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2017/08/06 19:18
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  • One plus one

One plus one 1足す1 1+1=2 は One plus one is two. One plus one equals two. などと言います。 他にも… 足す(+) = plus 引く(-) = minus 掛ける(x) = times 割る(÷) = divided by 3-2=1 Three minus two is/equals one. 4x7=28 Four times seven is/equals twenty eight. 15÷3=5 Fifteen divided by three is/equals five.
  • One plus one

Hey Akiko! ユーコネクトのアーサーです。 「たす」は「plus」と言います。 1 + 1 = 2 One plus one equals two 1 - 1 = zero one minus one equals zero 4 / 2 = 2 four divided by two equals two 2 X 4 = 8 two times four equals eight よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • One plus one

  • One and one

  • One add one

These three phrases are the normal way of saying alound what is happening in this calculation. This type of calculation is known as 'addition' or ';adding' or 'adding up.' The opposite of addition is subtraction which involves the taking away of one figure from another. "Which do you prefer, addition or subtraction?" "Subtraction is easier for me."
これらの3つのフレーズは、この計算に対する表現方法です。 このタイプの計算方法は  'addition' 、 'adding' 、 'adding up.'「足し算、加算」です。 addition「足し算」の反対は、ある数を別の数からsubtraction「引き算」です。 "Which do you prefer, addition or subtraction?"   「引き算と足し算どちらが好きですか?」 "Subtraction is easier for me."   「引き算のほうが私にとって簡単です。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • one plus one

  • one add one

In the U.S., when reading mathematical problems we read them as follows: 1+1= (one plus one equals) 1-1+ (one minus one equals) 1X1= (one times one equals) 1/1= (one divided one equals)
アメリカで算数の問題を読むときは以下のように読みます。 1+1= (one plus one equals) ワンプラスワン イコールズ 1-1+ (one minus one equals) ワンマイナスワン イコールズ 1X1= (one times one equals) ワンタイムスワン イコールズ 1/1= (one divided one equals) ワンディバイディッドワン イコールズ
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • 1 plus 1, 1 plus 1 is 2, 1 and 1 equals - this is for math equations

  • You plus 1 - this is for reserving a place at a wedding, dance, etc.

  • me plus 1 - this is for a party or dating in general

"If I have one apple and you have one apple then 1 plus 1 is 2." "If you have one apple and I give you one apple then that is 1 plus 1." "If you have one apple and I give you one apple then that is 1 plus 1 equals 2." "Are you coming to the wedding? You can bring a guest so it would be you plus 1." "Are you dating Steve? Is he your plus 1?" "I would be glad to come to the party and I will be bringing a friend so it would be me plus 1".
【例文】 "If I have one apple and you have one apple then 1 plus 1 is 2." 〔訳〕もし私がリンゴを1つ持っていて、あなたも1つ持っていたとすると、1足す1で2になる "If you have one apple and I give you one apple then that is 1 plus 1." 〔訳〕もしあなたがリンゴを1つ持っていて、私があなたにリンゴを1つあげると、1足す1になる "If you have one apple and I give you one apple then that is 1 plus 1 equals 2." 〔訳〕もしあなたがリンゴを1つ持っていて、私があなたにリンゴを1つあげれば、1足す1で2になる "Are you coming to the wedding? You can bring a guest so it would be you plus 1." 〔訳〕結婚式に来るの?ゲスト1人を連れてこられるから。あなたともう1人。 "Are you dating Steve? Is he your plus 1?" 〔訳〕スティーブと付き合ってるの?じゃ、彼と行くの? "I would be glad to come to the party and I will be bringing a friend so it would be me plus 1". 〔訳〕ぜひパーティーに行きたいです、友達を1人連れて行くので、2人です。
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • one plus one

