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2017/08/10 18:37
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  • Libraries are a good place to study, aren't they?

図書館はlibrariesと複数形にします。 語尾をaren't they?の代わりに、right?やdon't you think?としてもいいと思います。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Libraries are great places to get things done!

  • I find I do my most productive work in libraries

  • When considering an ideal study location, more often than not you need look no further than your nearest library

More often than not = usually. "Food is scarce and more often than not they go hungry" ..need look no further than .. = used for saying that you do not need to search anywhere else apart from the suggested place or do not need to consider any other choices "Anyone in search of a new job need look no further than our careers website." You could of course look at the benefit of working in a library by giving a personal account: "I find I do my most productive work in libraries."
More often than not = 大抵、いつも 例文 "Food is scarce and more often than not they go hungry" ..need look no further than .. = 提案した場所以外にはどの場所も探す必要がないことや、他の選択を考慮する必要がないということを言うのに使われます。 例文 "Anyone in search of a new job need look no further than our careers website." 個人的な意見を言うことで、図書館で作業することの良い点を伝えることもできます。 例文 "I find I do my most productive work in libraries."
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I think the best place to study is the library

  • I like to study at the library because it's so quiet

  • Is there a library we can go to for studying?

It is ok to suggest going to the library to study even though many people think they are outdated. You can suggest going to the library by saying, "I think the best place to study is the library" and "I like to study at the library because it's so quiet". It is good to just ask if there is a library nearby even if you know that there is so that it sounds like you are letting them choose by just making a suggestion, "Is there a library we can go to for studying?", "How close is the library? Maybe we can go there to study?" and "Do you want to go to the library to study?"
図書館は時代遅れと考えている人が多いですが、そこで勉強することを提案しても全然問題ありません。 次のように図書館に行くことを提案できます。 "I think the best place to study is the library" (図書館が勉強するのに最も良い場所だと思います) "I like to study at the library because it's so quiet" (静かなので図書館で勉強するのが好きです) また、近くに図書館があるかどうか尋ねても良いです(仮にあると知っていたとしても)。図書館に行くことを提案する言い方になります。 "Is there a library we can go to for studying?" (勉強できるような図書館はありますか) "How close is the library? Maybe we can go there to study?" (図書館は近いですか。そこに行って勉強とかはできませんか) "Do you want to go to the library to study?" (図書館に行って勉強しましょうか)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Libraries are a good place to study

As well as having alot of books and tables and chairs to sit at libraries are usually a quiet place to go to, so they are a great place to go and study and be able to concentrate while getting work done
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I feel it is best to study someplace quiet and in libraries it is against the rules to be loud.

  • A library has a lot of books and nice tables and chairs, it is a perfect place to study.

  • Libraries is the perfect environment to study in.

Hi! Libraries has a lot of books and research tools that can help you study if you don't have access or don't prefer to use a tablet/smartphone. It is also a good place to study because it is quiet and it is against the rules for people to be loud in a library. It makes it a perfect place to study as well because it has chairs and tables and it was designed for people who wish to study. The responses above mentions those reasons in a very short way. Hope this helps!
こんにちは! 図書館(library)には、タブレットやスマートフォンを持たない人が勉強に使える本や研究道具がたくさんあります。 また、静かで大声で話す人がいないことも勉強しやすい理由の一つです。 机やテーブルがあることも勉強をする場所としてはピッタリです。 上記の回答はこれらの理由を簡潔に伝えています。 参考になれば幸いです!
Janinne E DMM英会話講師
  • You can study at the library.

  • The library is a very good place to study.

  • The library is a study zone

A study zone is a place where people go to study. It's a very common and informal way of saying "good place to study".
"study zone" とは、人が勉強をするために行く場所のことです。これは "good place to study"(勉強するのにふさわしい場所)のとても一般的でインフォーマルな言い方です。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
  • The library is a great place to study.

  • Libraries are quiet and a good place to study.

It depends on how much information you want to give. If you want to explain why you think the library is a great place to study you can say that it is a quiet place. E.g. Libraries are quiet and a good place to study.
どの程度詳しく伝えたいかによります。 図書館が勉強をするのに良い場所だと思う理由を説明したいなら、「静かだから」と言えます。 【例】 Libraries are quiet and a good place to study. (図書館は静かで勉強をするのにすごく良い場所です)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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