Even if I use a parasol, I get burned by the sunlight bouncing back off the ground.
Even if I use a UV resistant umbrella, the sunlight reflects off the ground and burns me.
英訳① Even if I use a parasol, I get burned by the sunlight bouncing back off the ground.
parasolは「日傘」、「地面からの照り返し」はthe sunlight bouncing back off the groundです。bounceで「跳ね返る」という意味があります。
英訳② Even if I use a UV resistant umbrella, the sunlight reflects off the ground and burns me.
UV resistant umbrella で「UV日傘」、reflectが「反射する」という意味です。
Even with a pasasol, you will be getting sunburnt because of the UV reflected underneath the umbrella.
You can get burned even if you stay in the shade of an umbrella because of the UV reflected underneath the umbrella.
UV reflected underneath the umbrella
UV reflected from the ground underneath the umblella
This is because ultraviolet radiation reaches your skin in two ways:
directly, as radiation from the sun,
indirectly, as radiation that's been reflected from the atmosphere above, and/or bounced back from surfaces such as sand, concrete or even grass.