  • one add one

  • one and one

( + )this sign is called a 'plus' sign. It indicated adding another to a number. "one plus one" is the most common way to say "1+1" out loud. ( + ) can then also be called the 'add' sign in maths. the saying "one and one" could also be used for "1+1", however, it is the least common of the sayings.
( + )このサインは'plus' (プラス)記号です。ある数に足すという意味です。 "one plus one" とは、1+1と言う最も一般的な表現です。 ( + ) はまた数学では'add'(足し算)の記号でもあります。  "one and one"も "1+1"を表すフレーズですが、最も一般的でない言い方です。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • one plus one

The symbol + is commonly referred to in English as the plus symbol/sign. When reading a math equation, such as 1+1=2, we would say, one plus one equals two. Here are some other common symbols and the way they are read aloud: 1-1 one minus one 1*1 or 1x1 one times one (it means one multiplied by one) 1/1 one divided by one In some cases these symbols may be said differently. For example, if you are helping someone solve the following math equation, you might direct them as follows: 1 + (2 * 3) - (4 / 2) = 1 + (6) - (2) = 7 - 2 = 5 First, multiply 2 by 3. Next, divide 4 by 2. Then, add 1 and 6, subtract 2. In this example the symbols are read as: + add - subtract * multiply / divide
英語では、+はプラス記号として使われてます。1+1=2のような数学の式を読むときは、one plus one equals twoと言います。 他にも記号と、その読み方があります。 例: 1-1 (読み方:one minus one) 1*1、または 1x1 (読み方:one times one ) 1かける1という意味 1/1 (読み方:one divided by one) 一部の場合、これらの記号は異なる呼び方をするでしょう。例えば、誰かが下記の数式を解くのを手助けするなら、次のように言います。 1 + (2 * 3) - (4 / 2) = 1 + (6) - (2) = 7 - 2 = 5 First, multiply 2 by 3. Next, divide 4 by 2. Then, add 1 and 6, subtract 2. まず最初に、2に3を掛けて、次に4を2で割ってください。そして、1と6を足して、2を引いて下さい。 上記の例では、記号は下記のように読みます。 + (読み方:add) - (読み方:subtract) * (読み方:multiply) / (読み方:divide)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • 1 plus 1

  • 1 added to 1

式の「たす」という計算は英語で「plus」と言います。もちろん式で使われている「+」は同じです。文章だと「added to」もたまに使います。 さらに50ミリで足します。 An extra 50mL will be added on top. = equal - minus x multiplied by 又は times ÷ 又は / divided by 因みに、足し算は「addition」と言います。
  • One plus one.

One plus one. If you read this, you are saying the number 1 and also saying the name of the "+" symbol, which is "plus." Here are some more examples (with different symbols): 2+2: Two plus two. 2-1: Two minus one. 1x2: One times two. 1*2: One times two. Some people use this alternative way to write "one times two." 2÷1: Two divided by one. 2/1: Two divided by one. This an alternative way which people often use to write "two divided by one." 2>1: Two is greater than one. 1<2: One is less than two.
One plus one = 1+1 「1」は "one"、"+" は "plus" と読みます。 (別の記号を使った)その他の例です。 2+2: Two plus two. 2-1: Two minus one. 1x2: One times two. 1*2: One times two. ※ "One times two" をこのように書く人もいます。 2÷1: Two divided by one. 2/1: Two divided by one. ※ "Two divided by one" はこのように書かれることも多いです。 2>1: Two is greater than one. 1<2: One is less than two.
Arne DMM英会話講師
  • One plus one

  • 1 plus 1

1たす1は one plus plusといいます 数学の時たすはplusです One plus one equals two One plus one is two What is 10 plus 10? 10たす10は何? It’s twenty! 20です!
  • One plus one.

  • Add one to one.

  • One added to one.

This is a simple sum that can also be used to express other types of quantity, for example, 1+1 equals (=) to 2 but it could be referring to people or items. One plus one could be a symbol in an equation, representing something other than the number.
これはさまざまなものの数量を表します。 例えば「1+1=2」ですが、これは「人数」を表すこともあれば「物の数」を表すこともあります。 「1+1」は単に数字だけを計算するものではありません。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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