ずっと家にいた)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't step out of the house all weekend

  • I didn't go outside even once this weekend

  • I spent the whole weekend indoors. I didn't even go out once.

When you want to explain that you did not go outside even once this weekend; then you may explain it in the following ways: -I didn't step out of the house all weekend -I didn't go outside even once this weekend -I spent the whole weekend indoors. I didn't even go out once.
週末一度も外に出なかったことを伝えたいときのフレーズです。 -I didn't step out of the house all weekend (週末ずっと家から出なかった。) -I didn't go outside even once this weekend (今週末一度も外に出なかった。) -I spent the whole weekend indoors. I didn't even go out once. (週末ずっと家の中で過ごした。一度も外に出なかった。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • My eyes didn't see the outdoors this weekend.

  • This whole weekend was spend indoors.

  • My skin didn't even feel the sun's rays this weekend, I was indoors the whole time.

If you did not leave the house and spent all your time indoors on the weekend, the sentences above can be used to describe that. It is great to stay in and enjoy a relaxed time at home or sometimes we stay in because we are sick and can't leave the house till we are better, we may even have too much work so we stay in to complete assignments, etc. "I was a hermit this weekend, I stayed home and didn't leave the house, not even once." "I spent my whole weekend indoors, I didn't even see the sun!" Hermit: a hermit is someone who lives in solitude (alone) mostly for religious reasons but we can use the term to express being alone and away from the world.
これらの例は、週末家から出ずに、室内でずっと過ごしたことを表すフレーズです。 家でリラックスした時間を楽しむのはいいことです。また時には具合が悪く良くなるまで家から出られないこともあるでしょうし、課題などを終わらせるために家にこもらないといけないこともあるでしょう。  "I was a hermit this weekend, I stayed home and didn't leave the house, not even once." (今週末は隠者だったよ。家にいて、1度も出なかったんだ。) "I spent my whole weekend indoors, I didn't even see the sun!" (週末ずっと家にいた。太陽すら見なかった!)   Hermitは、宗教的理由で、ほとんど単独で生活する人のことですが、1人で、世間から離れて過ごすことを表すのに使うことのできる言葉です。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I was cocooned indoors all weekend.

  • I never ventured beyond my front door this weekend.

1.I was cocooned indoors all weekend. To be cocooned means to be enclosed, surrounded or wrapped. The sentence means that you did not move out of the warmth and comfort of your home all weekend. 2. I never ventured beyond my front door this weekend. To venture means to travel or move.The sentence means that you did not go beyond your front door and stayed inside your home the entire weekend.
1.I was cocooned indoors all weekend. (週末ずっと家にこもっていた。) To be cocooned とは、包まれる、囲まれるという意味です。暖かくて心地の良い家から出なかったという意味です。   2. I never ventured beyond my front door this weekend. (今週末家から全くでなかった。) To ventureは、行動する、動くという意味です。この文は、週末ずっと家にいたという意味です。
Shams DMM英会話講師
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