世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/07/26 14:47
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  • a fight against time

  • a race against time

「時間との闘い」はa fight against time, a race against timeと言います。 「TOEICテストは時間との闘いだ」は TOEIC is a fight against time. TOEIC is a race against time. と言えば良いです。 参考になれば幸いです。
  • Competing with time.

  • Chased by time.

->Competing with time. To compete is to be in competition with someone or something. This is saying that you are in competition with time. ->Chased by time. This means that time is chasing you and you have to finish before the time catches up with you. Examples 1. The TOEIC test is like competing with time. Trying to see who finishes first, "me" or the time. 2. Doing the TOEIC test is almost like being chased by time, you have to finish before the time catches up with you.
->Competing with time. 時間との闘い To competeとは、誰かや何かと競争するという意味です。   ->Chased by time. 時間に追われている。 これは、時間が自分を追いかけていて、時間が追いつく前に終わらなければならないといニュアンスです。   例 1. The TOEIC test is like competing with time. Trying to see who finishes first, "me" or the time.  TOEICは時間との闘いです。自分が先に終わるか、時間か見て見よう。 2. Doing the TOEIC test is almost like being chased by time, you have to finish before the time catches up with you.    TOEICを受けるのは、時間に追われているようなものだ。時間が追いつく前に終わらないといけない。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Race against time

  • Race against the clock

Both of these phrase are very common to use in this situation. Both give the idea that the TOEIC test has a time limit which makes the majority of people taking it a bit nervous.
Salomon DMM英会話講師
  • Race against time

  • Race against the clock

When talking about not having enough time to do something in then we use the terms 'race against time' or 'race against the clock' this means you are trying to get as much done before the time runs out
時間が十分にないことについて言う場合、'race against time' または 'race against the clock' が使えます。これは、時間内にできるだけ多くのことをしようとすることをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Taking this test is a fight against time.

  • It's a race against time.

  • It's a battle against the clock.

When you have to do or finish something very quickly because you only have a limited amount of time to do it, that is a "race against time." "A battle against the clock" or a "race against the clock" is another way to express this idea.
時間が限られていて急いで何かをしなければならないのなら、それは "A race against time"(時間との闘い)です。 他に、"A battle against the clock"(時間との闘い)または "A race against the clock"(同)という言い方もあります。
Jae C DMM英会話講師
  • Time is against me.

  • It's a timed test.

  • It's a race against the clock.

These expressions describe a situation where there isn't much time for you to complete a task. You can use them alone or refer to the specific situation e.g. TOEIC test
これらの表現は限られた時間で仕事をしなければならないときに使われます。 このまま使ってもいいですし特定の状況に言及することもできます、例えばTOEICテストなど。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • It is a battle against time

  • It is a race against time

  • It is a race against the clock

All of these sentences mean the same thing, that completing the task within the given time is difficult. However, in England the most commonly used phrase is probably "It's a race against the clock". This is referring to a race (just like a running race) but you are competing against the clock. So will the clock get to 60 seconds or will you finish your answer first?
これらの文は全て同じ意味です、与えられた時間の中で課題をこなすのが難しいということ。 ただ、イングランドではたぶん "It's a race against the clock"(時間との闘いだ)が最も一般的です。 この "race" は "running race"(徒競走)の "race" ですが、競争している相手は "the clock"(時計)です。時計が60秒に到達するのが先か、答え終えるのが先か、ということです。
Reagan DMM英会話講師
  • a fight against time

  • time sensitive

When you are talking about a TOEIC test and want to explain that it's a fight against time, then you may express this in the following ways: -TOEIC tests are a fight against time. One has to be mindful of how they spend their time. -TOEIC tests are time sensitive. If you are not quick enough, you may fail.
TOEICテストは時間との闘いだと言いたいなら、次のように表せます。 -TOEIC tests are a fight against time. One has to be mindful of how they spend their time. (TOEICテストは時間との闘いです。時間の使い方に注意を配らなければなりません) -TOEIC tests are time sensitive. If you are not quick enough, you may fail. (TOEICテストは時間との闘いです。素早くやらないと、落ちる可能性があります)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • A race against time.

  • A fight against time.

To explain that the test is like a battle against time, you can say: "A race against time." "A fight against time."
あるテストについて「時間との闘いである」と言いたいなら、次のフレーズが使えます。 "A race against time." "A fight against time." (時間との闘い)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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