I want to be able to ○○ (まだ全然できない)
I want to ○○ more/better. (できるけど、上手くなりたい)
"I want to swim better." (上手く泳げるようになりたい。)
"I want to cook better" (料理が上手になりたい。)
"I want to be able to ride a unicycle." (一輪車に乗れるようになりたい。)
be able to ... = 〜できる
talk with foreigners = 外国人と話す
I would love to be able to have smooth conversations with foreigners
(1) I want to be able to communicate with foreigners
'i want to be able to ~' =「〜できるようになりたい」
'communicate' =「会話をする」「話す」
'foreigners' = 「外国人」
(2) I would love to be able to have smooth conversations with foreigners
'I would love to be able to ~' = 「〜できるようになれたら嬉しい」
'smooth' = 「スムーズな」「順調な」
'have conversations' = 「おしゃべりする」「会話をする」「雑談」
I want to be able to converse with people from around the world.
I want to be able to talk with foreigners.
I want to be able to converse with people from around the world.