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2016/12/13 19:37
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  • I walked home in the rain without an umbrella.

  • I left my umbrella at home so I had to walk home in the rain.

こんにちは。 I walked home in the rain without an umbrella. 「雨の中傘をささずに歩いて帰った」 I left my umbrella at home so I had to walk home in the rain. 「家に傘を置いてきたので雨の中歩いて帰ることになった」 上記のような言い方ができます。 「傘をささずに」「傘なしで」は without an umbrella と言えます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • 1. I forgot my umbrella and got soaked walking home

  • 2. Silly me forgot his umbrella and now looks like a drowned rat!

1. You explain that you were wet because you forgot your umbrella. To get soaked = to become very wet "You'll get soaked if you walk under that waterfall!" 2. Here you are self critical and making a joke of this situation. You use the third person as if telling a story. "Silly me" means that you think you yourself are silly. "A drowned rat." This phrase is often used to describe someone who is very wet or who has wet clothes .
1. 傘を忘れたせいで濡れたことを説明するときい使います。 To get soaked = すごく濡れた。 "You'll get soaked if you walk under that waterfall!"滝の下を歩くと濡れるよ! 2. この状況を自分への批判的なジョークでいうのなら、物語をいうように第三者を使いましょう。 "Silly me" は自分がバカだなぁと思う時に使います。 "A drowned rat." びしょ濡れの人、濡れた服を着ている人を表します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I had to walk home in the rain because I left the umbrella at home.

  • I got home wet because I had to walk in the rain since I left the umbrella at home.

The above sentences can be used to explain why you got home wet. You can use phrases like 'soaking wet" to express that you were very wet.
The above sentences can be used to explain why you got home wet. You can use phrases like 'soaking wet" to express that you were very wet. 上記例文は、何故あなたが濡れて帰って来たのか、その理由を説明しています。Very wet(びしょ濡れ)のことをSoaking wetなどのフレーズで表わすことが出来ます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I left my umbrella at home!

  • I got soaked on the way back from work...Because I left my umbrella at home!

Sometimes we can be forgetful or misjudge the weather conditions: There are so many expressions for being rained on;-) (Oh yes England is rainy!) I got soaked! "..." I got drenched" " I was wet though". by the time I got home... All because I forgot and left my umbrella at the house.
たまに天気を読み間違えたり、忘れっぽかったりしますよね。 雨に遭う時の表現は沢山あります;-) (Oh yes England is rainy!) (それは、もうイギリスは雨が多いです) 【例】 家に帰りつくころには "I got soaked! "(ずぶ濡れ) " I got drenched"(びしょびしょ) " I was wet though"(びしょびしょ、ずぶぬれ) これは全て私が家に傘を忘れたからです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • I forgot my umbrella so I got soaked walking home in the rain.

  • I had to walk home in the rain without an umbrella.

"soaked" means extremely wet. So to say "I forgot my umbrella so I got soaked..." means that because you didn't have an umbrella you got extremely wet on the walk home. To say "I had to walk home in the rain without an umbrella" is a statement without any extra information, but it still suggests that you got wet.
"soaked"とは、びしょ濡れになるという意味です。 "I forgot my umbrella so I got soaked..." 傘を忘れたので、びしょ濡れになった。 これは、傘を持っていかなかったので、歩いて帰ってびしょ濡れになったという意味です。   "I had to walk home in the rain without an umbrella" 傘を持たずに雨の中歩いて帰らなければならなかった。 これは、特にたくさんの情報がある文ではないですが、あなたが濡れてしまったということを伝えるフレーズです。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • I walked home in the rain without an ambrella.

家の中傘なしで家まで歩いた。 Walk home; 歩いて帰る Run home; 走って帰る Get home; 帰宅する Homeはそれ自体が副詞なので前置詞を付ける必要がありません。 Without an ambrella; 傘なしで I gotta get home quickly. It will rain shortly. 早く帰らなきゃ雨が降りそう!
  • I got soaked while walking back home because I did not take an umbrella with me when going.

  • I walked back home in the rain and got wet because I did not take an umbrella with me when going.

It often happens that people don't check the weather forecast before leaving home to go somewhere. The advantage of checking the weather forecast before leaving home is that a person can carry an umbrella with him/her if it has been forecast that it would rain. However, if you happened not to have checked on the weather forecast and you left home without carrying an umbrella with you and it rained, chances are that you definitely got soaked while walking back home in the rain. The verb to 'soak' means to get thoroughly wet. If this did happen to you: You could have said: I got soaked while walking back home because I did not take an umbrella with me when going. or I walked back home in the rain and got wet because I did not take an umbrella with me when going.
出かけるのに家を出る前、天気予報を確認しないとこういうことが起こります。家を出る前に天気予報を確認する利点は、雨が降る予報なら、傘を持っていくことができるということです。 しかし、たまたま天気予報を確認せずに傘を持たずに出かけてしまい、雨が降ると、雨の中歩いて帰りずぶ濡れになることでしょう。 動詞'soak'は、ずぶ濡れになるという意味です。こうなると以下のように言うことができます。  I got soaked while walking back home because I did not take an umbrella with me when going.  出かけるときに傘を持たなかったので、歩いて帰る中ずぶ濡れになった。 I walked back home in the rain and got wet because I did not take an umbrella with me when going. 出かけるときに傘を持たなかったので、雨の中歩いて帰って、濡れた。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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