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久しぶりに近況などを報告したい場合、どう言えばいいでしょうか? keep me posted (?)とよく言われるのですが、いざメールをかこうとしてもどういえばいいのかいまいちわかりません。。
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2017/07/26 20:57
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  • Let me update you on how things are going.

「[近況](を報告させてください」は、 Let me update you on how things are going. がいいと思います。 Keep me posted. 「新しいことがあったら[知らせて](。」「何かあったら知らせて。」 と言われますよね(笑) Let me update you on how things are going. で始めて、近況報告すればいいですね。 update = アップデートする how things are going = 最近のこと、近況
Adam and Michiko 英語講師/ESAC英語学習アドバイザー
  • Let me tell you how my life is.

  • Let me tell you what I'm up to these days.

久しぶりに[近況](を[報告](したい。 Keep me posted. とよく言われる。 という事なので、質問者さんのお相手は遠く外国に住んでいたり、 普段なかなか会えない方でしょうか。 普段まったく会わなかったり、違う文化に住んでいる相手だと、 ライフスタイルが全く違うと思うので、 Let me tell you how my life is. (わたしの生活(もしくは人生)がどんな感じが教えるね) がいいと思います。 全体的な、去年引っ越して、 とか、 学校に行き始めて、 という様な人生の近況報告ですね。 その一方で、 同じ文化を共有していたり、だいたいの事は理解してるけど、 普段会えないから連絡取り合おうね、報告しあおうね、という場合、 Let me tell you what I'm up to these days. (ここ最近、どんな事してるか教えるね) を使うと良いでしょう。 what I'm up to で、何にはまっているか、 何に取り組んでいるか、という意味ですから、 オンデマンドの映画にはまってる。 とか、 ジョギングはじめた、 という様な、ここ最近の近況報告です。 両方、使う様にしてみてください。 自然と両方言えるようになりますよ。 質問者さんのように、英語で返信しなくてはいけない相手がいると上達が早いです。 小さな言い方でも一つひとつ勉強しようという姿勢が偉いですね。 頑張ってくださいね(*^^*)
Chiyoka きもの着た通訳 & プライベート英語教師
  • My latest update...

  • Let me update you...

  • The latest with me is...

"Latest" is used to refer to recent events. An "update" is to share current and important information. In this context, they mean the recent events that have occurred in your life, events that you consider important enough to share with others. For example: "The latest with me is that I got married!" "Let me update you with what's been happening in my life..." "Let me update you with what I've been doing recently..." "Let me update you with how good/bad things have been going..." "My latest update is that I got a new job!"
"Latest" (最新の)は最近の出来事を述べる際に使われる表現です。"update"(アップデート、報告)は直近の重要な情報を共有する際に使えます。 この文脈では最近あなたに起こったことや、他の人に伝えたいと思うくらい重要なことを指すと思います。 例文: "The latest with me is that I got married!" (最近起きたことといえば、結婚したんですよ。) "Let me update you with what's been happening in my life..." (最近の自分に起こっていることを共有しますね。) "Let me update you with what I've been doing recently..." (最近どうしてたか言うよ。) "Let me update you with how good/bad things have been going..." (最近ものごとがいかに上手くいっているか/どれだけひどいか話すよ。) "My latest update is that I got a new job!" (近況報告ですが、新しい仕事が見つかったんですよ。)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Keep me updated on what's going on

  • Let me know how things are going

"Please let me know the situation" refers to someone asking about the state of something, like the outcome of a meeting, or the conclusion to an argument. If you wanted to ask how a person was doing in general terms, then you wouldn't refer to how they were doing as a 'situation', here are some ways you could ask how someone is: "How are you?" "How have you been lately?" "What have you been up to recently?" However, if you were asking someone how somebody else was, then you could refer to how they were doing as a 'situation'. For example: Person 1: "Dad, I heard Mum was in the hospital, what's the situation?" Person 2: "It's OK, she is doing fine."
"Please let me know the situation" (状況を説明させて下さい)は、人がミーティングの結果や議論の結論のような物事の状況について尋ねていることについて触れています。 その人が一般的にどうしているかを尋ねたいのであれば、ある状況でその人がどうしているかについて言わなくても良いです。その人の現況を尋ねる表現はいくつかあります。 例文 "How are you?" どうしている? "How have you been lately?" 最近調子はどう? "What have you been up to recently?" 最近どうしてた? でも他人について尋ねたい時は、ある状況でその人がどうしているかを言うことが出来ます。 例文 Person 1: "Dad, I heard Mum was in the hospital, what's the situation?" お父さん、お母さんが入院しているって聞いたけど、状況はどうなの? Person 2: "It's OK, she is doing fine." 大丈夫だよ。お母さんは元気だよ。
Matt We DMM英会話講師
  • I'll keep you abreast of developments.

  • I'll keep you in the loop.

