"my employees"
"my junior employees"
The term is respectful, as calling someone a
subordinate is disrespectful.
Employees that are of a lower position
can also be referred to as
Assistant (Manager, Coordinator)
Assistants, workforce or employees
Minions - as a joke, you may refer to people working for you as minions. This is a little disrespectful, however!
Minion = a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.
"He gets oppressed minions like me to fob them off"
The workforce = the people engaged in or available for work, either in a country or area or in a particular firm or industry.
"A quarter of Galway's manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job."
The pronoun 'my' in 'my worforce' identifies you as the boss.
Subordinates = a person under the authority or control of another within an organization.
"He was mild-mannered, especially with his subordinates."
Minions - 冗談で部下のことをminionsと表現することができます。しかし、失礼になる場合があります!
Minion = 子分
"He gets oppressed minions like me to fob them off"
The workforce =企業などの仕事場で働いている人たち
"A quarter of Galway's manufacturing workforce are being put out of a job."
"my workforce"の中の代名詞の'my'は自分がボスだという事を示します。
Subordinates = 下位
(英文)"He was mild-mannered, especially with his subordinates."
"team member"(名詞)は「部下」を意味します。自分の部門やチームに入っている部下は"team member"と言うと、部下は少し褒められると感じます。
"staff member"(名詞)も「部下」を意味します。これは"team member"に近いですが、"team"がないのでチームメートの印象がなくなります。
"subordinate"(名詞)も「部下」を意味します。アメリカ英語では上司が部下に対して"subordinate"と言ったら、上司が部下を見下すような感じです。大抵のアメリカ人は上司に直接"You are my subordinate."などと言われたら、パワハラだと思って仕事を辞めたくなる恐れがあります。したがって、"team member"または"staff member"の方が安全な言い方だと思います。
I have four team members under my supervision at work.
I have four staff members under my supervision at work.
If you are the boss of a number of employees you can be their manager,senior or head. However we call the employees that report to you the following terms:
subordinates-a person under the authority or control of another within an organization.
For example:"He was mild-mannered, especially with his subordinates."
Junior is the opposite of senior. Even if they are older than you age wise they are still your junior professionally.
何人かのボスの場合あなたはmanager, senior,headです。
(英文)"He was mild-mannered, especially with his subordinates."
A subordinate is a worker who is managed by somebody else who is senior in position and reports to that person. Sometimes, subordinates may not report directly to the manager but may report directly to a supervisor, who in turn may report directly to the manager. There may be five workers reporting directly to the supervisor, and another five workers, including the supervisor reporting directly to the manager. So, the supervisor has five direct reports, but, the manager has ten subordinates comprising five direct reports, and five indirect reports.
So, as a manager at this company, you may say:
I have ten subordinates at work (comprising five direct reports and five indirect reports).
But as a supervisor, you may say:
I have five direct reports at work (these are also your subordinates).
"I have ten subordinates at work (comprising five direct reports and five indirect reports)".
"I have five direct reports at work (these are also your subordinates)."
Even though I am the boss of them...I am liked by my subordinates.
A "boss": Person who is in charge of a worker or an organization. (PIC)
The opposite of a boss is,,,,"Subordinate: "Person under the authority or control of another within an organization;-D
"Even though I am the boss of them...I am liked by my subordinates."
Even though I am the boss of them...I am liked by my subordinates.
Mr Tanaka is kind to his subordinates.
Many people bully their juniors.
Mr Suzuki went drinking with his junior colleagues after work.
一般的に「部下」を subordinate として英訳されます。
部下に任せようと思います。 = I think I will have my subordinate take care of this.
任せる= put in charge / leave to / take care of
しかし、チームの場合、My staff/workers として英訳される場合もあります。
私の部下たちがとても良い仕事をしてくれます。= My staff do a really great job.
良い仕事 = good/great job
Staff = スタッフ (オフィス内環境の場合)
Workers = 労働者 (工場内環境の場合)
1. subordinate
会社などの「部下」は英語で subordinate と言うことができます。
「上司」は英語で boss などになります。
The boss had a good relationship with his subordinates.