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2017/07/11 22:48
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  • She has your eyes and nose.

★ 訳 「彼女はあなたの目と鼻を持っている」 →「彼女の目と鼻はあなたのに似ている」 ★ 解説  この英文は、赤ちゃんを女の子と仮定して she で表し、このセリフを赤ちゃんのお母さんに向かって言っている(お母さんを you で表している)という設定で書きました。  英語では「〜と目が似ている」のような発言をする際には、「〜の目を持っている」のように言うことが非常によくあります。  ご質問の場合には、目と鼻が似ているとのことですので、your eyes and nose としました。  もしこれを赤ちゃんに向かって言いたいのであれば次のようになります。  You have your mother's eyes and nose.「あなたは、あなたの母の目と鼻を持っている」  ご参考になりましたでしょうか。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • A) Wow, he/ she is a carbon copy of you.

  • B) She defiantly has your eyes and nose.

A) Wow, he/ she is a carbon copy of you. Carbon copy -a person or thing identical or very similar to another. Example-"the children were carbon copies of their father" B) She defiantly has your eyes and nose. *Defiantly - certainly / for sure/ without a doubt I Hope this helps :-)
A) Wow, he/ she is a carbon copy of you.わぁ、彼、彼女はあなたにそっくりね。 Carbon copy -a person or thing identical or very similar to another.その人が誰かに瓜二つ、とてもよく似ているという意味。 例-"the children were carbon copies of their father"子供たちは父親に瓜二つだ。 B) She defiantly has your eyes and nose.彼女絶対にあなたの目と鼻をもらってきたわね。 *Defiantly - certainly / for sure/ without a doubt絶対、間違いなく 参考になると幸いです
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • The baby's eyes and nose are a copy of yours(referring to the mother)

  • Wow her eyes and nose are just like yours.

The baby's eyes and nose are a copy of yours(referring to the mother) copy of yours = identical;look exactly like yours
The baby's eyes and nose are a copy of yours(rお母さんを指しながら) copy of yours = まったく同じように見える、時に使います。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • 1. She is a spitting image of her mother.

  • 2. You guys look really alike.

  • 3. She is a dead spit of her mother.

1. The exact likeness. "She's the spitting image of her mum." 2. Alike = two or more people or things which are similar to each other 3. To look very much like someone else. He's the dead spit of this bloke. This is Australian slang. "That boy's a dead spit of his brother."
1. そっくりという表現 "She's the spitting image of her mum." 彼女はお母さんの生き写しだね。 2. Alike =2人か、それ以上の人や物が似ていること 3. すごく似ていること、オーストラリア訛りで、生き写しという意味 "That boy's a dead spit of his brother." あの子は彼の弟そっくりだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She looks just like her mother.

  • She's got her mother's eyes and nose.

When you want to tell someone that a newborn baby has a similar appearance of their mother, you could say "She's got her mother's eyes and nose."
生まれたばかりの赤ちゃんの外見がお母さんに似ていると伝えたい時は、こう言えます: "She's got her mother's eyes and nose." (目と鼻がお母さんに似ているね)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It has its mothers eyes and nose

  • He has similar features as his mom, like the eyes and nose.

"It has its mothers eyes and nose" "He has similar features as his mom, like the eyes and nose." Both of these expressions are a proper way of saying this. The first expression is informal, used more often between people that know each other such as friends and family. The other expression is used often by people who do not know the person or maybe are describing a person they saw.
It has its mothers eyes and nose. He has similar features as his mom, like the eyes and nose. これらの文は両方とも、これを意味する適切な表現です。最初の文はカジュアルで、友人や家族などお互いよく知る人の間で使われます。2番目の文は、初対面の人や、たまたま見た人のことを言うためにしばしば使われます。
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • He/she looks just like his/her mother

  • He/she has his/her mother's eyes and nose

  • He/she the splitting image of his/her mother

When describing a newborn oftentimes, persons describe this as having a splitting image of their parent. This basically means that they look just like them. You can be more specific and say that the baby has the parents eyes or nose or mouth but those are typically the main features on a baby.
生まれた赤ちゃんのことを表すときに、よく「splitting image of ~」と言います。これは「~にそっくり」という意味です。より具体的に、両親の目、鼻、口に似ているとも言えますが、大抵、赤ちゃんの顔の主なパーツについて言います。
Yash DMM英会話講師
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