1. I'll keep you abreast of developments. This means that I'll let you know everything that is happening so that you can stay up-to-date with any new changes that are happening in my life. Example: We kept our boss abreast of the project. 2. I'll keep you in the loop. This means that you will remain in constant contact in order to keep your friend informed of what is going on in your life.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Just to keep you in the loop

To keep someone in (or out of) the loop is a very interesting phrase.To be in the loop means you keep someone connected with important information. You keep your family and friends in the loop with all the things you are doing. If you are out of the loop you are excluded from knowing about things. In work situations managers are often kept in the loop about what is happening in a company but general workers do not need to be given all information and are kept out of the loop.
To keep someone in (又は out of) the loopは、とても面白いフレーズです。To be in the loop は、人に重要な情報を知らせておくという意味です。 あなたは友人や家族にしていることを全て知らせています。 out of the loop(事情に疎い)であるのであれば、物事を知らされないでいるということです。 仕事の状況では、マネージャーは会社の実情を知っていることが多いですが、一般社員は全ての情報を知る必要がないので、事情に疎くなります。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • Just to let you know

  • Just so you know

Another alternative to informing someone how things have been going in your life is by simpling telling them: "Just to let you know..." "By the way just so you know..." Both are extremely plausible ways to update someone on current situations and or life events that have occurred recently for you. Ex. "By the way just so you know I will be moving to Australia for work!"
誰かに人生がどのように進んでいるかを知らせる他の方法として “Just to let you know…” “By the way just so you know…” (だからなんだというわけではないのですが、、、、) ということができます。 両方とも誰かに現在の状況や最近起こった人生の出来事を 知らせるのに非常に良い表現です。 例 “By the way just so you know I will be moving to Australia for work!” (そういえば、仕事でオーストラリアに引っ越します!)
Darion DMM英会話講師
  • Let me update you on how my life is going.

  • Let me tell you what has been going on in my life.

Let me update you on how my life is going, lets the person you are speaking to know the latest things that are happening to you since you last spoke. It can also be said that you are keeping the person "up to date". Let me tell you what has been going on in my life, also tells the person you are speaking to what is new, however this may be a more casual way of expressing it.
下記のように表現すると近況報告をしたいという意味になります。 例文: ”Let me update you on how my life is going” あなたが話している相手に最後に話してからあなたに起こったことを話すよ。 その相手に "up to date"(最新版の)情報を伝えているとも言えるでしょう。 また、次の表現でも最近の新しい出来事を説明するという意味になりますが、よりカジュアルな表現になります。 例文: ”Let me tell you what has been going on in my life,” あれから私の身に起こったことを話させてください。
Fields DMM英会話講師
  • "Let me tell you how I've been"

  • "Lets have a catch up, so I can tell you how my life has been recently"

  • "Hopefully I can update you with how my life has been soon"

If you wanted to update someone you know about how your life has been, you could say any of the following: "Let me tell you how I've been", "Lets have a catch up, so I can tell you how my life has been recently" or "Hopefully I can update you with how my life has been soon".
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • I just would like to update you on what's been happening to me lately.

  • Here's what's been going on with me recently.

  • You will be surprised if I tell you about what I have been experiencing of late.

It happens quite often that parents or some other very concerned relative might want to know how you are getting on, especially if you do not get together often. So, one has to update or keep the concerned relative in the know as to what is going on in one's life. So, if you tell someone that you would like to update him/her about what's happenning to you 'lately', you mean to say that you would like to inform them about the new developments in your life. The adverb 'lately' used in the first statement means 'recently', which is the adverb that has been used in the second statement. The phrase 'of late', used in the third statement also means 'recently'. So, you may say: I just would like to update you on what's been happening to me lately. or Here's what's been going on with me recently. or You will be surprised if I tell you about what I have been experiencing of late.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • update (n)

  • to update (v)

  • I wanted to give you an update.

To give someone some information about a current situation, English speakers commonly use the noun 'update' or the verb 'to update.' An update is a piece of information that gives information about a current situation. EX) Hi, I just wanted to give you an update on my life.... To update means to give information about a current situation. EX) I will update you on my situation when I get home.
Quinn R DMM英会話講師
  • I'll keep you up to date with my goings-on

Everybody wants to be able to keep up to date with as many people as possible. Unfortunately, it's not always possible. Even though social media is very popular now, it is still good to speak to our friends in person. We can use e-mail, instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter and many other methods of communication. "Goings-on" is a noun and it means unusual behaviour or events. But in this case, it's ok to use it to refer to the things that you are doing that are normal and by no means unusual
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Here's an update about how I have been recently.

  • I just wanted to update you on how I have been lately,

If you would like to tell someone how you have been lately, you can say something like "Here's an update about how I have been recently." or "I just wanted to update you on how I have been lately, " These are some easy ways to start the conversation of telling someone how you have been lately.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • This is what's been happening.

  • Here's the 411.

  • I have been...

Use the sentences above if you want to update someone on how you have been. You can use these when you are catching up with a friend or a family member. Catching up is something people do when they have not seen each other for some time, when people catch up, the update each other on what has been happening in their lives." 411: the relevant information or the truth. "I have been really great, I got a promotion last month." "Here's the 411, I was fired for misconduct and now I am out of a place to live." "Well I had a baby last year, this is what's been happening."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • Well, I've been quite busy......(+DETAIL)

  • Well, I had a bit of bad luck recently... (+ DETAIL)

When you want to update someone you know about how your life has been, you wonder how to say it The person often tells you to "Keep me posted".. In that case, the above suggestion may be suitable for this scenario.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Let me update you a little about my life.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Let me update you a little about my life. 最近の私の生活について(近況について)報告させてください。 update you about ... で「〜について報告する」のような意味です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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