We have run out of time. We only have 30 seconds left.
Our time is nearly up with only 30 seconds left.
Only 30 seconds left
The problem with the first statement is that by the time you finish it, you will have 29 seconds or less left unless you start talking when there are 31 seconds left. The same goes for line number two. So, the best choice would be line number three.
So, you may say:
We have run out of time. We only have 30 seconds left.
Our time is nearly up with only 30 seconds left.
Only 30 seconds left.
The third statement is the quickest and most ideal.
We have run out of time. We only have 30 seconds left.
Our time is nearly up with only 30 seconds left.
Only 30 seconds left.
This lesson will end in approximately thirty seconds
This lesson's nearly up
It is the teacher's responsibility to control the timing of the lesson and there is no need to worry about it - unless of course you have to go immediately to some other engagement. Students who are constantly 'watching the clock' are usually bored or want to leave the lesson as early as possible and this may be taken by the teacher as being a negative indicator. You can stop the lesson at any time, of course by just saying: "Sorry, I have to go now," so why not enjoy where you are in the lesson and just forget about watching the clock?
レッスンの時間を管理することは先生の責任ですので、あなたが心配する必要はありません。もちろん、すぐに別の用事がある場合を除きます。常に「時計を見ている」学生は、通常退屈している、またはできるだけ早くレッスンを終わらせることを望んでおり、先生はこれを否定的な指標であるとみなすかもしれません。もちろん、 "Sorry, I have to go now"(すみません、もう行かなければなりません)と言うことで、レッスンはいつでも中止することができます。ですので、時計を見ることを忘れて、今やっているレッスンを楽しんではどうでしょう?
*Time flies. We only left with 30 seconds.
This is way to express how surprised you are with the way time has flown. This could be because you are enjoying the lesson and you are sad that the lesson is ending.
For example:
You:Time flies. We only left with 30 seconds.
Teacher: Unfortunately. It was a really a fun lesson and you spoke to me very well.
*Time flies. We only left with 30 seconds.
あなた:Time flies. We only left with 30 seconds.
先生: Unfortunately. It was a really a fun lesson and you spoke to me very well.
Time has almost ran out there is only 30 seconds left
All of these would be fine to say meaning the time of the lesson has almost ran out or finished
The term `to go ' means the same as `whats left' when talking about time so you could say " we only have 30 seconds to go" or you could say " we only have 30 seconds left" both meaning the same thing
時間についていう場合「to go」と「what's left(残り)」は同じ意味です。
We only have 30 seconds to go.
We only have 30 seconds left.
The word left is more casual than remaining, although both words are acceptable in all settings. We also use the term "to go" in this case. For example: We only have 30 seconds left. We only have 30 seconds to go before class ends. We only have 30 seconds remaining.
この場合"to go"という言葉も使えます。
We only have 30 seconds left.
We only have 30 seconds to go before class ends.
We only have 30 seconds remaining.
You could say, ‘only 30 seconds left!’ which is the quick version - the exclamation mark shows that you are saying this in a loud/stressed/excited way, with emotion because there isn’t much time left. The long way of saying this phrase is, ‘it looks as though we only have 30 seconds left!’ You could also say ‘half a minute’ instead of 30 seconds.
Only 30 seconds left!
It looks as though we only have 30 seconds left!
「30 seconds」の代わりに「half a minute」も使えます。
When you want to tell your teacher that you only have 30 seconds left for the lesson, then you can say it in the following ways:
-We only have 30 seconds left for the lesson
-There are only 30 seconds left
-Only 30 seconds left
-We only have 30 seconds left for the lesson
-There are only 30 seconds left
-Only 30 seconds left
・We only have thirty seconds left.
left で「残り」を英語で表すことができます。
We only have thirty seconds left, so I want to thank you for an amazing lesson.