世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/16 12:49
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  • ① What time are you coming home?

  • ② What time are you back?

「何時頃[家に帰ってくる](の」を英語で聞くときは、私は「① What time are you coming home?」と聞きます。 意訳は:「何時に[帰宅](するの?」。言う必要はないですが、「いつ頃」も入れるなら「① Around what time are you coming home?」と、「around」を入れるとおおよその時間を聞けます。 また、「② What time are you back?」(いつ戻るの?)も使えます。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • What time are you coming home?

ほぼ直訳ですが、例題のままだけでしたら、たぶんこの聞き方しかないぐらいだと思います。 ちなみに、もしこれが ”口語” (実際に相手に直接かける言葉)だったりしたら 質問の場合は特に、またふつうの応答の場合でも最後に相手の名前や呼びかけの言葉を 付けることで表現の温かさが倍以上変わります。これは英語という言語がもつ独特な感性かもしれませんが、例えを挙げると: “how are you?” ([お元気ですか?]( ”how are you, Jenny?" (元気~?!!) だからこそ、毎回名前ばかりではなく “bro!"、”man"、“champ”、"honey"、・・・・数えきれいないほどの直接名前ではない相手を特有の言葉で表現する言葉を付けたりするんですね。ご参考までに~!!
Hara Ken English teacher
  • What time will you be back?

  • At what time will you return?

  • What time will you be home?

The easiest and most simple way to ask this is "What time will you be back?" or "What time will you be home?"
これを尋ねる最も簡単な方法は、"What time will you be back?" または、 "What time will you be home?"です。
Jeffrey L DMM英会話講師
  • Around what time are you gonna be home?

  • About what time are you going to come home?

  • Around/About what time are you gonna be back?

Around や About を what timeの前に付ける事によって「頃」を表現できます。 「家に帰ってくる」という動詞は、come home または be home または be back使えます。 gonna は going to の省略形で、カジュアル(家族や友達)の間柄で使っていただけます。 gonna は going to までの省略形ですので、gonna to という言葉はありません。 また、gonnaの後は必ず動詞が入ります。
  • What time are you coming home(back)?

私も主人とLINEする時はこの表現を使うことが最も多いです。 文の最後にtonight(今夜)や、this afternoon(今日の午後)などの時を表す表現をつけても良いですね。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • What time are you coming back?

  • What time you finish work?

何時に仕事終わるのー?イコール何時に家帰ってくんのー? みたいな言い方も変化球でありですね! なんでも直接的な表現よりも柔らかくしたり、ワンクッション置くのが、言葉を使う人間の常識ですね。どの言語関係なく。あくまで、状況によりますけど。
  • What time are you going to be back home?

  • When will you be back?

  • How long are you going to be out for?

The first two examples are straightforward questions as to the time that your parents will be returning. The third is a slightly different approach that will give you all the information that you need to figure out the time of their return. Casual questions that don't call for a specific time would be something like: "Are you going to be out long?" "Are you going to be home soon?" "Will you be out until late tonight?"
最初の2つの例は、あなたの両親が帰ってくる時間についての質問です。 3つめは、彼らが戻ってくる時間を把握するために必要なすべての情報を得ることができる、少し異なるアプローチのフレーズです。 特定の時間を求めないようなカジュアルな質問は、 "Are you going to be out long?" "Are you going to be home soon?" "Will you be out until late tonight?" "あなたは長く出かけますか?" "あなたはすぐに家に帰るつもりですか? " "あなたは今夜遅くまで出かけますか?" これらのように聞くことができます。
  • Hello (person) I was wondering what time will you be in?

  • What time will you arrive home tonight?

  • When will you be on your way home and what time can I expect you?

The first answer you may want to greet that person first to start the conversation then you can go right into your question you have for them you can let them know what was on your mind or your thoughts you were wondering such as what time they will be home. The second answer is direct and an arrival signals someone coming into a place so asking one what time will they arrive at your home is a another way to ask when they will be home. The third answer is asking when they will be on the route to the home and sometimes to get an expected time you can ask them for a estimated time figure to get a more detailed reply.
1番目のアンサーは、まず始めにその人に挨拶して会話を始めるものです。 それからあなたは自分の質問に向かうことができます。 どうしたいのか、家に帰るのが何時になるのだろうか知りたいことを伝えます。 2番目は直接的なもので、arriveは誰かがどこに来るかを知らせるもので、いつ家に到着するのかを尋ねることは、いつ家に帰るかを尋ねる別の方法です。 3番目は、いつ家に帰るかを尋ねることで、より詳細な返答を得るために時間を予測し聞くことができます。
Kai May iEnglish
  • When can I expect you back?

When can I expect you back? - this means what time are you going to be home?, you don't need to mention time because the when implies time.
When can I expect you back? これは、何時に帰宅するかということ意味します。 whenが時間を意味するので、timeと言う必要はありません。
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be back home?

  • What time are you coming home?

  • Around what time do you expect to be home?

If you include the word "time" in your question, you are more likely to get a specific answer. If your family member isn't sure of the exact time they will be home, you can say "around what time", which allows them to estimate a reasonable time they can expect to be back.
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • What time are you coming home?

何時に~という疑問文はWhat time~?ですよね。 What time are you coming home?が一般的なのではないでしょうか。 家に帰る=come home come back homeで家に戻ってくるというニュアンスですのでこちらでも良いですね。
Yayoi TINY ENGLISH School代表
  • What time will you be home?

