世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/12 19:49
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  • It started to rain on my way to work so I went back home to get my umbrella.

It started to rain on my way to work so I went back home to get my umbrella. →通勤途中雨が降り始めたので家に傘を取りに帰った。 「通勤途中」は、on my way to work といいます。 備考に書かれていた表現もご紹介します。^^ 家を出て約5分歩いたのに雨が降り始めました。 →It started to rain about 5 minutes after I left home! 傘を持ってなかったので傘を取りに急いで家に引き返しました。 →I didn't have an umbrella so I rushed back to home. 本当についてなかった。 →It was a bad luck!
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • I went back home to get my umbrella when it started to rain on my way to work

  • While I was making my way to work it started to rain and so I went home to get my umbrella.

"I went back home to get my umbrella when it started to rain on my way to work " and "While I was making my way to work it started to rain and so I went home to get my umbrella."are adequate ways to explain what happened.
"I went back home to get my umbrella when it started to rain on my way to work " 傘を取りに帰宅しました。なぜなら、仕事に行く途中に雨が降ってきたからです。 "While I was making my way to work it started to rain and so I went home to get my umbrella." 仕事に行く途中に雨が降ってきたので傘を取りに戻りました。 これらは何が起きたかを説明する適切な表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Five minutes after leaving the house to get to work, it began to rain so I went back home to get an umbrella.

  • Luckily, I wasn't far from my house when it began. I was walking to work. Anyway, I went back home to get my umbrella.

  • Shortly after leaving the house to get to work, it began to rain so I went back home to get an umbrella. I was so lucky!

Luckily= this adverb means ''because of good luck. Anyway= I used this word to continue the ''story'' as I interrupted the story by adding the sentence ''I was walking to work''. Wasn't= contraction of WAS + NOT. Shortly= You can use this word if you are referring to a short period of time. For example: ''five minutes''.
Luckily= 幸運にも ''because of good luck.ラッキーだったので Anywayともあれという表現は話が続いていきそうだけどそれをさえぎるときにつかう。 ''I was walking to work''.徒歩通勤 Wasn't= WAS + NOTの短縮形 Shortly= すぐに、まもなく 例: ''five minutes''.5分
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • On my way to work it started raining so I had to turn back to grab my umbrella.

  • Once it started raining, I quickly rushed back home to get my umbrella.

You can explain that you needed to turn around, or go back in the opposite direction, in order to get an umbrella on your way to work. Also, saying that you needed to 'grab' something shows that you were in a rush and needed to do it quickly.
「通勤途中に引き返して(turn around)傘を取りに戻った」と説明できます。また、'grab' を使うと、急いでいて素早く(傘を)とった感じが出ます。
Nadia F DMM英会話講師
  • I had to go back home and fetch an umbrella since it started raining.

Fetch means go for and then bring back (someone or something) for someone. For example "He ran to fetch help"
Fetchは誰か、何かや誰かをとるために行って戻ることを意味します。 例:彼は助けを求めに走った。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A) As i was on my way to work it started raining and i had to rush back home to get my umbrella.

  • B)I had no idea it was going to rain today i had to turn around to go back home for my umbrella

A) As i was on my way to work it started raining and i had to rush back home to get my umbrella. - on my way to work it started raining and i had to go back home to go and fetch my umbrella. B)I had no idea it was going to rain today i had to turn around to go back home for my umbrella - I was not aware of the weather for the day, when i started walking to work it started to rain and i had to o back for my umbrella. I hope this helps :-)
A) As i was on my way to work it started raining and i had to rush back home to get my umbrella. - 仕事に行く途中で雨が降り始め、傘を取りに家に帰らなければならなかった。 B)I had no idea it was going to rain today i had to turn around to go back home for my umbrellaーその日の天気に気づかず、職場へ歩き始めた時に雨が降り始め、傘を取りに帰らなければならなかった 役立ちますように!^^
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I was on my way to work but had to double back home to get my umbrella

  • I had to retrace my footsteps homeward when I overlooked bringing my umbrella

To double back = go back in the direction one has come. "He had to double back to collect his aunt's medicine." To retrace one's footsteps or retrace your steps = to go back to a place in the same way that you came: "She walked straight past her office and then had to retrace her steps to pick up her handbag." Overlooked = this word is sometimes used a s euphemism for 'forgot.'
To double back=今来た方向に戻ること。 例文 To retrace one's footsteps または retrace your steps= 来た方向に同じ道を戻ること。 例文 Overlooked=この単語はたまに'forgot'(忘れた)の婉曲的な表現として使われます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Because of the rain, I went back home to get my umbrella.

  • Sorry for being late. I went home to take umbrella because of the rain.

I recommend using the second sentence because it's better to apologize first and then explain the situation which caused you coming late, although, both of the sentences have the same meaning.
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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