  • What time should I expect you today?

"What time should I expect you today?" means that you want to know what time they will be home. Sometimes it will be good to add the reason you are asking.
"What time should I expect you today?" は「いつ家に帰るのか知りたい」という意味です。 「知りたい」理由も伝えられたらいいですね。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • When should I expect you?

  • When do you plan on coming home?

  • When will you be home?

"When should I expect you?" To expect is to look forward to or know that (someone or something) will arrive soon. e.g "Celia was expecting a visitor" "When do you plan on coming home?" This is a good way to ask someone when they intend to be home or the precise time in which they will be back home. "When will you be home?" This is a direct question when you don't necessarily require the other person to give you their exact time of arrival but a rough estimate instead. You may also say : "What time are you coming through?" (informal)
"When should I expect you?" 何時ごろの帰宅になると思えばいい? 起こりそうなことをきくとき。 例 "Celia was expecting a visitor" セリアは訪問客を待っている。 "When do you plan on coming home?" 帰宅はいつごろだと計画してるの? 何時ごろ帰宅するのかの予定を聞く。 "When will you be home?" 何時に家にいる? だいたい何時ごろの帰宅なのか正確な時間ではなく、大まかな時間で聞いている。 "What time are you coming through?" 何時ごろ戻ってくるの?というカジュアルな表現もできます。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • What time can I expect you?

  • When are you coming home?

What time can I expect you? 'What' is used to refer to specific information = I want to know the thing In this instance you want to know the time. Example: A: What time can I expect you? B: At 5 pm. ____________________________________________________________________________ When are you coming home? 'When' is used to refer to a time or an occasion = I want to know the time This question is specific about where the person should be at the time he/she gives. Example A: When are you coming home? B: In 20 minutes. A: When are you coming home? B: I'll be home at 5
What time can I expect you?何時ごろあなたが戻ると期待していればいい? 'What' は特定のシチュエーションについて言及しています。i= I want to know the thingそれが知りたい ここでは、時間が知りたいのです。 例 A: What time can I expect you?何時ごろ帰宅する? B: At 5 pm.5時かな ____________________________________________________________________________ When are you coming home?何時ごろ家に戻ってくる? 'When'時間や機会、= I want to know the time時間が知りたい この質問はその人が答えた時間にどこにいるかという質問です。 例 A: When are you coming home?何時に家に帰ってくるの? B: In 20 minutes.あと20分 A: When are you coming home?何時に帰宅するの? B: I'll be home at 5 5時くらいに帰宅する予定
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be back home?

  • Around about what time will you be back home?

Hello :-) I hope this helps! A) What time will you be back home? B)Around about what time will you be back home? ->You can use both of the above mentioned sentences when wanting to know when wanting to know when someone would be back home.
こんにちは、参考になるといいです! A) What time will you be back home? B)Around about what time will you be back home? ->どちらも、相手がいつ頃家に帰るか知りたい時に使える表現です。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be back home?

  • What time can I expect you back home?

The adjective 'back' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means ' having returned to a previous place or condition'. Because the action of being back home is in the future, the 'simple future tense of the verb to 'be' has been used; 'will you be' back. So, you may ask: What time 'will you be' back home? The verb to 'expect' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means, 'regard (something) as likely to happen. So, you may ask: What time can I expect you back home?
”back”という形容詞は意味がいくつか ありますが、この文章では、”以前の場所、 状態に戻る”という意味です。 家に戻るという行動が未来のことですから 単に未来形の動詞”be”が使われ、 ”will you be back”となります。 ですからこういうことができます。 例文 What time 'will you be' back home? 何時にあなたは家に戻りますか? "expect'"という動詞は意味がいくつか ありますが、この文章では、” (何かが)起こると思う”という意味です。 ですからこういうことができます。 例文 What time can I expect you back home? あなたが何時に家に帰ると思っておけば良い?
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • What time you be home.

  • Do you know when you will be back.

The above would be the most simple way to ask a family member when they will be coming home.
Kirsty J DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be home?

  • When will you get back?

To get back = to return. There is a famous Beatle's song entitled 'Get Back' (to where you once belonged). ER "When will your mother get back from her shopping trip?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be home?

  • When will you be home?

  • What time should I expect you home?

"What time'' is better in this case because you are asking for an exact time and you avoid a vague answer like 'this evening'. You are wanting a rough or exact time that the person will arrive home. Examples: Q:What time will you be home? A: About 5 pm. Q: What time is the concert at? A: 4.30 pm tomorrow evening.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What time are you coming home?

  • What time will you be home?

  • What time will you come home?

In these examples, we have almost identical structure with the key differences being between the verbs, "to be," or, "to come," but notice as well that we can either use the present progressive tense of the verb or the simple future tense with the modal verb, "will."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What time do you get home?

  • When do you get home?

You could use any of the above two questions when wanting to know when the person is going to get home or what time about. Examples; A; Hi, what time will you be home tonight? B; Hi, i'll be home at about 7.30pm.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
  • What time will you be back home?

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「What time will you be back home?」 (意味)何時頃家に帰ってくるの? <例文>What time will you be back home?// I'm not sure. I'll try to be home by 6. <訳>)何時頃家に帰ってくるの?//わかんない。6時までには帰るようにするね。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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